First-class daughter

Chapter 244 Unbelievable

Chapter 244 Unbelievable
Chapter 244 Unbelievable
"What's going on?" Mrs. Xiao frowned and asked displeasedly, "The noise is frightening to death."

"Ya'er..." Xiao Shi shook Lian Shiya's hand, she also felt very strange.

"Old, mouse, I was scared by the mouse." Lian Shiya said hesitantly.

"Mice? Miss Lian San doesn't look like she saw a mouse." At this moment, a faint voice came out from the crowd, and the person who spoke was Feng Yunzheng.

"Go in and have a look." Feng Ye said.

Xiao Zhenhai had a premonition that something was going on inside, but he couldn't invite the princes out to deal with it. He pursed his lips, with a gloomy face, and walked into the Nuan Pavilion.

"..." Lian Shiya stood where she was, her breath was short of breath. Thinking of the scene she just saw, she felt jealous again!

The rest of the people also went in together, and saw that there were three side rooms side by side, only the door of the middle room was open.

When everyone walked to the door of the room and looked inside, they were all stunned by the scene inside!

I saw that on the ancient red sandalwood bed, the woman's silky arms wrapped around Feng Qianyue's waist, entangled like a water snake, and Feng Qianyue was pressing on the woman's body, panting and Shen Yin intertwined, the whole The room exudes a thick mist.

Everyone was stunned, even Feng Ye was staring at it bewilderedly, being shocked by the bold actions of his fourth brother...

Feng Yunzheng slightly turned his face away, not to look at other women's bodies, anyway, he has always carried out the purpose in his heart to only look at his Yue'er, even if it is a hair.

Feng Qianyue was so immersed in the stimulation of her senses that she didn't even notice that she and the woman under her were being watched——

His hand slowly moved down, and then, he suddenly felt something was wrong, why this person's body seemed to be missing a part.

He touched again with his hand, and suddenly—

Ah, he screamed, as if seeing a ghost, and sat up suddenly, only then did he realize that this was a woman with only one leg, a terrible disabled person!
This is……

Feng Qianyue suddenly became half awake, and stared dumbfounded at the topless woman in front of him. He was actually here with a woman who is not complete...


"Brother Four!" Feng Ye shouted in surprise, Feng Qianyue was startled, and suddenly turned around, only to see a group of people standing at the door, his eyes were suddenly a little dazed——

Xiao Zhenhai, Feng Ye, Xiao He, Mrs. Xiao, Feng Yu, Feng Rong, etc., everyone looked at him with shock in their eyes!
The back of his head seemed to have been slapped suddenly, and he became sober. He, he is...

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Xiao Rou on the bed seemed unable to stop, her hand was still wrapping around her body like a water snake. When he saw Xiao Rou like this, a disgusting feeling surged in his heart, and his whole body shuddered. fell off the bed.

Feng Qianyue has lived these years, although he does not look as high-profile as the prince, Feng Ye, Feng Yu, and Feng Rong, but all of them are beautiful and decent, even in the darkest days of his life, Live with a straight back and never bow your head.

But now, he is like a dog that has been bereaved, extremely embarrassed!
For a moment, there was a dead silence in the whole room.

Mrs. Xiao suddenly came to her senses with a jolt, walked over quickly, pulled the sheet over the distraught Xiao Rou, her body was naked, she was really indecent——

"Rou'er, what's wrong with you, why are you like this?" She suddenly raised her head and looked at Feng Qianyue. She was the daughter of King Anping after all, and she had an imposing manner, which made Feng Qianyue take a step back.

"Ah! Ah!" Xiao Rou suddenly realized what had happened, she screamed loudly in fright, her face turned pale, and she hid herself into Mrs. Xiao's arms forcefully, "Mother, I, I..."

