Chapter 226
Chapter 226
She stroked her flat belly with her hands, and murmured, "Could it be, am I really doomed to be childless?"

Lian Shiya quickly held her cold hand, and comforted her, "No, that old nun was talking nonsense. You are blessed with great blessings, and you are still young. How could you be born childless? Don't be fooled by that person."

"However, for more than ten years, I have never had any news about my stomach, and I have taken the prescriptions for recuperation. I don't know why." Xiao Shi sighed deeply, brother is right, Rong Xue has a lot of tricks , if she doesn't give birth to a son, everything will be in vain!
She went back to the prime minister's mansion with a heavy heart, and sat on the sour pear wood chair. The originally high-spirited Xiao Shi suddenly felt sad. She held the back of the chair tightly with her hands, and the veins on the back of her hands squirmed——

Why?Why is it that Rong Xue gave birth to a son, and she, Xiao Xianmin, is destined to be childless?


It's all nonsense!
Seeing her unkind expression, everyone trembled and dared not speak out.

"Ma'am, ma'am, help..." At this moment, a voice calling for help suddenly came from outside.

Xiao frowned, and said unhappily, "Who is howling outside, making a lot of noise, don't you think I'm not upset enough?"

A servant girl came in tremblingly and said, "Madam, it is Xiuzhu who is crying and wants to see Madam."

"Little hoof, the last lesson wasn't enough! Let her in!"


After a while, that Xiuzhu came in, before approaching, she knelt on the ground and crawled over, saying, "Ma'am, save this servant."

Because her mouth was pierced several times by Nanny Zhen, and there were still blood scars on her mouth, Xiuzhu couldn't speak smoothly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Shi asked impatiently.

"My servant's elder brother is seriously ill and is about to die. I have used up my remaining money by taking the medicine for the past two days. I really have no choice but to ask my wife to help me and ask the accountant to credit the servant's monthly payment for half a year. .”

After hearing this, Xiao Shi glanced at Xiuzhu lightly, and said, "Since they are almost dead, why bother?"

"Ma'am, this servant is just such a big brother..." Xiuzhu really wanted to ask for something, but Nanny Zhen had already walked in quickly, dragged her up and pulled her out, and scolded, "You little maid, get out of here!"

"Madam, save my brother's life..." Xiuzhu's weak voice was drowned out by Nanny Zhen's applause.

"Nurse Dong..." Mrs. Xiao remembered something, and called Nurse Dong into the room, and closed the door tightly.

"Ma'am..." Madam Dong stood aside.

"Nurse Dong, these years, I have secretly thought of many ways, but there is still no movement in my belly. I have never told anyone about this heart disease. Please help me find out why I haven't been pregnant for so long?" Xiao Shi poured out the words that were in his heart.

"Yes, ma'am." Madam Dong put her hand on the pulse of Xiao's wrist, carefully examined the pulse, and said, "Madam's pulse is very good, strong ups and downs, like beads moving, not like a weak pulse that can't conceive. "

"But why..." After listening to Xiao Shi, he let go of his heart, but asked again in puzzlement.

Suddenly, Madam Dong approached Mrs. Xiao, sniffed it, and said, "Madam seems to have a fragrance."

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao blushed slightly, and said, "I don't want to hide it from you, I have been using a secret palace formula to nourish my face all these years. This pill is called Xijiwan, and it is usually stuffed in the navel. The complexion is delicate, the skin is like fat, the skin is fragrant and sweet, youthful and not old."

In fact, apart from this, this pill has another effect, Xiao Shi is not ashamed to say it directly, the Xiji pill can also make women's lower body firm, and the strange fragrance it emits can make men want to stop.

Ever since Lian Shiya was born, she has been using this Xiji Pill to maintain her youthful appearance, making Lian Yanqing obsessed with her body all the time.

Madam Dong showed a serious expression on her face, and asked in a deep voice, "Madam, would it be convenient for you to take out the Xiji pill for me to have a look at?"

"I just prepared one." Xiao got up, took out a box from the bedside, and took out the pills in the box. Only Mother Zhen knew about the pills, and no one else knew about them.

Nanny Dong took the Xiji pill in her hand, took off the silver hairpin from the top of her head, cut open the pill, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed it carefully, suddenly her face turned pale with shock.

"What's wrong?" Xiao's heart skipped a beat.

"I have seen this kind of Xiji Wan. It was originally a tribute from the Western Regions. It is made of musk, Korean ginseng, deer antler and other precious medicines. It used to be popular among women in the palace for a long time. Because putting it in the navel has the effect of keeping the face forever, but later, this thing disappeared in the palace slowly, and no one dared to use it."

"Why?" Xiao Shi's hand tightened, and his face turned pale.
"Because this pill itself contains a toxin. After using it for a long time, this toxin will stay in Ren Du's two veins. Over time, it will make a woman infertile for life!"

"What..." Mrs. Xiao slumped down on the chair, her face pale and her whole body trembling.

Could it be that what the meditation master said is true?
"Is there a way to save it?" Xiao Shi asked with a trembling voice.

"How long has Madam been using this?" Madam Dong asked
"Ten, more than ten years." More than ten years ago, she was ecstatic when she got this pill by chance. She kept it in her belly button for a long time. They are comparable, but her skin is as delicate as fat, can be broken by blowing bullets, and her face is flushed, like a woman in her twenties, she looks much younger than the eldest lady, even the mother and daughter are believed.

Mammy Dong shook her head regretfully, and said, "For more than ten years, the toxin has invaded every inch of blood vessels in the whole body, and there is no way to eradicate it."

"No, no..." Aunt Xiao was still unwilling to believe this fact, "No, there must be a way, God won't treat me like this!"

She won the beauty, but lost the chance to be a mother again, such an exchange is too cruel! "Nurse Dong, don't let anyone know about this matter. Think of a way, first prescribe me some medicine to recuperate my body, and then find some secret recipes for conceiving a child. I will definitely get pregnant again, yes."

Mammy Dong sighed secretly in her heart, but she couldn't directly say that even the panacea is useless now, so she said, "Let me try it."

After Madam Dong left, Mrs. Xiao paced back and forth in the room, thinking about where to find some secret recipes for having children in her mind, she would never just admit defeat like this!
"Rong Xue can give birth to a son, so can I!" She immediately opened the door, stood at the door, and ordered, "Nurse Zhen, go to the dining room and make some soup. I'm going to the master's place."

Ever since she was driven to the west courtyard, she has never been intimate with Lian Yanqing again. Now, besides the secret recipe for having children, the most urgent task is to regain Lian Yanqing's favor. In fact, Lian's mother is right, no matter what her status is No matter what level of person she is, she has always been married as a woman, and Lian Yanqing's future position in the Lian family will still be decided by Lian Yanqing.

Two hours later, the carefully brewed soup was ready, and Mrs. Xiao personally served it in a delicate blue and white porcelain bowl, and brought it to the door of Lian Yanqing's study.

The nurse stood guarding the door for days and nights, and when he saw her, he bowed for days and said, "Ma'am."

Xiao Shi nodded and said, "Go and tell the master that I'm here."

"Yes." Lian Tian pushed the door open and went in.

Xiao Shi stood waiting at the door. She looked down at her makeup, with a satisfied smile on her face. These days, after taking care of herself deliberately, her body has recovered, and she applied pearl powder on her skin every day. Now it is white and tender, like water tofu.

(End of this chapter)

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