Chapter 231

Chapter 231

After hearing this, Lian Shiya paused when she was about to step on her own carriage, turned her head to look over, and saw a carriage being pulled by the carriage——

The car body of the carriage was crimson red, and the surroundings were made of pure gold. On the top of the car were two brave gold sculptures, and in the center was a luminous pearl, exuding a luxurious luster. Golden tassels hung around. It is also a high-quality brocade, every inch of brocade is gold, embroidered with a pattern of phoenixes intertwined and playing, and a moon is sewn in the center of the pattern, which means "even like the moon". Well, this carriage was built by Lian Mu specially looking for the best craftsmen in Kyoto these days.

When everyone saw this carriage, they couldn't help being amazed, such a luxurious carriage, it was like a city.

Lian Shiya's face couldn't hold back immediately, she was obviously the county magistrate appointed by the emperor, everything she wanted for attending the banquet today should be the best, why did Lian Siyue want such a luxurious carriage and snatch it away so easily her split.

"Mother, what do you think she means? Use a carriage like this!"

"Oh, there are not enough places, the carriage is here, don't bother, let's go." Seeing this carriage made of pure gold, Mrs. Xiao felt blocked. The old lady was clearly slapping their mother and daughter in the face.

But Lian Shiya was really unhappy. Seeing that Lian Siyue was about to get into the carriage, she withdrew her foot on the carriage and said, "It's not suitable for eldest sister to ride in such a luxurious carriage. People who don't know think you It's the county magistrate."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue turned her head, with a helpless smile on her face, and said, "Yes, my sister also thinks it's too luxurious. I don't want to be too high-profile, but grandma said, I hold a jade phoenix in my hand, She is also the eldest daughter of the family, so she insists on making me extravagant, so as not to be compared to others. No, I really can't hold her back, so I have no choice but to take this carriage."

When Lian Shiya heard this, her teeth itched with hatred. Grandma's heart had already unknowingly turned towards Lian Siyue, and she no longer existed. The family brought glory, but the grandmother didn't even say a word of joy, and never looked at her straight from the beginning to the end.

Now, he deliberately built a golden carriage for Lian Siyue to let her go to Xiao's house to show off to everyone. This is clearly to tell everyone that Lian Siyue is the most important daughter in Lian's house. Even if she is the county head, she is not taken seriously.

The more Lian Shiya thought about it, the angrier she became, and then she looked at Lian Siyue's carriage, which was covered with a layer of gold even where her feet were stepped.

She finally walked up to Lian Siyue in a few steps, and said without any concealment, "Eldest sister, let's change a carriage!" She is the head of the county, and her mother is already a flat wife, and now she has the confidence to speak, and she will not confuse Lian Siyue at all. The moon is in my eyes.

Lian Siyue showed a look of surprise on his face, and said, "Third sister, what are you talking about, you want to change carriages with me? Why?"

"Heh..." Lian Shiya snorted softly, "Because I am the county lord, the eldest sister should have saluted me when she saw me, but I don't care about our own sisters, now I want to change the carriage, why not ?”

"Third sister is using her status to suppress me?" Lian Siyue's expression became cold and hard.

"If eldest sister wants to think so, I can't help it." Lian Shiya raised her chin slightly, like a proud peacock, "The people who went to the banquet at uncle's house today are all dignified people, and there are many royal relatives. If you ride in such a luxurious carriage and I ride in such a shabby carriage and someone sees it and hears it in the ears of the emperor, saying that our Xiangfu treats the county magistrate harshly, think, eldest sister, if the emperor knows about it, he won’t think that our Xiangfu is not good. Put him in your eyes?"

Heh, the emperor has a lot of things to do every day, how could he put a small county head in his eyes, Lian Shiya, like Xiao Shi, takes things of this position too seriously, that's why he thinks highly of himself!

"What if I don't agree? Grandma gave it to me." Lian Siyue said coldly.

"I'm afraid I have to agree if I don't agree." The more Lian Siyue refused, the more Lian Shiya wanted to get this carriage.

"Miss, it's almost time. It's bad if you're late. Why don't you take a step back and let Ya'er sit in this carriage when you go, and give it to you when you come back, how about it?" Seeing that Lian Shiya was so obsessed with this carriage, Mrs. Xiao He was dissatisfied with Lianmu's arrangement, so he came out and said.

"Yes, let's do it this way, you won't be at a disadvantage." Lian Shiya thought to herself, anyway, when she came back, those guests had almost left, who would pay attention to what she and Lian Siyue were sitting on What about the carriage.

"Well, let's do it like this." Lian Siyue didn't want to argue anymore, it was just a carriage, she never cared about these external things, so she changed with Lian Shiya.

"Thank you, sister." Lian Shiya didn't wait for Lian Siyue to walk away from the carriage, she couldn't wait to step on the gold and sat on it, told the groom, and set off happily.

On Lian Shiya's carriage, Lian Siyue closed his eyes and fell asleep, Jiang Xiang stood aside, and said indignantly, "This third lady is really going too far, taking away the eldest lady's carriage in front of so many people , this is what the old lady did for the eldest lady, so you are not afraid that the old lady will be angry?"

Lian Siyue closed her eyes without opening them, and said, "Let her go, a carriage, don't let grandma know what's bothering you."

Holding a banquet in the cold winter can attract a lot of people, but now, there is probably only Xiao Guofu.

After Xiao Zhenhai came back with a great victory, the emperor, apart from being promoted to rank, returned all of the original Xiao Guofu to the current Xiao family. Now, the Xiao family occupies thousands of acres of land in the south of the capital, with various pavilions and pavilions. The ground is covered with golden bricks, and everywhere it goes, it is magnificent.

The scale of today's banquet is even more grand than ever. It is resplendent and magnificent, with feathers and colorful clothes. Countless servants shuttle back and forth with delicious food and wine in their hands. Before the banquet officially starts, a stage has been set up in the arena. 》, the guests arrived slowly, and the banquet began to become lively.

But all the time, the owner of the Xiao family did not show up.

In the back pavilion of the main hall.

At this moment, Xiao Zhenhai was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, exuding majesty all over his body, Madam Xiao and Xiao Rou sat on both sides respectively, Xiao Shan, Xiao He, and Xiao Hu stood behind respectively.

Xiao Zhenhai asked in a deep voice, "He'er, are everyone ready?"

Xiao He waved his hand, and saw dozens of men in black descending from the sky like bats in the dark night, kneeling in front of Xiao Zhenhai together.

"Father, these ten people are the soldiers in the battalion carefully selected by the child. All of them have extraordinary skills. They have killed countless enemies on the battlefield. They can kill a measly one like a month without any effort." These people are Xiao He's confidantes in daily life. He played an important role in collecting intelligence on his marches and wars and in his daily life.

"Killing a little concubine, actually using the most elite soldiers in my battalion, you can count on her, Lian Siyue deserves to die." Xiao Zhenhai still didn't take Lian Siyue seriously, but Xiao Rou kept emphasizing that she was a Devil, for the sake of his daughter's peace of mind, he let Xiao He choose the assassin.

"Father, Lian Siyue is an evil ghost, and she must be caught with a net!" Sure enough, after hearing what Xiao Zhenhai said, Xiao Rou said, now she has been possessed by Lian Siyue, thinking about it all day and night. Thinking about how to avenge his revenge, his face was thin and his cheeks were sunken, he was pale and dull, his eyes were sometimes dull and sometimes crazy, he was no longer like a normal person.

(End of this chapter)

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