Chapter 236
Chapter 236
Sure enough, when Lian Shiya changed her clothes and reappeared at the banquet, there was a burst of whispering laughter in the seats, her face turned red and turned pale, but in a blink of an eye she saw Lian Siyue talking and laughing happily with a few girls , turned to see Lian Shiya and said:
"Has Sanmei changed her clothes yet? Come and sit here."

"No need, I'll just sit here." If it wasn't for the banquet in Xiao Guofu, she really wanted to run over and tear her smiling face apart!However, in the end, with a sigh of relief, he sat down reluctantly.

But now, let alone attracting the prince's attention with her beauty, it is impossible to prevent others from laughing at her.

She suddenly remembered something, and turned her head to look at Feng Qianyue. Coincidentally, he was also looking at her——

There was no sneer and sarcasm on his face like others, but instead, there was a touch of sympathy.

Lian Shiya's heart suddenly moved slightly, so not everyone was laughing at her, at least the Fourth Highness was still pitying her, he must have seen that Lian Siyue was harboring evil intentions, and knew that she was not as good as she appeared on the surface.

Lian Shiya suddenly had the feeling of finding someone of the same kind.

But Feng Ye said from the side, "Girl has such a sister who has been unlucky for eight lifetimes, and then she was ashamed and thrown to Zhengyangmen. She is so embarrassed, how can she still have the face to come out and shame her face?" He spoke, It was very mean, without saving any face, and even the voice was not loud enough to reach Lian Shiya's ears.

The shy Lian Shiya hurriedly turned her head away, unable to raise her head again.

Sitting next to Lian Shiya, Xiao Shi felt the whispers from all around them. She was on pins and needles, and finally couldn't take it anymore, and finally stood up abruptly, ready to leave, "Let's go!"

"Mrs. Shangshu is so lucky, she is pregnant again, and the doctor said, it is still a boy." When she was about to get up and leave, she suddenly heard several ladies on the side discussing, she paused, turned around look over—

Sure enough, Mrs. Shangshu's abdomen was swollen, and it seemed that she was five or six months pregnant.

Seeing that her cheeks were slightly red, she said, "I didn't expect that since the two brothers and sisters Xuanren and Xiren were born, there has been no news, and now she is pregnant again, probably it is God's will."

After hearing Mrs. Shangshu's words, the rest expressed their congratulations.

However, Mrs. Xiao kept an eye on it. According to what she knew, Mrs. Shangshu’s son, Liu Xuanren, fell down a hill two years ago in a horse-riding competition and broke his hands and feet. , it cannot be just "God's will", and the "man-made" in it must be indispensable.

How did Mrs. Shangshu get pregnant?
Xiao Shi, who was about to leave, sat back slowly, with a pensive look slowly appearing on his face, and looked at Mrs. Shangshu's belly from time to time——

I have to think of a way to cover up the rumors, but if she goes, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion. If the saying that she is "destined to have no children" spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

"His Royal Highness is here!" At this time, there was a clear voice at the door, and everyone looked towards the door, only to see a man get off the carriage, the servant hurried forward, took the navy blue cloak he had untied, and saw He was wearing a moon white robe, with a unicorn-patterned jade leather belt wrapped around his waist. He was handsome and slender, with a face like a beautiful jade.

The smile on his face is like a warm ink painting, and the air around him is also elegant because of him, so it is difficult for ordinary people to see the true coldness and ruthlessness deep in his eyes.

Last time at the bonfire banquet in the hunting ground, he was still an idle prince who was not taken seriously, but now he is the favorite of the emperor and joined His Royal Highness Prince Heng. It is naturally easier for such a legendary person with a high position and authority. Eye-catching.

Even Siyue leaned out when she saw a lot of noble girls, and secretly looked at him.

Xiao Zhenhai has already led Mrs. Xiao and the three brothers of the Xiao family to the door to kneel down to meet——

"His Royal Highness Chitose Chitose Chitose."

Feng Yunzheng had a smile on his face, and majesty in his easy-going manner. He even bent down to help Xiao Zhenhai up himself, and said, "General Zhongwu has made great contributions to the imperial court. This king came here specially to congratulate him. The general does not have to Thank you very much."

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Xiao Zhenhai felt the strength coming from Feng Yunzheng's hands, and was slightly taken aback. He raised his head and met his eyes. He felt something strange, but this strange thing disappeared too quickly. In His Highness's eyes, there was nothing.

"General Xiao?" Seeing his blank eyes, Feng Yunzheng called out.

Xiao Zhenhai was startled, why did he lose his mind in front of a prince, this is simply a taboo!

He quickly bowed and said, "Please, Your Highness!"

It's just that Feng Yunzheng's seemingly innocent eyes sent a chill down his spine.This is just a brat who has been favored by the emperor for a few days. The emperor's favor comes and goes as soon as he says it, so Xiao Zhenhai has nothing to be afraid of!
"General Xiao is polite." Feng Yunzheng raised his feet and walked towards the banquet, the moment he turned around, there was a touch of extreme coldness in his eyes.

Of course he deeply remembered what kind of important role this loyal general Xiao Zhenhai played in Feng Qianyue's persecution of him and Lian Siyue!
On that day, not long after Feng Qianyue ascended the throne, he rushed to the palace alone as agreed, and took off his sword before entering the palace as requested.

Feng Qianyue had a long talk with him all night, from the state of the court, to the livelihood of the common people, to the deep brotherhood, they even talked about the Queen's Lian Siyue, and Feng Qianyue said that he would start to fill the harem.After hearing this, he thought of a certain face in his heart, and persuaded him from a distance that the emperor had just ascended the throne, and the affairs of the harem could be postponed, lest the officials say that the emperor is greedy for beauty.

At that time, Feng Qianyue laughed and said, Brother Nine Emperors is very considerate of my queen, this is the queen's blessing.

How did he know that when he had a long talk with Feng Qianyue in the palace all night, Xiao Zhenhai had already led the Xiao family army to control the entire Prince Heng's mansion, killing all his soldiers overnight, and his two confidantes, Ye Feng and Leng Mei broke out of the siege with one enemy and one hundred, but still died at the gate of Zhengyang who tried to enter the palace to report to him!

It is said that the two shouted "Your Highness is deceitful!" outside the main gate with their last breath, but Xiao Zhenhai chopped off their heads with a sword!

The betrayal came so suddenly, so when he was in the palace, he didn't notice anything unusual at first, but when he realized something was wrong, his limbs were already weak.

It turned out that Feng Qianyue had put medicine in the lit incense, and the effect of the medicine slowly penetrated into his body with his breath, and Feng Qianyue himself took the antidote in advance, and he was safe and sound.

That night, almost all his cronies died under Xiao Zhenhai's sword!

And Yue'er's miserable life cannot be separated from Xiao Zhenhai's strategizing behind her back!
With a smile on his face, he slowly walked into the banquet hall, but his fists were slowly clenched——

Therefore, Xiao Zhenhai, today the king will give Xiao Zhenhai a big gift to celebrate the reunion in this life!
Of course Lian Siyue knew the betrayal and torture that His Ninth Prince had endured in his previous life from Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue, she seemed to feel the sadness emanating from him!
She clenched her fist slowly——

So, Xiao Zhenhai, I am going to give you a big gift today, it is a thank you gift to His Highness the Ninth Prince!

The eyes of the two slowly met in mid-air, and there was a tacit understanding conveyed in the glued eyes, as if they could see through each other's thoughts at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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