Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Everyone at the banquet also returned to their seats one after another. Everyone forgot what the luxurious carriage looked like, and only remembered Lian Shiya's embarrassed appearance.

"This is really amazing. The expression on Lian Shiya's face just now is really wonderful, enough for me to recall it for several years." Liu Xiren whispered in Lian Siyue's ear.

"You don't seem to like my third sister very much?" Lian Siyue discovered that the person Liu Xiren hated was not her, but Lian Shiya. In her previous life, she always rushed in front of Lian Shiya to protect her. Happy to form a beam.

"Oh, that kind of wicked person, who obviously doesn't like Gu Jinming, but secretly flirts with him, and then pretends to be ignorant after making people fall in love. She really wants the whole world to revolve around her!" Liu Xiren scolded coldly.

Gu Jinming?Lian Siyue followed Liu Xiren's gaze, and saw that the place her gaze was on was Gu Jinming, the eldest son of Gu Nian, a third-rank general. She immediately understood where Liu Xiren's dislike for Lian Shiya came from.

"Your third sister is the kind of person who doesn't want to be loved by others. She obviously doesn't want it, but she doesn't want to give it to others. She just takes possession of it. This kind of concubine who can't be seen is like this. She spends all her time trying to win people's love. She I'm happy. His father came to my house to propose a marriage, but he deliberately fell in front of him at the banquet, and smiled at him, making him lose his mind for her. If she really likes Gu Jinming, she will marry him and torture him like this What's going on?" Liu Xiren's eyes were a little red.

It turned out that this was the case, she was clumsy in the previous life, but she didn't see the reason for it, and was used as a shield by Lian Shiya——

"After the incident of incontinence just now, Mr. Gu probably won't like my third sister anymore." Lian Siyue silently held Liu Xiren's hand and said.

Liu Xiren sniffed and said with a smile, "It's none of my business anyway."

Chunru took Xiao Shi and Lian Shiya to a yard in the backyard.

As soon as the door was closed, Xiao Shi let go of Lian Shiya, her face was so angry that she almost distorted, "You have to change her carriage when you go out in a good manner. Now that you have made such a field, everything is in vain!"

On the way, they met people who wanted to assassinate Lian Siyue, but they were rushing to the carriage, so naturally they attacked their golden carriage.

Lian Shiya was raised in a deep boudoir, spoiled and spoiled, never seen such a scene, she screamed in fright, fell off the carriage again, and was injured all over her body, when the shining sword was cut down, she was so frightened that she lost control of herself !Fortunately, she yelled out in time, preventing them from killing Lian Shiya, and went after Lian Siyue again.

However, at this time, some men in black came out from nowhere, and cut off the hairpin and clothes on Lian Shiya's head with a sword, leaving her in a mess. But the coachman didn't listen to dissuasion, and drove the carriage to Xiao Guofu.

This just happened.

Lian Shiya clenched her fists tightly, looking at her embarrassing and ugly self in the mirror, she suddenly screamed, and brushed everything on the dressing table to the ground——

"Mother, hurry up, let them wash and make up for me, and bring me Xiao Rou's most beautiful clothes, anyway, it's useless for her to wear them!"

"Sister-in-law!" When Lian Shiya was losing her temper, Mrs. Xiao appeared at the door of the room, followed by two maids. When Xiao saw her, she hurriedly shouted to stop Lian Shiya from continuing. The word Madam was startled immediately, and she turned around abruptly——

"Uncle, aunt..."

Mrs. Xiao came in, with a cold face, she gave Lian Shiya an indifferent look, and said, "Xiao Rou is useless if you wear it, but it's still Xiao Rou's thing. No matter how good you wear it, it's not yours."

Lian Shiya blushed and lowered her head, regretting that her aunt listened to her unscrupulous words.

Seeing her, Mrs. Xiao hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, don't be angry, what Ya'er means is..."

"Xian Min, although Xiao Rou has a broken leg, her surname is Xiao, and she is the only legitimate daughter in the mansion. Even if she loses two legs, your uncle and I will keep her safe for the rest of her life. His father was Anping Wangbao.

Ya'er has two legs and a pretty face, that's why your uncle wants to use you to consolidate his power.However, don't overestimate yourself and underestimate others. With your brother, he knows exactly what you are thinking.We don't have to have Ya'er, it's not difficult to find someone who meets our expectations from the collateral branch of the Xiao family. "

Madam Xiao's words made Xiao Xianmin feel chills down her spine, and said quickly, "Sister-in-law, Ya'er and I have absolutely the same heart!"

