Chapter 232
Chapter 232
This is also the reason why Xiao Zhenhai is determined to get rid of Lian Siyue in one fell swoop today. Lian Siyue is a nightmare of Xiao Rou's. If the nightmare is not dead, there will be no relief. His daughter has already ruined both legs, so she can't even ruin her spirit.

"Sister, don't worry, their martial arts are strong, and they will definitely fulfill your mission." Xiao Shan said from the side, he has always felt guilty for not taking good care of Xiao Rou, and now that he is going to kill Lian Siyue, he is happier than anyone else!
A smile finally appeared on Xiao Rou's face, and she said, "As far as I know, they have just set off from the Prime Minister's Mansion, and I order you to stop her halfway, don't hesitate, and cut her down as soon as you see her." Her legs, put her in an urn and throw her legs to the dogs to eat them, make her watch her legs get eaten, and hide her until I find her Settle the bill, are you clear?"

Her gaze was as terrifying as a hungry wolf, and the flesh on her face trembled, making her look frightening.

Mrs. Xiao sat aside and sighed softly.

"Master, there are quite a few guests outside. His Highness Six, His Highness Eighth, His Highness Tenth, the Prime Minister and His Excellency the Minister have also arrived." At this time, the voice of the butler Xiao Gui came from outside.

Xiao Zhenhai stood up, the sons took a step back and bowed down, Mrs. Xiao stepped forward and straightened his robes.

"Let's go, the banquet is about to start, don't worry about that person anymore, just go and see the corpse." The most powerful soldiers in the camp were sent to stop, and even Siyue with wings flew away.

Xiao Zhenhai stepped out of the back pavilion and walked towards the front hall. When his figure appeared, everyone in the seat stood up one after another, looked at him, and greeted him——

"Duke Xiao..."

"Duke Xiao..."

I saw Xiao Guogong clasped his fists in both hands and saluted everyone, and the three sons behind him were all outstanding talents, especially the second son, General Tianbao, and the young master Xiaohe, Yushu Linfeng, handsome and mighty.

Xiao Guogong went all the way in front of the princes, led his three sons and knelt down on one knee, and said, "Your Highness is here, I am late!"

The Eighth Prince said with a smile on his face, "It's okay, Duke Xiao is just asking."

The banquet scene was very lively.

The two carriages of the Prime Minister's Mansion rushed towards the direction of Xiao Guo's Mansion one after the other. I don't know why Qing Dai always felt uneasy, her right eyelid fluttered from time to time, when she was holding the book for Lian Siyue, she dropped the book on the ground twice .

"Jiang Xiang, what's wrong with you?" Qing Dai couldn't help asking.

"Sister Qingdai, I heard that there has been a flower-picking avenue in the capital recently, and many girls from all over the world have been killed. I'm worried..."

"Pfft..." Qing Dai laughed, "You really think too much, this is the carriage of the Prime Minister's Mansion, who doesn't have eyes and dares to do something to the people in our carriage..."

Just as he was talking, at this moment, he heard the sharp sound of the wheels of the carriage hitting the ground outside, the carriage leaned forward forcefully, then stopped suddenly, and the bodies of the three people bumped forward.

"Miss, be careful!" Qing Dai hurriedly supported Lian Siyue.

"What happened?" Lian Siyue suddenly grabbed the seat under him and asked in a tight voice.

"Miss, there are assassins!" Leng Mei's voice came from outside.

assassin?As soon as Leng Mei finished speaking, she heard Lian Shiya screaming from another carriage.

When Lian Siyue heard this, she suddenly opened the curtain of the carriage. As soon as she opened it, she felt a cold light flashing in her eyes, which made her almost unable to open them.

I saw several men in black holding cold blades, the swords were long, and they rushed towards the golden carriage with the momentum of breaking bamboo.

"It didn't kill us, it killed Miss San!" Jiang Xiang was taken aback for a moment, then took a breath and said.

And the guard of the carriage obviously didn't have any precautions, only heard a puff, and saw a guard who hadn't had time to draw the sword from his waist fell in a pool of blood.

"Ah, ah...don't kill me, don't kill me..." Lian Siyue heard Lian Shiya's screams one after another in the carriage, as well as Xiao's wailing.

With a bang, Leng Mei pulled out the sword from his waist——

"Get out! Or I'll kill you!" Two of the men in black flew to their carriage, and before they could draw out Leng Mei's sword, a sharp sword was held against their throats.

Looking at the sharp sword with cold eyebrows, Lian Shan didn't show any expression. He slowly put the sword back into the scabbard, jumped into the carriage, waved the whip, and hurriedly drove the carriage away.

Lian Siyue heard Lian Shiya and Xiao's voices getting farther and farther inside.

Qingdai and Jiangxiang looked terrified, "Third Miss, she..."

"Lengmei, hurry up!" Lian Siyue ordered in a deep voice, those people would soon find out that they had misidentified the carriage, and they had to seize the opportunity to leave quickly.

Qingdai and Jiangxiang also seemed to understand, sat beside Lian Siyue, tightly protecting her, their hearts were beating thumpingly, maybe they were used to seeing life and death with Lian Siyue, although they were afraid, they still had Lian Siyue Like the moon is here, but they feel inexplicably at ease.

"Miss, they are coming!"

Sure enough, within a short while, there was a sound of cold eyebrows outside the carriage, Lian Siyue lifted the curtain of the carriage to take a look, and in the distance, the golden carriage had fallen to the ground, and Xiao Shi and Lian Shi did not know Did Ya get stabbed to death? Several men in black chased after him with long swords in their hands.

She put down the curtain abruptly, and suddenly took out a note from her sleeve. This was the letter that Feng Yunzheng asked Leng Mei to hand over to her a few days ago. He will be responsible for building the most expensive carriage, and then it will be sent to the Prime Minister's Mansion under the name of Lian Mu.

Even Siyue was frightened when she saw such a luxurious carriage suddenly, it was simply made of gold.And when Lian Shiya wanted her carriage desperately, she seemed to begin to understand his intentions.

"Miss, be careful!" Suddenly, their carriage suddenly turned over, Lian Siyue clung to the railing of the carriage suddenly, and hit his head heavily on the door. Immediately, a long sword slammed Stabbing in from the outside, a sharp sword with a cold light appeared in front of her.

Something bumped into the sedan chair, and then drop by drop of blood fell down and fell to the ground.



Qingdai and Jiangxiang screamed, looking closely at Lian Siyue with horrified eyes, almost out of breath.

The guests arrived one by one, and not long after, even the Fourth Prince Feng Qianyue, who rarely appeared recently, also appeared at the banquet. After he had a good fight with the other highnesses, he sat down beside Feng Ye, Those deep and affectionate eyes looked around unintentionally.

Xiao Zhenhai talked and laughed happily with the distinguished guests, and the cunning fox looked at the door occasionally.

"Miss Prime Minister's Mansion is here..." At this time, a voice finally sounded outside the door. Feng Qianyue's heart beat, and he couldn't help turning his head to look over. He was annoyed to find that even though he was resentful like a month, he couldn't help but want to see her. to her!
Xiao Rou, who had been hiding in the back pavilion listening to the movement, hurriedly walked outside with a cane.

"Miss, be careful." The servant girl who was accompanying her hurriedly ran over to help her.

At this time, I saw a carriage stopped at the door.

"Father, there is only one carriage as expected. It seems that Lian Siyue has already solved it smoothly." Xiao Shan said with his eyebrows stretched.

"Little Huangkou, there is nothing to be afraid of, you guys think highly of her." Xiao Zhenhai never put Lian Siyue in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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