Chapter 217
Chapter 217
Lian Siyue looked at the jade phoenix, and she understood that this was the affirmation of her mother, and it was also the most powerful form of protection. Now that she is more conspicuous, and more and more people are looking at her, she is bound to need armor , in order to protect yourself comprehensively.

The news that Lian Siyue got the Jade Phoenix quickly spread in the Xiangfu. Now the whole Xiangfu looks at her with more respect. Everyone knows that now the young miss Lian Siyue has the same power in the back house as the old man. People agree.

Lian Yanqing's study room.

He was concentrating on his work, and after a while, Lian Jue came in, and he put down the work in hand, and said, "Are you feeling better?"

Lian Jue replied, "Report to father, my body is already recovered."

Lian Yanqing nodded, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It's so good, these days are not wasted, worrying about my father."

Lian Jue looked at the "father" of this extremely human minister, he was scheming and enjoyed a very high status in the court, but his only legitimate son...

"Father, I have come to tell you something."

"Jue'er, tell me what's the matter." Lian Yanqing looked at the eldest son with a pleasing expression.

"There is an old saying that read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Confucius and Mencius also traveled around the world and became famous travelers at that time. At that time, they had dozens of cars behind them and hundreds of followers" and were followed by a large number of people; Sima Qian, after studying hard for ten years, packed his bags and traveled all over the world. I have read a lot of books with my master these years, and now it is time to travel thousands of miles, so I came here to tell my father that I I plan to spend a year traveling abroad to study abroad."

When Lian Yanqing heard this, he immediately stood up and objected, "I don't agree! Jue'er, you were assassinated just now, and it has not been found out who did it to you until now, and the murderer has not been found out. , They will attack you for the second time. At this time, I will never allow you to go out to study. You must stay in the mansion and not go out for a single step. I am considering sending Lian Tian to be your personal guard to protect you day and night. Give up the idea of ​​going abroad to study."

Lian Yanqing's attitude was very firm, which was expected by Lian Jue, because he was his only eldest son, but what if he knew that he was not his biological son?
Lian Jue bowed his head and said respectfully, "Yes, Father, I understand, I will listen to you."

Only then did Lian Yanqing feel relieved, walked over, patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Jue'er, father knows that you have always studied hard and harbored ambitions, so I feel very gratified for my father, but the most important thing for my father is your safety. healthy."

"Yes, I understand father's intention." Lian Jue nodded and said.

Lian Yanqing reminded him a few more words, let him take care of himself, don't think too much, and then he walked out of the study.

As soon as he walked out of the study, the smile on his face slowly froze, and then, step by step, he walked towards the back door of Xiangfu.

There was already a carriage waiting there, Sijiu sat in front of the carriage and dozed off, when he saw the blue brocade gown, he quickly jumped down and asked:
"Master, did the master agree?"

Lian Jue didn't speak, turned his head, and took another deep look at the red tiles and deep wall in front of him. This used to be his home, but from today onwards, it is no longer.

Everything that stays here will be buried one by one.

"Master..." Seeing that Lian Jue was silent, Si Jiu asked again.

"Yes, let's go."

"But, miss..." Sijiu took a cautious look at Lian Jue. He didn't understand why the young master decided to go out for a study tour after his health recovered, and he still went without telling the miss.

"She will understand." Lian Jue finally retracted his gaze, jumped into the carriage, and murmured.

Yes, sister, you will eventually understand his decision——

As long as he left, even if he died outside, his mother and sister would not be affected. However, it was a pity that he couldn't say goodbye to her face to face, and couldn't say how much he cherished her face to face.

I don't know when and where we will meet next time, maybe next year, maybe the next year, maybe in the end of the world, maybe in the cape, maybe in this life... never see each other again——

Never easy to see sometimes difficult!
"Sijiu, let's go." He closed his eyes deeply and ordered.

"Yes." Sijiu jumped into the carriage and drove the horses. The wheels of the carriage were turning with a grunt, and the carriage gradually moved away, gradually leaving the range of Xiangfu.

Heart, so painful that it couldn't be worse, two lines of cold tears slowly slid down his jade-like face, his fists were tightly clenched——

goodbye, sister...


Winter came earlier this year than usual.

The first snow fell in the early winter, and it fell for three days and three nights. Xiangfu was completely covered in silver, and a few plum blossoms bloomed in the snow-white world, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.

"Sister..." Lian Siyue was huddling in the room and drinking the fragrant tea made by Qingdai, when suddenly, a clear voice came from his mind.

She suddenly sat up straight and asked, "Is Jue'er back?"

After hearing this, Qing Dai shook her head helplessly, and said, "Miss, the young master has been away for more than a month."

"Oh..." Lian Siyue said softly, then sat down slowly, with a hint of bitterness floating on the corners of her lips, she said, "It's probably an auditory hallucination."

More than a month ago, Lian Jue suddenly left without saying goodbye, and the entire Xiangfu was shocked. Lian Yanqing sent a large number of people to search everywhere, and searched every place Lian Jue might go, but Lian Jue As if avoiding it intentionally, I searched for it for seven days and seven nights without a trace.

Lian's mother and the eldest lady sighed and cried all day long, worrying about Lian Jue's safety.

Because he can't make it public, even Yanqing has been secretly looking for Lian Jue's whereabouts these days, but Lian Jue seems determined not to be found.

Only Lian Siyue knows why Lian Jue left——

Because he thought that even if someone wanted to assassinate him, he would have to die somewhere far away from the prime minister's mansion, so that no one could even find his body. Then no one would investigate the cause of his death, and she and her mother would not be affected.

Lian Jue is so stupid, his heart is as clear as a mirror.

"Miss, the snow scene outside is so beautiful, why don't you go out and have a look." Qing Dai said from the side.

"That's good." Lian Siyue remembered that since it snowed, she has nestled in Xianhe Courtyard every day and never went out.

Qing Dai took a cloak for her and put it on her body, and put a warm handbag in her hands before going out, Lian Siyue walked all the way to the back garden.

She stood quietly in the corridor, wearing a begonia red embroidered auspicious cloud dress with silver thread and a snow-white fox fur cloak, her whole body almost blended into the snow scene——

At this moment, the entire back garden was covered in snow, a snow-white scene, and some children in the mansion were playing and playing in the snow, creating an atmosphere of excitement.

At this time, Lian Siyue seemed to see a young man who was as bright as a thousand suns running towards her from a distance. He was wearing a round-neck long pleated brocade robe made of pure blue silk, with gold silk willow leaves and lake blue embroidered on the front and back of the clothes. With a large pattern, a bright yellow belt inlaid with white jade is tied around the waist, a purple jade gold crown is tied on the head, and black boots are worn on the feet——

It is as beautiful as crown jade, and the jade tree faces the wind.

Jue'er, Jue'er, where are you now? Is it snowing there?

A misty smile slowly appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she bent down, held up a ball of snow, watched the snow slowly melt and disappear in her hands, and then turned into water droplets on the ground——


At this time, Leng Mei quickly ran over on the snow, walked up to Lian Siyue, and said with a heavy face——

"In the Zhou Liao battle, Xiao Zhenhai won a complete victory. Now he has returned to Beijing. The emperor led all the princes and civil and military officials out of the city gate to greet him in person despite the heavy snow. Now, all the people in the capital have set off red firecrackers at the gates of their houses. To welcome General Xiao's triumphant return..."

(End of this chapter)

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