"Auntie, I will listen to my uncle. I just said that damn thing because I was in a hurry for the rest of my life. I will never do it again." Even Shiya broke out in a cold sweat.

Mrs. Xiao turned her head and said to the servant girl, "Give the clothes to Miss Biao."

When Lian Shiya saw the clothes, she frowned slightly, and said softly, "The clothes are too plain, even plainer than Lian Siyue's."

"It's so embarrassing. If I were you, I would stay in this room tonight and never show up again. But if you insist on showing up, you'd better dress in a low-key way. Showing off your beauty, attracting everyone's attention, is it to make everyone remember your ugly appearance just now?"

Even Shiya was speechless after what Mrs. Xiao said, so she had to put it on reluctantly.

"Mother, don't you think it's strange? My cousin's leg is broken, and my aunt doesn't seem to be particularly sad." After Mrs. Xiao walked away, Lian Shiya whispered.

Xiao frowned slightly.

at the banquet.

A group of exotic beauties appeared, singing and dancing, and the whole banquet scene was full of excitement, which showed the prosperity of Xiao Guofu.

At this time, a soldier quietly walked behind Xiao He, and said in a deep voice, "Young Master, none of the ten people sent out can be found!"

"What..." Xiao He paused, put down the wine glass in his hand, his top ten masters, all of them have experienced many battles, even Siyue Rao is impossible to catch them all, so there is only one possibility:
Xiao He's eyes slowly fell on Lian Siyue——

Someone is behind her back!
who's that person?
"Keep looking, ten people, it's impossible to disappear out of thin air!" Xiao He commanded in a deep voice.


"Father, I don't think things are that simple. There is a force behind Lian Siyue, and this force is controlling the development of the situation." Xiao He whispered to Xiao Zhenhai.

Xiao Zhenhai still held the wine glass in his hand to accept the congratulations from the people below, but he spat out one cold word after another: "Check it out."

In a small forest on the outskirts of Beijing, the snow is so thick that it reaches knees.

Ten men in black lined up and were forced to kneel on the snow. Behind them were twenty men in black armor, each with cold eyes.

And standing in front of them was a man in a moon-white robe, with a handsome face as if carved by a knife and an axe, with a trace of indifference in his eyes, his whole body was full of elegance in this icy and snowy field, exuding a majestic demeanor all over his body .

He raised his right hand, and the twenty men in black armor quickly faded away without a trace.

Feng Yunzheng also secretly cultivated a team of murderous people, specially to remove all kinds of obstacles for Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue. Every time these people complete the task, they will disappear without a trace like ghosts. Normally, their presence is hardly felt.

Night Breeze looked at these subdued people and asked, "Your Highness, what should we do with these people?"

"It's up to you." Feng Yunzheng said, the cloud was calm, but exuding a murderous aura!
"Okay, Your Highness." Night Breeze said triumphantly, then raised his long sword, and made a dazzling burst of sword hair. In the blink of an eye, all the clothes of these ten people were stripped off, and they knelt naked in the snow.

One of the men in black looked at Night Breeze with cold eyes, and said two words: "Despicable!"

Night Breeze was startled, with a playful look on his face, "Oh, this is serious, you know how despicable, if you're not despicable, what's the matter with ten big men bullying a little girl?"

"...Hmph..." The man snorted coldly.

"It's strange, it's strange, you offended the person my master loves and loves so dearly, so there's no other way, go see King Hades!" Ye Feng said, the smile on his face disappeared suddenly, and his eyes flickered After a touch of bloodthirsty ruthlessness, the long sword stabbed directly through the throat of the man in black, stirred the sword, and then drew it back... The man's head fell to the ground, and he turned around again, Kicked the man down into the snow pit dug aside.

It looks like this year's winter is a bit longer, and it will take a while for the snow to melt. If these people are killed and buried under the snow, who will find out all of a sudden?
Feng Yunzheng turned around, stepped on the snow and walked out, leaving a faint sentence, "Leave two alive, it's still useful."

With that said, he got into the waiting carriage——

Now, it's time to go to Xiao Guofu to see Yue'er.

(End of this chapter)

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