Chapter 227
Chapter 227
Madam Xiao smiled and raised her foot to go in, but was stopped by Lian Tian stretching out her hand, "Madam, I'm sorry, your lord said that you are busy with business, please go back first."

"..." Mrs. Xiao did not expect that Lian Yanqing would reject her after such a long time without being intimate. His face turned red and then pale, and he found a step down by himself, and said, "Yeah, I forgot. I don't have enough time for official duties, so I'll come back when the master is free."

She held the bowl with a smile and turned around, but as soon as she turned around, the smile on her face froze.

She dressed up specially today, and walked all the way in a high-profile way carrying soup. Everyone knew that she, the wife, was happily coming to Lian Yanqing's side, but now she was walking all the way back carrying soup, and she was also seen by others. Arrived, what a shame.

She held the soup tightly around the rim of the bowl, her fingertips were pale.

After returning to Qingquanyuan, she slammed the bowl on the table with a heavy bang, her face was very ugly, Zhenmao came over and said, "Ma'am, what's wrong?"

"This soup is too salty, the master doesn't like it, pour it out and cook it again!"

"Yes." Aunt Zhen didn't understand what was going on, and after she walked out with the soup, she took a bite and drank it with a spoon, and said to herself, "The taste is just right, not salty."

Under the corridor not far from Lian Yanqing's study, Lian Siyue stood there quietly, wearing a plum-patterned scarlet cloak and holding a Tang lady in her hand, which looked extraordinarily refined against the backdrop of the snow.

At this time, there was a slight smile in her eyes, and no one could detect the coldness released from the corners of her eyes when she looked very peaceful.

"Miss, she made a flat wife, and her tail went up to the sky. She didn't even go to the lady's side to ask for peace. I didn't expect the master to ignore her. It's really relieved." Qing Dai stood aside , I saw with my own eyes how Xiao Shi was trembling with anger just now, but he couldn't attack and had to smile.

Unexpectedly, Lian Siyue just said indifferently, "It's expected."

Yes, although Xiao Xianmin has become a flat wife, but this is not Lian Yanqing's original intention, it was imposed by Xiao Zhenhai through the emperor, Lian Yanqing was not happy at first, and she is still the fate of "the lone star of the evil spirit". It's unlucky to be close to anyone, Lian Yanqing has always been concerned about these ghosts and gods, but now, she naturally avoids her, but she doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and she goes willingly, and will naturally be driven away.

Xiao Xianmin, she still overestimated her position in Lian Yanqing's heart.

"Go back to Xianheyuan." Lian Siyue turned and left, passed two corridors, then walked through a long hand-painted corridor, crossed two arches, and stepped on the ground, the snow made a crunching sound.

"The snow is always falling, and I don't know when it will stop?" Qing Dai supported Lian Siyue's hand, looking at the vast whiteness of the Xiangfu, she couldn't help sighing.

They had been living in Yaocheng before, and it was rare to see snow all year round. This is the first time they have seen such heavy snow.

"Yeah, this year's snow is extra heavy and lasts longer." Lian Siyue said, thinking about these things in her mind.

"I don't know how the young master is doing now? He was taken care of well before, but now he has left him suddenly. No matter how you say that guy Sijiu is a man, I don't know if he can take good care of him." Mammy Li suddenly Said.

As soon as she spoke, everyone looked at Lian Siyue, but she kept her mouth shut and didn't say anything. Immediately, everyone fell silent, and the only sound left was the crunching of feet on the snow.

Just as he was about to step into the Xianhe courtyard, suddenly, a shadow flew over.

"Who?" Immediately, Leng Mei stopped in front of Lian Siyue with lightning speed, and his palm struck out like lightning, hitting the shoulder of the person who came, and the person fell heavily two feet away, The snow splashed high and fell straight into a pit.

"Bold, you dare to be rash in front of the eldest lady, be careful to kill your dog!" With cold brows like Satan, he stared coldly at the people on the ground.

I saw the man hurriedly got up, not caring about patting the snow off his body, knelt on the ground, kept kowtow, and said in his mouth, "Miss, spare your life, miss, please forgive me, servant, servant has no choice, so I stopped him We are waiting for Missy here, please help Missy."

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, looked at the person in front of her, and said in a cold voice, "Raise your head."

The man slowly raised his head, his face was full of tears, his mouth was full of scars, Qingdai saw the person coming, was startled, and said, "Miss, this is Xiuzhu from Qingquanyuan."

"Xiuzhu from Qingquanyuan?" Lian Siyue's eyes flashed with thoughts, and he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Say, why are you stopping here to wait for the young miss?" Qing Dai asked.

"Miss, I really... can't live happily ever after."

Then Xiuzhu told how Xiao Shi asked Nanny Zhen to pierce her mouth with a hairpin, and how her elder brother was seriously ill in bed and needed money for first aid. Xiao Shi refused to accommodate, so Nanny Zhen found another excuse to drive her He cried and complained about leaving Qingquanyuan and sending him to the laundry room, and at the end he kowtowed vigorously, begging Lian Siyue for help.

Lian Siyue looked at her scarred mouth, and thought to herself, generally speaking, masters punishing slaves will not show it on the surface, especially Xiuzhu, the scars are so obvious, it is really Xiao Shi doing this. Are you unscrupulous because you are promoted to a flat wife?Or did it do it on purpose?
"Although you have gone to the Western Hospital now, you have always been hers. If I take you in, if you want to cause gossip, you can go and don't appear around me again."

Lian Siyue turned around indifferently, ready to leave, but glanced at Xiuzhu lightly from the corner of her eyes.

Seeing that Lian Siyue was about to leave, Xiuzhu became anxious and wanted to catch up, but when she saw the cold eyebrows, she was too frightened to move forward, so she could only kneel on the ground, move forward step by step, begging bitterly, "Miss, don't leave. Now, only you can save this servant. The elder brother of this servant...he is about to die. The parents of this servant left early, and we have been dependent on each other since we were young. Now, I really can't leave him alone. Have mercy..."

When Xiuzhu talked about her sadness, she lay down on the ground and cried bitterly. The tears fell one by one in the snow, looking very miserable.

Lian Siyue finally stopped, turned around, staring at the poor girl on the ground with her starry eyes like lacquer, and asked, "There are so many people in Xiangfu, why did you come to find me alone?"

When Xiuzhu heard this, her whole body trembled, she raised her head shyly, with a look of fear in her eyes, and said, "Because, because only the eldest lady is not afraid of the current wife, so slave... slave has no choice but to..."

What Xiuzhu said is not bad, but now because of the fear of the power of the Xiao family, none of the other wives and ladies in the mansion will tear themselves apart from the Xiao family, and maintain a superficial harmony, even if they have always refused to be submissive. Hu's family has been quiet for a while now, and he doesn't feel uncomfortable looking for Xiao's family anymore.

"Get up." She said to Xiuzhu.

Xiuzhu asked tremblingly, "Miss, have you agreed?" There were still tears on her cheeks.

"Miss, is there any deceit, this is from Mrs. Xiao's side, it's better to be careful." Qing Dai approached Lian Siyue and whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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