Chapter 229
Chapter 229
Lian Siyue knew that Feng Qianyue's move was called breaking the boat, but she still had the risky move and strangled his things in public!

If she accepts it, or goes back silently, it will be rumored that she and the Fourth Prince have intentions, and now that she has strangled these flowers and plants in public, people will say that it is the Prime Minister who was stalked by the Fourth Prince The eldest lady was angrily twisting the flowers and plants.

She is not afraid of Feng Qianyue, even if he wants to kill her because of this matter, she is not afraid!
"What?!" Prince Yue's mansion.

Feng Qianyue suddenly sat up from the chair, waved a hand at the woman who was playing the piano next to her, and asked the person in front of her in disbelief, "You said that even Siyue twisted all the rare flowers I gave in public?"

He originally wanted to use this method to make Lian Siyue passive, but he never expected that she would strangle his flowers in public!

He didn't have time to feel sorry for those flowers and plants that he had carefully cultivated for many years, and his body and mind were completely filled with anger!

"Also, there are still one or two pots that have not been twisted. The eldest lady said that she will give it to the third lady for raising." The person who came to report tremblingly said.

Feng Qianyue clenched her fists tightly. He showed his affection to this woman, but she didn't know what to do, and now she slapped him in the face in public——

Don't give him face like this!
"Okay, okay! Lian Siyue, if this is the case, I will teach you a lesson!"

He really didn't know what this man was made of, and why he was so hard-hearted!

"Your Highness, don't be angry." The woman who was somewhat similar to Lian Siyue came over, with water snake-like hands wrapped around Feng Qianyue's waist, exhaling like blue.

Feng Qianyue's eyes were scarlet, he picked her up by the waist, and threw her hard on the desk. She smiled, and immediately leaned up and grabbed his shoulders in a flattering way——

Her face is somewhat similar to Lian Siyue, but her eyes... are too far apart!
No, that's not what he wanted, no!The person he wants is that Lian Siyue who doesn't know what to do!

He suddenly felt bored, and suddenly got up from her body, uttering a word: "Get lost!"

Not long after, someone came from Qing'an Courtyard, asking Lian Siyue to go there quickly, urging her quite urgently.

Lian Siyue followed, and when she reached the door, she heard Lian's mother throwing a temper tantrum inside, and Nanny Song came over to open the curtain for Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Nanny Song glanced inside, and said, "Just now Xiao Guofu sent invitations to the banquet, and the old lady got angry after seeing it."

"I'll go in and have a look." As soon as he walked in, he saw Lian's mother sitting on a large chair with a brazier in front of her. The room was as warm as spring. Huang Cen came over and took off the cloak on Lian Siyue's body.

Lian Mu threw the invitation card aside with a snap, and said, "It's just that he came back from a victorious battle. Isn't this what a general who is ordered to do abroad should do? Now, he regards himself as the first city of Great Zhou. What kind of banquet are you going to hold, as if without him, our Dazhou would not be able to defeat Daliao."

Because of Xiao's being made a flat wife, Lian's mother had a particularly strong opinion of Xiao Zhenhai.

"Grandmother, don't get angry." Lian Siyue walked over, took the maid's hand, rubbed the palms of Lian's mother, and said.

Lian's mother frowned and said, "Yue'er, you don't need to go to this banquet, just tell the outside world that you are unwell, and let your father, Mrs. Xiao, and the third girl go."

Lian Siyue took the invitation from the side, unfolded it, looked at it carefully, and said, "It says that I invite the Prime Minister's House. If it's just my father, Mrs. Xiao, and the third sister who go together, I'm afraid it will be a joke." , I'd better go."

Mother Lian looked worried, and said, "But, Yue'er, this is clearly a grand banquet. If you go to the Longtan and Tiger's Den in front, grandma doesn't know what to worry about."

"Grandma doesn't need to worry. This is a banquet held by the Xiao family themselves. They won't be so bold as to do anything at the Xiao family's banquet. No matter who has problems in the Xiao family, Xiao Zhenhai will be responsible." Lian Siyue said in relief.

"In this case, grandma will buy you the most expensive clothes and tidy up. It's true that the third girl is the head of the county, but I only recognize you as the daughter of my Lian family. In terms of style, grandma will not let you lose to anyone. Human." Now, even the mother is really thinking about Lian Siyue, and she doesn't want anyone to underestimate her granddaughter.

"Grandmother, I have all the clothes and jewelry. My mother also left me a lot of things. If grandma really wants to give something to my granddaughter, can my granddaughter want a luxurious carriage, all of which are made of gold?" Lian Siyue asked road.

"What's so difficult about it? Although I don't bring any gold utensils with me, I have saved a lot of gold. I will find a craftsman to decorate your carriage tomorrow." Mother Lian agreed with a full mouth.

"By the way." Mother Lian said again, "I've heard about what happened in the back garden today. What does the Fourth Highness mean? Why did you openly give you something? If it spread, I thought you were attracted to it. Your marriage will be appointed by the emperor in the future, even I can't make the decision, his behavior is really bad for your reputation."

"So, the granddaughter took the risk and strangled his flowers and plants!" Lian Siyue still felt sick when she thought of Feng Qianyue's actions.

"..." Mother Lian sighed, and said, "Grandmother is very happy that you are so outstanding, but there are more and more people who want to think about you. That Fourth Highness, I always feel that you will suffer if you marry him .”

Lian Siyue stood aside quietly listening to her grandmother's worries, but said in her heart:

marry him?This life, the next life, and eternal life are impossible!

Seeing that the time for the banquet in Xiao Guofu is getting closer, Lian Shiya will naturally not be idle. Because she was suppressed by Lian's mother before, she has not shown up for a long time, and she has long been unable to hold back.

Now that the Xiao Guo Mansion is holding a banquet, and she is already the head of the county, she muster up all her energy and want to show off at the banquet.

And from the day when she was going to the banquet, Xiao Shi told Lian Shiya——

"From today on, you don't go anywhere, stay in Qingquanyuan and take good care of it. The next time you show up, you must show up with your most beautiful appearance, so that everyone will forget your past appearance, understand?"

Lian Shiya nodded and said, "Mother, I understand, I will take care of it."

Next, Lian Shiya really calmed down, she didn't hear anything outside the window, and she just stayed in the Qingquanyuan to recuperate carefully. After all, she is young and very good at giving birth. After eating bowl after bowl of supplements, her The face quickly returned to its former ruddy and fair complexion, and the flesh on both cheeks grew back, plump and tender.

Soon, the day of the banquet will arrive.

Before leaving, Lian Shiya sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. Her facial features were very delicate, as if they had been carved and depicted most carefully by the heavens. Her eyes, nose, mouth, and jaw were all perfect. Impeccable.

She raised her hand, and put the red agate earrings on the earlobe like a jade carving, and said, "I missed several banquets in a row, even the hunting, and I will finally not miss it again today."

She is 100% confident that she will shine today, making people remember who is the most beautiful flower in this Xiangfu.

Xiao Shi stood aside and looked at Lian Shiya with satisfaction. Finally, Lian Shiya regained her beauty, and her appearance was even worse than before. She nodded:
"As expected, she is indeed the child I gave birth to. No matter how hard you try, as long as you tidy up a little bit, she will be the best beauty. You don't even know where Siyue is compared to."

(End of this chapter)

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