First-class daughter

Chapter 243 Seeing a Ghost

Chapter 243 Seeing a Ghost
Chapter 243 Seeing a Ghost
A hint of doubt flashed in her eyes, but at this moment, she didn't think too much, walked in front of Feng Qianyue in two steps, couldn't hide the excitement in her heart, lowered her voice, and said, "Your Highness, are you here?"

At the same time, a malicious thought was generated in her mind——

If Feng Qianyue saw with his own eyes the situation where Lian Siyue was being ruined naked by that kind of filthy person, he would never think about sending her any rare flowers to watch in the future.

"Who's inside?" Feng Qianyue asked, her voice trembling suddenly, and her fists were slowly clenched.

Therefore, Lian Shiya showed a smile, blinked her innocent and charming eyes, and said, "It's my eldest sister, do you want to go in and have a look, Your Highness?"

"Open the door." Feng Qianyue said without hesitation!

The door opened, Feng Qianyue stepped into the Nuan Pavilion, looked around for a while, and finally fell on the door in the middle.

"Ah..." There was another cry from inside, his feet tightened, his pupils shrank, he involuntarily quickened his pace, pushed open the door and walked in.

When the door closed, a ghostly figure slowly walked out from the side, with light steps without making any sound.

After Feng Qianyue walked into the room, he saw a person lying on the bed with a white, tender and smooth jade arm exposed, exuding a white luster, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, he should turn around and leave immediately, otherwise There will be trouble.

But for some unknown reason, he seemed to be unable to control his steps, as if he had been bewitched by something, when he saw that smooth arm, he felt a wave of excitement in his heart, so he walked over
Feng Qianyue loves to look at the beautiful arms of women. He once held hands that resembled the moon and said, "The bead ring is like a plain wrist, and the slender hands are slender. Yue'er, you have the most beautiful jade arms in the world." Then, he bowed his head and kissed Her green onion fingers, one by one, seemed to be the rarest treasure in the world. At that time, Lian Siyue felt that she was so cherished by him, and she was really the happiest person in the world.

Lian Siyue watched without any expression on her face, turned around, walked outside, she sighed slowly——

Feng Qianyue, as I said, I will never forgive you, never look back, the road of revenge will go to the end and go to darkness!Now, it's time to send you to the road to hell. I walked that road. It's very long and very cold. Let's have a taste of it.

Beside the bed, a woman with slightly squinted eyes was looking at him fascinatedly. Her hands were wrapped around his arms like water snakes, making him unable to push them away.

Feng Qianyue was suddenly bewildered by the woman in front of him, his eyes seemed a little blurred, and he couldn't see her face clearly, but he wanted her very much at this moment, so he suddenly lowered his head and yelled at those lips.

Xiao Rou was half asleep and half awake, and smelled a strange fragrance again, and the fragrance penetrated into her body with her breath. She really wanted to push away the person who was pressing on him, but she couldn't resist the smell of that man. So it sank deeper and deeper.

The brocade robe on Feng Qianyue fell to the ground.

Lian Shiya stood outside, with a happy expression on her face, imagining what Feng Qianyue would look like when she saw Lian Siyue enjoying love with the most humble man, and when everyone came to see this scene later, they would be so excited what expression.

At this time, the door squeaked, and Lian Shiya turned around joyfully——

"Your Highness..."

However, she stood still as if she saw a ghost, her whole body was stiff, her eyes were as round as copper bells, her mouth was wide open, and she looked at Lian Siyue standing in front of her intact, wearing her own clothes. Clothes wet with assorted honey soup.

"You, you... why are you here so well." What's going on?In an instant, 1 thoughts flashed through her mind.

Lian Siyue looked at her, smiled slightly, then froze for a moment, suddenly raised her hand, and slapped Lian Shiya's face fiercely, causing her to take two steps back. It was so big that five finger prints immediately appeared on her cheeks.

The servants beside her were all frightened by the tough and terrifying aura exuding from this eldest lady, and they took a few steps back, not daring to breathe.

"You..." She still didn't understand what happened, why the person who came out was not the furious Fourth Highness, but the most annoying Lian Siyue.

"Slap!" Lian Siyue did not hesitate, stepped forward and slapped her hard twice, this time the corners of her mouth were bloodshot.

"You..." Lian Siyue stared at Lian Shiya gloomily, and said, "Lian Shiya, this kind of despicable and dirty method is enough to play once, again and again, is it all you have? Next time, use something more advanced, I'm tired of it!"

"You, no..." Lian Shiya received two vicious slaps from Lian Siyue, but she didn't care about the pain or settle the score.

She pushed open the door of the Snapper and ran in.

Lian Siyue glanced at the servants in front of her, and when they saw her, they all seemed to see a ghost, and they were scared back two steps by her.

Lian Siyue's gaze was like a cold blade, cutting them open.




Mother Xiang, Chun Mingtong was slapped several times by her, and everyone covered their faces tightly, not daring to speak out, being frightened by the aura of the eldest lady of Xiangfu in front of them.



back yard.

The archery competition was still going on, except for Feng Ye's second arrow which deviated slightly, the other four arrows all hit the bull's-eye——

Xiao He said, "In this way, the fourth highness is the most powerful. Why hasn't the fourth highness come back? The competition is over, and it's time to choose what you want."

"Just now he seemed to be looking for Miss Xiao's family." Feng Yunzheng blinked those clear eyes and said.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a sharp voice pierced the sky, full of fear, panic, fear, and the person who called was panicked!

Everyone was stunned——

"Ah! Ah!" There were two more such calls.

"This voice, this voice came from Miss's yard!" At this time, a servant shouted.

Xiao He's eyes were fixed, he immediately turned around, and strode towards the direction of Yicui Courtyard. Feng Ye and Feng Yunzheng looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

In the female guests' table, everyone was startled, their hearts were pounding, how could there be such a terrifying cry in the majestic Xiao Guofu in broad daylight, it was like seeing a ghost.

Liu Xie glanced at the place where Lian Siyue was sitting, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart, and hurriedly followed.

"Everyone, stay safe and don't be impatient. Let's stay here for a while to watch. I'm going to have a look, and I'll come right away. Don't worry, everyone. Xiao Guofu is well guarded and nothing will happen." However, Xiao He stopped everyone. Footsteps, said.

However, he couldn't stop the princes, and finally followed him to Yicui Courtyard.

On the other side, Xiao Guogong and Mrs. Xiao rushed over when they heard the cry, and Xiao Shi who was dozing in the wing room also got up and came over.

As soon as Xiao He pushed open the door of Yicui Courtyard, he happened to see Lian Shiya running out of the warm pavilion as if she had seen a ghost, her face pale.

However, she didn't expect to see so many people as soon as she ran out, and immediately, like a dog, she swallowed her barking back.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zhenhai scolded with fury on his face, he held a banquet in Xiao Guofu, which made such a mess, he would never allow such a thing to happen, so he looked at Lian Shiya angrily.But it can't be expressed on the face, so the eyes look very scary.

(End of this chapter)

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