Chapter 228
Chapter 228
"I don't think it's a fake. Xiuzhu's mouth was punctured four times, and all of them were exposed. The servant also heard from the people in Qingquanyuan that she was often bullied by Nanny Zhen when she stayed there. " Jiang Xiang looked at Xiuzhu with some sympathy, in the compound of the deep house, following the wrong master will not end well.

Lian Siyue looked at Xiuzhu, as if she was weighing and pondering something, while Xiuzhu knelt on the ground, trembling all over, looking at her pitifully with red eye circles, with kind expectations in her eyes.

"Bring it in, and be a gatekeeper here in the future. Take some medicine and apply it to your mouth. It's always bad if people see it. Pay me for three months." Finally, Lian Siyue ordered road.

When Xiuzhu heard it, she burst into tears of joy, kowtowed repeatedly, and said, "Thank you Miss, thank you Miss."

After entering the room, Qing Dai took off the cloak on Lian Siyue, Jiang Xiang changed her into a Tang Pozi, and Lian Siyue ordered:

"Keep an eye on it." There was a trace of coldness in the voice.

Qing Dai was taken aback for a moment, she thought that the young miss really believed in Xiuzhu.

Jiang Xiang asked, "Miss, this servant doesn't understand, since she thinks Xiuzhu is suspicious, why didn't she just send her away and stay in the yard, didn't she plant the gunpowder?"

Lian Siyue slightly pulled a smile from the corner of her lips, but her face was expressionless, and she said, "If you don't plant gunpowder, how can it explode?"

She had long felt that it was impossible for Xiao Shi to be satisfied with the position of equal wife, and there would definitely be follow-up actions.

As for whether this Xiuzhu was sent here on purpose by her flesh and blood, she had to observe and observe.

"But this time, servant girl, I always feel that this Xiuzhu doesn't look like she's pretending." Jiang Xiang murmured.

But this afternoon, the back garden of the Xiangfu suddenly became lively. A group of servants moved pots of rare and exotic flowers into the Xiangfu. Like, everything.

The back garden, which was originally white and white, suddenly became colorful.

Immediately, everyone who was admiring the snow in the back garden gathered around one after another, looking at these flowers and plants, they were really surprised.

Even Lian Shiya from over there came over.

"Where do these flowers and plants come from? They are all so miraculous and beautiful. I have never seen some of them before." Seventh Miss Lian Shengru looked at Angulan and couldn't help but marvel, the flowers bloom so strangely. , The yellow petals are wrapped into a swaddle, and the light yellow lips in the middle are like a newborn baby.

"And this lotus, isn't the lotus in the pool? How come such a small pot can bloom lotus, the flowers are crystal clear, so beautiful." Fourth Miss Lian Wan Yin looked at the pot and slapped her palm. The big lotus is astonished.

"Who took these, and who are they going to give them to?" The third wife, Mrs. Liu, asked everyone's doubts.

At this time, the middle-aged man instructing to move the flower pot went straight to the front of the eldest lady Lian Siyue, knelt down, and said——

"Missy, Your Highness heard that you are very fond of exotic flowers. There are many ornamental flowers and plants planted in the yard. He believes that Missy is a true flower lover, so he ordered me to give these flowers he cultivated to you. Come here to show the miss, where is the yard of the miss? I will move there now."

It turned out that it was the fourth prince who gave Lian Siyue, everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time began to guess, when did the fourth prince get so familiar with the eldest lady?
Lian Siyue looked at these flowers and plants with extremely indifferent eyes. It seemed that Feng Qianyue still didn't give up. After two months of silence, did she start to move again?
And this time, it was sent in openly, not at all afraid of causing trouble for her.

This person is really as brazen as he remembered!In order to achieve the goal, even the face is not needed!

Lian Shiya, who was on the side, suddenly felt very uncomfortable, so she deliberately mocked, "The sisters in our house are all cautiously waiting for grandma and father to arrange the marriage, but I didn't expect the elder sister to have a good understanding quietly. people."

After listening to Lian Shiya's words, the emotions on everyone's faces became complicated.

Lian Siyue knew that if Lian Shiya's words were accidentally spread out, then she would really be mistaken by the outside world for having something to do with Feng Qianyue. What to say about her.

This is also Feng Qianyue's wishful thinking!

What is this called, what can't be destroyed first?

Hehe... But, she is not someone else, she is Lian Siyue!She wasn't afraid of Feng Qianyue at all!

She looked at the pleasing flowers and plants in front of her, and suddenly a puzzling smile appeared on her face, and then she ordered under the gaze of everyone, "Jiang Xiang, get the scissors."

"Yes." Soon, Jiang Xiang took the scissors and put them in Lian Siyue's hands. Everyone looked at her, wondering what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

Suddenly, she walked up to that Angulan plant, raised the scissors, and cut it off abruptly, only to see that the flower was cut off and fell to the ground, and the petals immediately fell to the ground.

"Miss!" The person in charge of delivering the flowers was stunned, and hurriedly knelt on the ground, "No, these are treasures that His Highness has cultivated for several years, if His Highness knows, he will be so heartbroken that he vomits blood. "

Lian Siyue ignored it, and went to the Clivia pot again, where the scissors went, they were cut in pieces, making people dumbfounded!

This eldest lady, Lian Siyue, is really daring. When others receive gifts from the prince, they are all overjoyed and like to keep them. But she not only ignores them, but also destroys them in public!
Qingdai and Jiangxiang were also frightened by Lian Siyue's actions. The eldest lady has always been calm and self-possessed. Even in the face of hated enemies, she can smile sweeter than honey and more charming than flowers. Accept it, and return it another day, why did you do such a thing in public today?
Lian Siyue said indifferently, "Since it was given to me by His Royal Highness, I have the right to deal with it, don't I?"

As he spoke, he twisted a pot of Michelia flowers without hesitation, and those originally beautiful and delicate petals fell to the ground in pieces, leaving a mess in the snow.

Then, he picked up the pot of rare orchid flowers with two clicks.

Seeing Lian Shiya, she finally couldn't help it anymore. She exclaimed, "Lian Siyue, are you crazy? Didn't you hear? These flowers and plants were carefully cultivated by His Royal Highness for several years. As far as I know, The orchid flower you just cut will only bloom once every four years, and it is rare to see it blooming in winter. During this period, you must cultivate it carefully, otherwise it will die easily! You actually... It's so twisted, have you taken His Highness Fourth Highness seriously?"

"If Sanmei likes it, here are some unground ones, you can keep them." Lian Siyue looked at Lian Shiya and said. .

"..." Lian Shiya was choked all of a sudden, her face blushed, and she said, "I don't want what you don't want!"

"Then what if it's what I want?" Lian Siyue asked with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Lian Shiya paused, her eyes were cold, and she said, "If it's what you want, then I'll grab it."

She is like a lion with its mouth wide open, trying to swallow Lian Siyue in one gulp.

Suddenly, a strange atmosphere flowed between the two.

There was a smile on the corner of Lian Siyue's lips, and she dropped the scissors on the ground with a snap, and said to the person who came to deliver the flowers, "Go back and thank the Fourth Highness for me, I have received the flowers. Jiangxiang, Qingdai , let people sweep up all the rubbish, so as not to dirty the snow scene."

(End of this chapter)

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