Chapter 237

Chapter 237

At this time, Lian Siyue heard some whispering discussions beside her——

"The demeanor of His Highness Ninth Prince is really unmatched by anyone."

"I heard that His Royal Highness Ninth Prince rejected Liang Runan, Duke Liang's granddaughter. She is a first-class talented girl in our capital, with a wonderful family background and beautiful looks."

"I've never heard His Highness Ninth Prince fall in love with any woman. The son of Sister Lan in my room works in Prince Heng's mansion. I heard that His Highness Ninth Prince doesn't have a girl in the connecting room. A single Sister is in charge of board and lodging. This nanny is still his wet nurse."

"So, His Highness the Ninth Prince is not only a dedicated person, but also a long-lasting person. I don't know who will be blessed to be the princess of Hengqin?"

Amidst the whisperings of the ladies, Feng Yunzheng slowly passed in front of Lian Siyue, and the comments of those people fell into his ears. However, he walked over without squinting. Sitting down beside Qianyue, he said to the two:
"Brother Four, Brother Eight, don't be offended that Brother Huang is a step late."

Sitting together, these three people created a pleasing picture, which feasted the eyes of all the noble ladies on the opposite side.

"Brother Jiuhuang is very favored and favored now, so he came late because he had something important to do, how can we blame you." A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Qianyue's lips.

Feng Yunzheng didn't care about the sarcasm in his words, and said, "The emperor has been idle since he came back from Nancheng, but the fourth brother hasn't shown up for a long time, how come today?"

"General Xiao is a meritorious minister of the imperial court, and I am here to congratulate my brother." Feng Qianyue also kept his words tight.

In fact, he came here today to meet Lian Siyue and ask her why she twisted his flowers, and secondly, to test Xiao Zhenhai's tone, he wanted to find an opportunity to become one with Xiao Zhenhai.

Even Shiya felt that His Highness Ninth Prince was outstanding, but this time...

She suddenly felt a suffocating breath in her heart, and finally couldn't sit still. She got up and walked out of the banquet scene, walking faster and faster.

"Ya'er, wait!" Xiao Shi also followed behind.

"What's the matter?" Lian Shiya stopped impatiently and asked.

"What's your relationship with Liu Shangshu's daughter Liu Xiren now?" Xiao Shi asked, she wanted to know the secret of Mrs. Shangshu's high collar to conceive a child.

"Didn't you see? That little bitch used to be a deadly enemy with Lian Siyue, but now she is on good terms with her, but she always targets me. If she hadn't laughed at me so loudly just now, who would have known that I..." The two incontinent Lian Shiya couldn't open her mouth to say a word.

"You find a way to get closer to her, and tell me about it." Xiao ordered in a low voice.

"What tone?" Lian Shiya asked, frowning.

"Her mother, Mrs. Liu, is in her forties this year, but she is pregnant. The doctor took the pulse and said it was a boy. It is almost six months now. I think she must have some secret recipe for giving birth, otherwise it would be so easy to give birth at an advanced age." Xiao is sure that Mrs. Shangshu's pregnancy cannot be just God's will.

Lian Shiya showed a hint of doubt on her face, "I didn't pay much attention to such things just now. I'll find a chance to ask." For her, her own mother gave birth to a son to consolidate her position in the Lian family. Very traditional Chinese medicine.

"Then where are you going now?" Xiao Shi didn't look like she was going back to the room when she saw her.

Lian Shiya frowned, and said, "I'm there, those people are pointing at me, and pretending not to look at me, I really can't swallow this breath, I'm going to talk to Cousin Rou'er!"

She now understands that those who assassinated her today were originally arranged by her uncle to avenge Xiao Rou, but she was greedy for that extremely luxurious carriage, and in the end... screwed up the good assassination plan!

However, Xiao Rou must be very unwilling to kill Lian Siyue, she must want to do it again!
At this time, it is good for her to go to Xiao Rou's side to give advice.

"Then you go, I'll go and rest, and we'll go back together after the banquet is over. Remember, this is your uncle's banquet. Without his permission, don't mess around." Xiao urged.

"Understood!" Lian Shiya replied impatiently.

Xiao Shi sighed, thinking in her heart, does Lian Siyue have some kind of ghost possessed, why can't she be killed!

As Lian Shiya walked, tears flowed out. She dressed up to attend today, but ended up in such a miserable state, how could she not be sad.

"Don't cry." At this moment, she was startled, and looked up, only to see Feng Qianyue standing in front of her, her heart trembled, and she blurted out——

"Fourth Highness." As soon as he opened his mouth, more tears came out.

"Did you get bullied today?" Feng Qianyue asked, his voice was low and full of magnetism, his position was very good, Lian Shiya could see him, but others couldn't.

Hearing such a greeting, even all Shiya's grievances were vented out, tears fell down, but she couldn't cry out, the appearance of enduring the pain seemed extremely pitiful, she choked up and said:
"Your Highness doesn't know. I was named the head of the county. The most unhappy thing is my eldest sister. Today, today, she hired an accomplice and pretended to kill me halfway, scaring me... so scared that I almost lost my soul. Just now She appeared in such an embarrassing manner, but, in order not to lose the face of the Prime Minister, I still want to get close to her."

Listening to him talking, Feng Qianyue's eyes showed a cold sarcasm, the county lord?How could Lian Siyue mind such a small position, this third lady thinks highly of herself so much.

He sighed, "Third Miss is much more sensible than Eldest Miss, thank you for your hard work."

Feng Qianyue was already handsome, his facial features seemed to have been chiseled by a knife and an axe, his eyes were deep, with a charming luster, thick eyebrows, and a tall nose...

Lian Shiya's injured heart seemed to be slid by a soft feather at this moment, and it slowly opened to Feng Qianyue. Her face was as hot as a fire. She lowered her head and said shyly:

"Your Highness is as clear as a mirror, as long as you know the truth."

"Why not, let me help you, how about it?" He slowly took a step closer to Lian Shiya, and his charming aura instantly surrounded Lian Shiya, she couldn't help but took a step back, and was about to breathe nervously But come here, muttering in his mouth:
"Why, how can I help?"


"Sorry to bother you." Just when Feng Qianyue was about to say something further, Lian Siyue suddenly appeared on the other side of the corridor, and then walked over calmly and calmly, and walked over from Feng Qianyue and Lian Shi. Ya walked over.

"..." Feng Qianyue's face suddenly became hot, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists. When did this person appear?Did you hear what he and Lian Shiya said?

Even though Lian Siyue didn't look at him from the beginning to the end, he felt a little awkward and uneasy in his heart, as if she had peeped into the privacy of an invisible person.

"Fourth Highness..." Seeing Feng Qianyue's eyes following Lian Siyue, and remembering Feng Qianyue's gift of Lian Siyue's rare flowers, Lian Shiya felt uncomfortable, as if she As if something was about to be snatched away by someone, he hurriedly called Feng Qianyue's gaze back, and said, "You gave eldest sister rare flowers, but you said you would help me deal with eldest sister, could it be are lying to me .”

That's right, Feng Qianyue really wanted to use Lian Shiya's hand to teach that person who never took him seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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