She babbled and couldn't say anything. "

"Close the door!" Xiao Zhenhai yelled, and asked someone to close the door of the Nuan Pavilion, then strode over, condescendingly looked down at Feng Qianyue who was sitting on the ground, with a look of grief and indignation in his eyes, and said——

"The old minister never imagined that the Fourth Highness is such a person. Although my daughter is not good at conduct, but, I can't tolerate His Highness being so frivolous and obscene!"

Being stared at by a courtier like this, Feng Qianyue has never suffered such humiliation!The blood in his body was boiling, his fists were secretly clenched, he wished to punch Xiao Rou on the bed to death!
"Brother Four Princes, put on your clothes first." At this time, the Tenth Prince Feng Rong came over and picked up the robes scattered on the ground, Feng Rong, his ally.

Feng Qianyue pursed his lips, stood up, took the robe, he suddenly thought, he is a prince, how can he be like this when facing a courtier?

Xiao Rou was still screaming frantically, Mrs. Xiao tightly covered her mouth, lowered her voice, and said, "Rou'er, don't make noise, don't talk..."

Feng Qianyue was expressionless, slowly put on the brocade robe, buttoned the skirt, took the jade belt that Feng Rong handed over, and slowly tied it around his waist. The room was very quiet, very quiet, so quiet that he could Hear yourself breathing.

Finally, he was dressed. His hair was neat, his clothes were neat, and he was tall and tall, as if the person who was struggling on the bed just now was a different person from the person who fell to the ground.

He looked at Xiao Zhenhai, and said calmly, "Someone framed this king, General Xiao, check it out."

Feng Yunzheng sighed slightly in his heart, Feng Qianyue is indeed Feng Qianyue, no wonder he can endure what ordinary people can't bear, and finally ascended to the throne.This kind of situation of being "caught raped in bed" actually behaved like this, and quickly threw the question on Xiao Zhenhai, telling Xiao Zhenhai clearly: This king was framed in your house.

In view of Feng Qianyue's status as Prince Feng Qianyue, Xiao Zhenhai held his old breath in his heart, and ordered in a rough voice, "Send someone to investigate what's going on immediately?"


So General Xiao started to investigate, but he checked everything in the room, but found nothing.

"Check again!" Feng Qianyue's face was gloomy, how could it not be there, he remembered asking for a scent when he came in, but now there is no smell at all, that smell can't be his illusion!
As a result, the scope was expanded to the outside and continued to investigate suspicious areas.

"Still nothing." Will came to report.

"Bring in that maid just now!" Feng Qianyue ordered, and soon, Lian Er, the little maid who led Feng Qianyue, was escorted in.

With a bang, Feng Qianyue pulled out the sword from the guard's waist, pointed it at Lian'er's throat, looked at her like a torch, and said, "Who ordered you to call me here?"

The little servant girl was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, tremblingly said, "His Royal Highness, your servant has already said, yes, it's Miss Biao, Miss Biao."

Lian Shiya, who had been outside in a daze because of the shock, suddenly came back to her senses, walked up to Lian Er, and scolded in a shrill voice, "Bitch, you are talking nonsense! When will I let you Called His Highness to come over, but I didn't! Who are you falsely passing on!"

The little maid was trembling with fright, and she didn't dare to say a word, as if she was about to die.

Feng Qianyue stood in the room, he suddenly remembered something, his eyes wandered around the room for a week——

Even like the moon!
where did she goDidn't Lian Shiya say that she was in the room?
"It's her! It's her! It's Lian Siyue!" Even Shiya came to her senses and remembered that the person who entered the room was Lian Siyue, but now it was Xiao Rou, so what about Lian Siyue? ?
"Miss Lian, please come in!" Xiao Zhenhai said in a deep voice.

After a while, Lian Siyue walked in. Before she could speak, Lian Shiya rushed towards her like a mad dog. Feng Yunzheng's expression changed immediately, and her steps moved lightly, blocking Lian Shiya's eyes. Lian Shiya suddenly saw his eyes, and a chill rose up her spine.

(End of this chapter)

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