First-class daughter

Chapter 221 Xiao Lang Interested

Chapter 221 Xiao Lang Interested
Chapter 221 Xiao Lang Interested
"Yes, Your Majesty." Chief Eunuch Feng Degui said in a high-pitched voice:

"Promote Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Guogong's sister, Xian Min, to be Lian Xiang's equal wife, and make Lian Xiang's third daughter, Lian Shiya, the third-rank county head."

Lian Yanqing was taken aback for a moment, and the expression on his face froze immediately, but the reward for the Xiao family's merits and deeds even benefited his aunt and concubine in the prime minister's mansion.

It turned out that yesterday Xiao Zhenhai went to the palace overnight to meet the Queen Mother because of this. Naturally, the Emperor would not care about such matters, so he started from the Queen Mother.

"Lian Xiang, what do you think?" the emperor looked at Lian Yanqing and asked.

These two canonizations were temporarily added this morning. The reason is that the Empress Dowager personally went to the emperor's bedroom early in the morning, saying that Xiao Zhenhai had made great contributions to the court and was promoted to the Duke of the country. As a concubine, and the only niece is a concubine, it will make people laugh, it is better to end this rare matter for Xiao Zhenhai.

The emperor felt that the words were reasonable, and it was not too important, so he obeyed the Queen Mother Yi's order to add these two canonizations.

Lian Yanqing knelt down on both knees, prostrated himself on the ground respectfully, and said, "I thank the emperor for your kindness!"

"Hahaha..." Emperor Zhou Cheng laughed loudly, and the laughter resounded in the Golden Luan Hall, and said, "Wen has Yanqing, Wu has Zhenhai, I have you two, everything is enough."

"Lian Xiang, from now on, our two brothers will be of one mind, and our profits will cut through gold!" Xiao Zhenhai looked deeply at Lian Yanqing, with a hearty smile on his face, but his eyes became deeper.

"My lord, you are being polite, and this humble minister is willing to go through fire and water for the emperor, until he dies." Lian Yanqing also expressed his heartfelt heart to the emperor, with a fox-like smile on his lips.

After coming down to court, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiaohe and his son stood in the center of the hall, accepting the congratulations from civil and military officials in high spirits, and everyone said one after another:
"Congratulations to the Duke, congratulations to the Duke..."

"Congratulations to the young master, congratulations to the young master..."

"Hahaha..." Xiao Zhenhai's laughter was like a rainbow, Xiao He stood aside, his whole body was filled with youthful vigor.

But Lian Yanqing straightened his face and hurried out of the Golden Luan Hall, Xiao Zhenhai pretended not to see it.

"Brother Jiuhuang, have you smelled it? There seems to be a demonic wind pervading the Golden Luan Hall, and the smell is a bit choking." The eighth king Feng Ye and the ninth king Feng Yunzheng stood far away, and they looked at the proud father and son at the same time , Feng Ye said.

With a calm smile on Feng Yunzheng's face, he said calmly, "Brother Bawang has been stationed in the barracks for a while, so he should be more aware of this smell than younger brother."

"Heh..." Feng Ye raised his lips and smiled, but a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, and said, "Even the aunt and concubine of the prime minister's mansion have been benefited, which shows that the father attaches great importance to Xiao's father and son. The life of Yue girl is going to be sad."

"General Xiao has done a lot of hard work. To show the greatness of the emperor's grace, it is understandable that the father rewarded people with the surname Xiao." Feng Yunzheng's words made Feng Ye turn his head to look at him, and said——

"It seems that in the past, it was not only Brother Four, but also Brother Nine that misunderstood Brother Wei." The unfathomable and unpredictable Feng Yunzheng, as well as his recent behavior made Feng Ye With admiration.

A slight smile appeared on Feng Yunzheng's face, and he said, "Brother Eighth Prince, thanks."

On the other side, Feng Qianyue looked at Xiao Zhenhai and his son, and said in his heart, it's a pity that the only daughter is a cripple without legs. Otherwise, with his current momentum, how many people want to get married with him, it's not like the prime minister's house The prostitute is poor.

