Chapter 234
Chapter 234
"The third lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion is here..." At this moment, another announcement came from outside.

"My third sister is here, I want to go out to pick her up, Xiren, you can go with me." Lian Siyue stood up and pulled Liu Xiren to go out together.

"Wow, this carriage is so luxurious, it is indeed the handicraft of the Xiangfu." At this time, there were voices of exclamation from the door.

The noble ladies here couldn't hold back anymore, they got up one after another, followed behind Lian Siyue, and said, "Let's go and have a look too."

You are alone, I am alone, people are like this, they can't help being curious, they obviously don't know what to follow, but when they see other people excited, they all follow them, like this, many people flock to the banquet all at once The door of the hall.

Sure enough, a luxurious and rich carriage stopped at the gate of Xiao Guofu, and under the sunlight, it shone with resplendent and resplendent atmosphere.

"What a luxurious carriage, it's the first time I've seen it."

"Look, even the place where you step on your feet is made of pure gold. The county lord is very stylish."

The onlookers looked at this rare carriage and couldn't help being amazed.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one got off the carriage, Lian Siyue looked surprised, and shouted, "Third sister, why don't you come out?"

As he spoke, he signaled the woman at the gate of Xiao Guofu to lift the curtain, but heard a low cry from inside, and a hand inside held the curtain tightly and refused to let it go——


"What's the matter? What's the county magistrate's name inside? Why doesn't he get out of the sedan chair?" Liu Xiren asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

Lian Siyue gestured with Leng Mei, and Leng Mei approached the carriage.

"The people inside are not feeling well, drive the carriage to the backyard." Xiao Zhenhai hurried out, and when he sensed something was wrong, he ordered.

However, before he could leave his mouth, Leng Mei was ahead of him and lifted the curtain of the carriage, shouting loudly: "Miss San, are you okay?"

Then, as if he wanted to protect the young lady, he fished Lian Shiya out of the carriage!Behind, Xiao's hand wanted to hold her daughter, but the ribbon slipped from her hand abruptly, and she watched Lian Shiya being "helped" out by Leng Mei.

"Ah!" Everyone looked at Lian Shiya who came out of the carriage, and they were stunned. They all stared at her with wide eyes!

This, is this the county head appointed by the emperor?

"Third sister, what's wrong with you?" Lian Siyue walked over with a shocked expression on his face.
All I saw was that she was messed up and embarrassed, half of her coat was undone, her carefully combed crescent bun was undone, her hair was disheveled, and the ornaments on her head had been thrown away. The original delicate makeup is also gone, the bright red lip gloss on the small cherry mouth is smudged around the lips, a mouth like a monkey's buttocks, what is even more imaginative is her snow-white wrists, There are several bruises on it——

This is not what people imagine the aloof county head looks like.

It's like a woman who has been...belittled.

The members of the Xiao family were stunned when they saw such a young lady, especially Xiao Zhenhai's face was so gloomy and terrifying, this was a banquet in his Xiao Guofu, yet his niece appeared in such an image!
Don't say that you can't make a good impression on the princes now, and even messed up his banquet!

"Ah, why do I smell a smell of urine?" Liu Xiren suddenly sucked his nose forcefully, his face wrinkled into a ball, and said.

"Yeah, I smelled it too, it smells so bad." At this time, other people around me also started to smell it with their noses.

Sure enough, there was a foul smell in the air, and even Siyue could smell it. She was startled, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then her shining eyes fell on Lian Shiya's skirt, which was wet .

No way, Lian Siyue had a rare look of surprise on her face, she saw that Lian Shiya was biting her lower lip tightly, trying to drag her skirt behind her.

Lian Siyue's elbow couldn't help touching Liu Xiren who was pinching his nose to find the source of the smell, Liu Xiren was taken aback, and then followed her gaze to look over——

Like Lian Siyue's reaction, Liu Xiren's eyes and mouth widened, he couldn't believe the situation in front of him.

Then, I heard Liu Xiren's unbelievable voice, and said loudly, "No way, county lord, you, why did you pee on your body? You, are you in a hurry and can't find a place?" Liu Xiren He is also a careless person, directly referring to incontinence as peeing his pants.

What?Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and after Liu Xiren said, they also looked at Lian Shiya's skirt, and they saw a yellowish mark on the skirt, which was wet and smelled disgusting. It came from her body!

"Oh my God, why is the county magistrate... incontinent, what happened?" The others were also shocked.

"County lord, you, your urine looks very yellow, and it smells so strong. I asked about the smell from such a distance. Are you too angry and drink too little water?" Liu Xiren asked loudly, and then burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Hahaha...the county master is actually incontinent." The others couldn't help laughing too.

"You..." Lian Shiya's face was flushed red, all her face in this life was lost today, she stood there, her fists clenched tightly!

Xiao Shi was almost going crazy with anger!After preparing for so long, today I prepared grandly and dressed up to attend, but the result...

As a result, it turned out like this. Originally, I wanted to use this banquet to wipe away all the bad impressions of Lian Shiya, but now I left an indelible bad impression on people——

Incontinence... was seen by others, and I am afraid that this will be laughed at for a lifetime, which also means that the original dream of aspiring to the harem has been broken.

After all, which prince would be willing to marry a person who will be ridiculed for incontinence in the future? This is a matter of the royal family's reputation, let alone the future queen. story.

And all this...

Xiao looked at Lian Siyue, only to see the latter looking back at her quietly, she felt cold all over: This look is too familiar!

carriage?Xiao Shi was taken aback for a moment, and a chill rose from the soles of his feet.

At this time, Lian Yanqing also came out in a hurry, seeing Lian Shiya's appearance, his expression turned ugly immediately, and he shouted in a low voice, "It's embarrassing, don't hurry up and tidy up before talking!"

Even Shiya couldn't stand the impression that she had been incontinent in the future. She called out and said, "No, no! We met on the way here today..."

"Slap!" Before she could say a word, she felt a slap slap towards her, which was so overwhelming that she backed up again and again and fell into Xiao's arms. Her face immediately swelled up, and the corners of her lips were still with blood.

"Uncle..." She covered her cheek with her hand, and looked at Xiao Zhenhai who slapped her with aggrieved and fearful eyes, his eyes were like hooks, as if trying to pull out her heart.

"Still making trouble here, quickly help Miss Biao down to change clothes!" Xiao Zhenhai's face has no good color.

And Xiao Shi realized what Xiao Zhenhai meant, and quickly blocked Lian Shiya's mouth, not letting her continue talking.

With the assistance of the maid, Xiao Shi helped Lian Shiya quickly enter the door and walked to the back house in the south.She secretly glanced at Xiao Zhenhai, her brother's face was really stiff, she shivered all over.

(End of this chapter)

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