Chapter 218

Chapter 218

"The Eighth Prince, who was going to support him, returned to court yesterday."

Lian Siyue listened attentively, and sure enough there was the faint sound of firecrackers outside.

"Pa" the snowball in Qingdai's hand fell to the ground with a snap and shattered, she looked nervously at Lian Siyue——


However, Lian Siyue didn't show any panic on his face, as if he knew that Xiao Zhenhai would return with a complete victory, and said, "General Xiao Zhenhai won a complete victory and defeated the Liao army. This is a great thing. Let's go get ready too, set off firecrackers at the gate, and celebrate the emperor and General Xiao!"

Of course Lian Siyue would not be surprised. In the previous life, Xiao Zhenhai also won a complete victory and returned triumphantly. Since then, the Xiao family has risen steadily and become the largest family in Kyoto.

Not long after, the crown prince was restored, and she married Feng Qianyue, becoming the princess of Yueqin, and embarked on a bloody road from then on.

In rebirth, some things can be changed, while others cannot.

She turned around, but saw Da Furen standing behind her with a pale face, looking at her in a panic, with a trembling voice——


Lian Siyue walked over as if nothing had happened, and helped the lady's hand. Although she had a warm handbag, her palm was icy cold, "Mother, it's cold, you've been standing here for a long time ,Let's go back."

"Xiao Zhenhai has returned with a complete victory, he, they..."

"Mother, I know, this is something worthy of universal celebration. I'm about to let people prepare for firecrackers." Lian Siyue didn't see the slightest bit of panic, but the lady was even more disturbed.

Now, when Xiao Zhenhai returns, Aunt Xiao must ask for help, so... can Yue'er handle it?
west yard.

"..." Aunt Xiao stood up abruptly, grabbed Nanny Zhen's hand tightly, and asked excitedly, "It's true what you said, my brother came back from the victory, and the emperor led the princes at the gate of the city. meet."

Her hair was disheveled, and there was a bruise on her forehead, which was caused by accidentally bumping her face against a tree when she went to fetch water in the morning.

Mother Zhen also looked very excited, and said, "Yes, yes, Auntie, it's all true! Now all the people in the capital are setting off cannons to celebrate General Xiao's return from a victorious battle. Everyone says that General Xiao is big hero."

"Great! Great! My brother has finally won the battle and returned. He will definitely not abandon me and Ya'er. Our hard days are finally coming to an end! I want to go back to Xiao's house and meet my brother! Let him do it for you." Our mother and daughter are the masters!"

Aunt Xiao wept with joy, and ran out of the west courtyard excitedly without taking care of washing and tidying up. Just in time, she ran into Lian Shiya who came in a hurry. , have you heard? Uncle has returned after winning the battle! The emperor led all the princes and civil and military officials to greet him at the gate of the city!"

"Ya'er, I know, I already know, and I'm going back to Xiao's house to celebrate!" The news was so heart-warming, the gloom of the past few days was swept away on Aunt Xiao's face.

"I'll go together too, I want my uncle to help me out!" Lian Shiya only felt that all the unhappiness was diluted with the happy event of Xiao Zhenhai's victory and return.

"Let's go." The two ran towards the door of Xiangfu excitedly. The so-called enemy's road is narrow, but they happened to meet Lian Siyue at the door.

Seeing her, Lian Shiya raised her chin, sneered, and said, "Have you heard, elder sister? My uncle has won the battle and returned to Beijing. The emperor went out of the city gate to greet him in person."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "The news of General Xiao's victory is now known to all the people in the capital, and I just had someone set off a firecracker at the gate to congratulate General Xiao and the emperor."

I didn't expect Lian Siyue to have such a reaction. Not only did she not show any anxiety at all, but she also had the leisurely mind to shoot a cannon here. Aunt Xiao thought she was just pretending to be calm, and she didn't point it out, but there was a smug look on her face. But he couldn't hide it and said:
"Then I would like to thank the eldest lady for congratulating my brother."

"Aunt Xiao and Third Sister are going back to Xiao's house, have the sedan chairs been arranged?" Lian Siyue asked with "concern".

"Huh!" Lian Shiya snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "Lian Siyue, I think this dead duck has a hard mouth. If you dare to be the first, I'm afraid no one will dare to be the second."

"Miss San!" Aunt Xiao hurriedly grabbed Lian Shiya, and whispered, "Now is not the time for arguing, let's go."

Even Shiya thinks about it, she is right, it is meaningless to talk fast now, when they come back from Xiao Mansion, Lian Siyue will know that she regrets it!

So she waited fiercely for Lian Siyue to take a look, and then went out with Aunt Xiao.

"Stop!" At this time, an old and majestic voice came, and the two turned their heads to see that it was the old lady standing there with a cold face, followed by Lian Xi, Nanny Song, Huang Cen and others.

Aunt Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then bent down, and said respectfully, "Old lady." Then she stretched out her hand and pulled Lian Shiya who was standing motionless.

Lian Shiya reluctantly called out, "Grandmother."

Lian Siyue glanced at Xiao's mother and daughter indifferently, walked up to Lian's mother, and said, "Grandmother, General Xiao has returned in triumph, and my granddaughter also ordered someone to set off a firecracker at the door."

"En." Lian Mu nodded in satisfaction, feeling more and more pleased with Lian Siyue's generous approach.

Looking at the mother and daughter in a blink of an eye, her eyes were full of coldness, and she asked, "Where are you going in such a hurry, are you going back to Xiao's house to complain?"

"This..." Aunt Xiao didn't expect Lian Mu's attitude to be so cold, she was at a loss for words, "Of course, of course not."

"No? Hmph, I'm so impatient, I don't even change my clothes, I want you to go back to Xiao's house and say that I, an old woman, scolded your mother and daughter." Now that Lian's mother saw this "Lone Star of the Devil", her heart was blocked. Panicked, she even thought that the matter of Lian Jue had something to do with this woman with a sweet mouth and a sword in her belly.

"No, grandma, please don't wrong my mother and me. It was my uncle who won the battle. The emperor is leading all the princes to greet him at the gate of the city. Everyone in the capital is celebrating uncle. We are going to congratulate him." Seeing Aunt Xiao being reprimanded, Lian Shiya said hastily.

A look of disgust appeared in Lian's mother's eyes, and she glanced at the mother and daughter, and said, "General Xiao Zhenhai has returned in triumph, and I should go to congratulate him, but when is it your turn to come to congratulate on behalf of Lian's family, you put me and you Where are father, mother, and Siyue placed?"

"Ya'er doesn't understand what grandma means. My uncle won the battle. My mother and I want to come to celebrate. Why not?" Lian Shiya looked at Lian's mother incomprehensibly, thinking in her heart that she couldn't see her uncle winning the battle.

"You have one uncle at each mouth, and one elder brother at each mouth. You seem to have forgotten the fact that you are Yanqing's concubine, you are the third lady of the prime minister's mansion, and you are always connected to the family. You just ran away without passing us. How decent is it to go to Xiao's house to congratulate? " Lian Mu's words were loud and reasonable, and Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya's expressions changed when she said it.

But Lian Shiya was very unwilling and said, "But..."

"Miss San!" Aunt Xiao came to her senses quickly, took Lian Shiya's hand in a hurry, and said, "The old lady is right, but the concubine didn't think carefully and got confused for a while. It's thanks to the old lady who reminded us that Just go back, stay obediently, and don’t go anywhere.”

(End of this chapter)

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