First-class daughter

Chapter 233 Unexpectedly

Chapter 233 Unexpectedly
Chapter 233 Unexpectedly
"Miss, we're here." The two maidservants at the front got out of the carriage and slowly opened the curtain of the carriage, only to see a person walking down from above——

She was wearing a moonlight blouse with elegant green calyx plum blossoms embroidered on the collar, a light yellow double-breasted jacket underneath, and a plain Xiangshui hibiscus skirt. It looks like it was made by everyone.

She got off the sedan chair, brushed her body slightly, and the corners of her lips raised slightly, revealing an innocent and romantic smile.

This smile, like a gorgeously blooming firework, or like a bright moon rising into the sky, made people lose their minds for an instant, and their eyes fell on her involuntarily, and they forgot to look away.

Feng Qianyue sat on his seat, her dangerous eyes locked tightly on her, watching her slowly walk in, blowing into his heart like a ray of fairy wind.

Feng Ye on the side couldn't help looking at her, and said, "This girl is getting more and more beautiful, like the aroma of alcohol, it can't be hidden."

She was originally deep, but now she gradually faded away from the youthfulness and innocence of a girl, and became more charming as a woman, but unfortunately, Feng Ye suddenly felt mixed emotions in her heart, picked up a glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp.

"Why is it her?" When Xiao He saw Lian Siyue getting off the carriage intact, his usual confident face froze, his hand holding the wine glass was startled, and he stood up abruptly.

And Xiao Zhenhai also had a rare look of astonishment on his face, although it was only fleeting, it did not escape Lian Siyue's eyes.

At this time, Lian Siyue had already walked in front of Xiao Zhenhai, bowed, and said, "Hello, Grandpa, congratulations to Grandpa, congratulations to Grandpa." After she finished speaking, she raised her head with a smile on her face, Zhang's seemingly innocent face met Xiao Zhenhai's eyes.

Xiao Zhenhai's face was calm and unwavering, but his torch-like eyes were trying to see something from her flawless smile, but unfortunately, he couldn't see any flaws!

But the three sons behind Xiao Zhenhai are different, their expressions are very wonderful, especially this Xiao He, with a penetrating gaze in his eyes, he doesn't believe that she can escape from the encirclement of his ten masters without a trace. no damage.

And Lian Siyue didn't flinch or panic, but bowed to him gracefully.

"It's good if you come, take a seat." He raised his hand, his voice was deep, and he was also a master, and he was actually impeccable.

"Master Xie Guo." Lian Siyue said as she was about to turn around and look for her seat.

But at this time, suddenly a frantic shadow rushed out from the side, ignoring the presence of the guests, and fell on Lian Siyue's body, holding her tightly with hands like sticks.

Leng Mei immediately moved forward, and the hidden weapon in her sleeve had already slipped into the palm of her hand, but Lian Siyue's eyes froze, signaling her to back away, and she slowly retracted the sharp weapon in her hand.

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible for you to appear here? Why are you here?" Xiao Rou's eyes seemed to have seen a ghost, and the eyeballs were wide open.

"Rou'er!" Xiao Zhenhai yelled when he saw his daughter so out of control.

When the guests saw Xiao Rou who suddenly appeared and noticed the isolated leg under her skirt, they were all shocked. The news that Xiao Rou broke her leg on the hunting ground had already spread, but it was her broken leg. Afterwards, it appeared in front of outsiders for the first time, and those who saw this scene with their own eyes were shocked.

Lian Siyue looked at Xiao Rou who looked like a ghost with surprise, and asked inexplicably, "Sister Rou'er, what are you talking about? I have received an invitation from your residence. All those who come to the banquet, Naturally appear here, is there anything wrong?"

"No, you shouldn't be here, you should..."

"Rou'er!" Xiao He took a few steps forward, grabbed Xiao Rou, stopped her from continuing, protected her, and handed her over to the maidservant Chun Ru behind her, "Leave Miss alone."

"No, I won't go down, damn her, she didn't..."

"Enough!" Xiao Zhenhai scolded, with a warning in his voice, there are so many people today, if he continues to speak, he might be seen through, Xiao Rou had no choice but to shut up, a pair of vicious eyes were almost on Lian Siyue's body Goug out a hole.

"Go and sit down, Rou'er has been in a bad mood since the accident, don't take it to heart." Xiao Zhenhai glanced at her and said.

Even Siyue was innocently puzzled, her eyes were innocent and romantic, without a trace of city mansion, she said with a smile, "I thought Sister Rou'er didn't welcome me."

Heh, compared to acting skills, I have experience in two lives, who is afraid of whom?

"Lian Siyue, hurry up, sit here." Over there, Liu Xiren from the Shangshu Mansion waved to her, and she bowed to Xiao Zhenhai generously and respectfully, and walked over.

Lian Yanqing came over and asked in a deep voice, "What happened? Where are your sisters?"

Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "I don't know what happened, sisters, slow down, they will be there soon."

"Be careful." Lian Yanqing seemed to sense an unusual atmosphere, and told Lian Siyue.

"Yes, Father." Lian Siyue sat down beside Liu Xiren, her eyes fell on Feng Ye through the maid walking in front of her.

Seeing her gaze, Feng Ye trembled the hand holding the wine glass, he felt a feeling that was almost scraping the bones, which made him feel a chill rise from the soles of his feet——

He was taken aback?what happened?He offended her?Why do you look at him like this?
Lian Siyue pulled the corners of her lips slightly, revealing a smile that made him feel uncomfortable, then she stopped looking at him and talked with Liu Xiren, Ru Yang, Liu Yanyu and others beside her.

On the other side, several members of the Xiao family looked a little ugly.

And Xiao Zhenhai looked at Lian Siyue's every move with torch-like eyes, as if he wanted to see a hole in her body. She kept smiling, but it was like a mask that prevented her from seeing her sincerity. Start revisiting the person for the first time.

"Father, why didn't aunt and Ya'er come together?" Xiao Shan asked suspiciously, Lian Siyue was unscathed, but the other two were nowhere to be seen, how could this be?
"Send someone to look at it immediately. If something happens, remember to send it back to the prime minister's mansion or go through the back door of Xiao's house. Don't show up at the banquet." Xiao Zhenhai ordered in a low voice, and then turned around, but his face was already exposed. That standard smile continued to greet everyone.

"By the way, isn't the third lady of your family named the county head? According to her personality, she should make a grand appearance. Why is she not seen?" Liu Xiren asked. When she asked, other people around her also showed signs of curious--

"That's right, I haven't seen her since Princess Anguo's mansion. Maybe she became the county head and ignored us."

"When it comes to Princess Anguo's Mansion, she made a fool of herself that time." Ru Yang, the eldest daughter of the Ru Yushi family, said in a low voice.

"Then I would like to see what kind of demeanor she will be after becoming the county lord." Liu Xiren's eyes flashed with cunning, "Lian Siyue, tell me, why hasn't she come yet?"

Lian Siyue smiled and said, "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. The third sister went out with me, but my carriage was faster. Her carriage is too gorgeous, so it was slower. According to the time, it should be here by now. .”

Lian Siyue emphasized indiscriminately that "the carriage is too gorgeous", and the ladies became even more curious.

(End of this chapter)

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