Thinking of Lian Siyue, Feng Qianyue felt a feeling of suffocation in his heart again. He heard about her brave rescue of his younger brother, and once wanted to go to the prime minister's mansion in the name of visiting Lian Jue.

However, since the Concubine Xuan incident, he has failed again and again. Years of painstaking efforts have almost come to naught, so he closed his doors to thank guests, seldom travels, and kept a low profile as much as possible to restore his image in the eyes of the emperor. All he could do was endure. miss her!

However, he is waiting for the opportunity, Feng Qianyue is definitely not someone who gives up easily, whether it is a country or a woman!

Inside and outside the imperial court, the wind is raging, and the wheel of fate is turning, pulling everyone into a huge vortex.

After receiving the congratulations from the officials, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He also left the Jinluan Hall and prepared to go down. When they reached the gate of the palace, Xiao He seemed to suddenly think of something, and said to Xiao Zhenhai, "Father, I remembered that I still There are some things to do, you go home first, and I will go back later."

Xiao Zhenhai reminded him again, "In the deep palace, you must not stay for too long."

"Yes, Father!"

When Xiao Zhenhai turned around, a smile appeared on his face, and then he strode towards the imperial garden, met some princesses and maids along the way, everyone knew that this heroic person was the young master, the newly promoted Tianbao General Xiao He couldn't help but look a few more times——

Although Xiao He's appearance is not one in a hundred handsome, but he has sword-shaped eyebrows, phoenix eyes that are powerful, and a handsome appearance. He has probably fought in the battlefield, so he has a majestic appearance.

He went all the way to the gate of the imperial garden, standing outside the low wall——

"Haha, this little thing grows so fast, Zhili, Zhili, go and ask them to feed it some fresh leaves, it seems to be hungry again."

"Is it good to eat?"

"Will it grow taller than this princess?"

Sure enough, he heard a burst of laughter like silver bells. Although he didn't see anyone, he knew it was her when he heard the sound.

He raised his head, looked around, and finally his gaze fell on a tree outside the low wall. He grabbed his robe and tied it around his waist, stepping on the tree trunk and leaping up with ease.

Then he lay comfortably on a long tree trunk, with his hands clasped behind his head, a thin branch in his mouth, and his eyes fell on that delicate and bright figure——

I saw that beautiful girl was wearing a short jacket with collared persimmon stalks and long sleeves, a phoenix-patterned skirt, and a playful double-snail bun. Her facial features became more refined, and her eyes shone like obsidian. The lips are like the plump cherries on the tree, so bright that you can't help but want to take a sip.

At this moment, she was squatting in front of a fawn, her hand was gently stroking the fawn's body, her eyes were shining with sincerity, as if that fawn was her most cherished.

A smile appeared on Xiao He's face unconsciously, he hadn't seen her for a year, Princess Eleven has grown up a lot, and she has become even more beautiful.

He stretched out his hand and took out a red string pendant from his bosom. The pendant was tied with a small hollowed-out pure gold ring finger. It seemed to be quite old in color. He stroked it with his finger and said in his mouth:

Twisting the ring, lovesickness sees the ring and reminisces.May you keep playing forever, and the cycle has no end.

west yard.

"What did you say?" Aunt Xiao grabbed Zhenmao's hand suddenly, her face was full of joy, and her voice trembled, "Change your words again, you are clear, clear, and say it word by word. Say it to me! Say it!"

"Yes, yes." Mother Zhen was also very excited, "The emperor personally issued an order to ask the prime minister to promote you as a wife. Congratulations to my aunt, oh no, it's madam. This servant congratulates Mrs. Xiao."

Aunt Xiao came back to her senses, wept with joy, bent her legs, knelt on the ground, and cried, "My brother has me in his heart and fought for me. The hardships these days are finally not in vain. Now I can finally feel proud! "

(End of this chapter)

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