Chapter 222
Chapter 222
"It's more than that!" Aunt Zhen hurriedly helped Aunt Xiao up from the ground, and said, "The emperor also canonized the third lady as the county lord. From now on, the third lady will be a person of class, and this one is not even the eldest lady." of."

"...You, what you said is true?" Aunt Xiao couldn't believe her ears with this wave of good news.

"It's absolutely true. The father-in-law in the palace came to proclaim the decree just now. The old lady, the master, and the eldest lady all came out together and knelt on the ground to receive the decree. Now the third lady has received the reward and returned to Qingquanyuan."

Aunt Xiao stood up abruptly, with a smug smile flashing across her face, she said, "Let's go to Qingquanyuan."

Today, she no longer cares about the old lady's ban on her entering the Qingquanyuan!
After saying that, she walked towards the direction of Qingquanyuan, and the whole person's momentum returned.When she ran out of the door, she just ran into Aunt Zhao who was about to come in. Without thinking about it, she raised her hand, slapped her face hard, and spat:

"Bitch, your days are over! Wait for me to deal with you!"

Aunt Zhao also learned just now that Aunt Xiao was promoted to a flat wife, and from now on, the house will be a house with two ends. Although she couldn't be angry, she could only cover her mouth in the end and didn't speak back.

Aunt Xiao hurriedly walked through several corridors, copying the corridors, and finally ran back to Qingquanyuan. When she opened the door of the room, she saw——

Lian Shiya knelt on the ground, holding a scroll of imperial decree in both hands, she was dumbfounded, motionless, and behind her were two boxes full of gold and silver treasures, all of which were rewards from the emperor.

Lian Shiya was a little dazed, and asked, "Mother, me, am I the county lord?"

Aunt Xiao nodded vigorously, stroked her thin face, and said, "Yes, you are the county head, and I am a common wife, so you are no longer a concubine, you are a second daughter."

"Really, really?" Lian Shiya asked in disbelief.

"It's all true! Ya'er, you see that what you hold in your hand is the emperor's imperial decree, and the jewels and silk satin around you are rewards for you. These are all your uncle begged for us. He is now Grandpa, your second cousin is the Young Lord, your aunt is the wife of Yipin, and even your cousin Xiao Rou has been conferred the title of Princess Heyun."

Lian Shiya listened to what Aunt Xiao said, and touched the real gold, silver and jewels in front of her eyes, and finally she was sure that everything was real!

"Haha, hahaha..." She laughed out loud suddenly, her eyes filled with ecstasy, "That's great! That's great! I'm not a concubine anymore, I'm a second-in-law daughter! Besides, I'm still the emperor Canonized county head, what is Lian Siyue to me now? Does she have a rank? No, she is just a daughter-in-law!"

"That's right! Ya'er, even the two sluts, Siyue and Rongxue, are nothing now!" Aunt Xiao snorted coldly, extremely proud.

"Mother!" Lian Shiya hugged the rewarded silk and satin in her arms, and said, "I want to make all these high-quality clothes that the emperor rewarded me into beautiful clothes on my body. They are all beautiful and dazzling, I want to be like before, no one can compare to me, not even Si Yue!"


Fu'an Hospital.

Qingdai Jiangxiang stood beside Lian Siyue, fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

But Lian Siyue is still unhurried, as if she is not affected by the outside world at all, playing chess with the eldest lady earnestly.

"Pa-ta..." The white piece in Da Furen's hand fell to the ground with a slap, she finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Yue'er, why are you not nervous at all, Xiao Zhenhai's current status is enough to compete with your father , as soon as he comes back, Aunt Xiao and Shiya will be granted titles, and from now on... what should I do?"

Lian Xiyue's fingers like jade carvings gently dropped the sunspots in his hand on the chessboard, and said, "Mother, Xiao Zhenhai won a complete victory, repelled the Liao army, and obtained rich wealth from Daliao every year. The long-cherished wish of coming here has filled the treasury again, and this meritorious minister wants his sister to live a decent life in her husband's house, and it is not too much for the emperor to agree."

"But..." Da Furen's brows were still furrowed.

"Mother, everything is expected, we don't need to be nervous, it's still the eight characters, the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth." Lian Siyue picked up the white piece that the lady dropped on the chessboard, put it back in her hand, and said.

"But Yue'er, no matter how tricky Xiao Xianmin is, she's just a backyard girl. If you pinch her seven inches and beat her hard twice, she won't be able to move. But Xiao Zhenhai, he's a real poisonous scorpion!"

Poisonous scorpion?A faint smile appeared on Lian Siyue's plain face, and said, "Mother, do you know what poisonous scorpions are afraid of?"

"What?" the eldest lady asked in a tight voice.

"Afraid of light." Lian Siyue said, dropping another sunspot.

Afraid of light?The eldest lady was thinking about the meaning of Lian Siyue's words, at this time, Huang Cen from Qing'an Courtyard came to invite Lian Siyue to go over, saying that the old lady had invited her.

Lian Siyue put down the chess pieces, and the servant girl came over to tidy up her clothes. She told the eldest lady to rest early, and after she had everything, she went to Qing'an Courtyard.

As soon as she walked into the door of Qing'an Courtyard, Lian Siyue felt a heavy and serious atmosphere. Lian Mu sat on the large sour pear wood chair, and Lian Yanqing sat aside with a tense face.

"Grandmother, father." She went up to greet her, and then sat in the seat that belonged to her.

"Crack!" Lian's mother slapped the back of the chair vigorously, and said angrily, "No matter how much he has contributed to Xiao Zhenhai, he has no right to take care of my Lian family's housework! Mrs. Xiao was ordered by the god of evil, but he begged the emperor What does it mean to make her a flat wife? Is it a public humiliation of our Lian family?"

Lian Yanqing snorted coldly, "Relying on his military merits, he acted recklessly. He stretched his hand a little longer this time, but, today is the emperor's words. Naturally, my son can't refuse, but can only thank you."

Lian Siyue sat aside, quietly listening to what Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing were saying, without interjecting.

"Let's talk about the third girl, she doesn't have such a life, but she has such a sick personality. She is sealed as the county head, and her tail is about to go up to the sky. Sooner or later, something will happen! When there is a problem, it will not be our prime minister's responsibility! Xiao Zhenhai This game of chess is really long-term!" Lian's mother became more and more angry, her face flushed, "Xiao Zhenhai has been suppressed by you all these years, and now he is finally proud, the first one is to think of ways to toss Our home!"

Lian Yanqing's complexion became even worse when he listened.

"Yue'er, what do you think?" Lian's mother asked Lian Siyue, who was silent all the time.

Lian Siyue said, "Grandmother, the title of Aunt Xiao's equal wife was opened by the emperor, and the rank of the third sister's county head was promulgated by the emperor's imperial decree. We must not express any dissatisfaction in front of others. If it is spread Going out, being caught by someone, and going to the emperor to ask his father for a book, the consequences will be very serious.

"..." In fact, Mother Lian didn't know that this was the emperor's decision, and she couldn't question it. She just scolded the Xiao family because she had too many opinions on the people in her heart.

"Not only can we not show dissatisfaction, but we have to go to the emperor to thank the emperor in person tomorrow." Lian Siyue said, she seemed calmer than Lianmu and Lian Yanqing.

"Yue'er is right. Mother, no matter how dissatisfied you are, you must not let others see it, otherwise Xiao Zhenhai will make a big fuss about it." Lian Yanqing nodded in agreement and said.

(End of this chapter)

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