Chapter 245
Chapter 245
"Third sister, what's going on, I've been waiting for you outside for a long time, didn't you say you want to give me the clothes?" Lian Siyue looked at Lian Shiya with displeasure.

I saw that the clothes on her body were indeed wet, her body was trembling slightly, and the tip of her nose was flushed. She looked as if she had been waiting for a long time and was very cold.

"You, you are talking nonsense. I have already asked Chunming to give you the clothes. I asked you to change your clothes here. You must have done something wrong. You got Cousin Rou'er here and your Highness the Fourth Highness to come here. It just happened...that happened."

"Third sister, what are you talking about, I have never taken the clothes you brought, what kind of green calyx plum, what are you talking about?" Lian Siyue blinked, with a puzzled look on her face.

Lian Shiya rushed behind the screen and looked around, but there were no clothes.

how is this possible?How could this be?
Lian Shiya suddenly thought of something, she ran in front of Xiao Rou, but as if she was afraid of frightening her, she asked in a low voice, "Cousin, I asked Chun Ming to get the clothes from you, didn't I? Or did you say That green calyx plum."

Yes, as long as Xiao Rou testifies, everyone will believe it!

So, everyone looked at Xiao Rou who was nestled in Mrs. Xiao's arms, her eyes were filled with tears, she bit her lower lip, blinked her eyes, and she was about to shed tears.

"The servant girl Chun Ming came in!" At this time, the maid Chun Ming was also brought to the door of the room.

"No." Suddenly, Xiao Rou spoke at this time, her voice was weak, but it reached everyone's ears clearly, "Cousin never came to me to ask for clothes."

Lian Shiya turned her head suddenly, stared at Xiao Rou with wide eyes, looked at her blushing face, and then looked back at Feng Qianyue, she slowly... understood everything!
Xiao Rou is going to rely on the Fourth Highness!

Lian Shiya clenched her fists tightly, looked at Xiao Rou angrily, and looked at this person who bit back!
If it wasn't for the inappropriate place, Lian Siyue really wanted to laugh three times, these two allies would soon become hostile because of one man!

But now is not the time to laugh, Lian Siyue showed a resentful look on his face, and said, "Third sister, so you lied to me, you didn't even want to get me clothes, and you asked me to wait outside. I'm getting sick from the cold, look at my hands."

She stretched out her hands, and sure enough, her fingers were red with cold, obviously she had been standing in the snow for a long time.

But in fact, when she was outside just now, she deliberately held a ball of snow in her hand, which made her so cold.However, it gave everyone the impression that the county lord was deliberately teasing the elder sister.

"Go, get a cloak for Miss Lian." Feng Yunzheng ordered the servant at the side, and soon, the servant brought over a white fox fur cloak, and Lian Siyue quickly wrapped her body, with both hands Hold it into a ball and put it near your mouth to breathe.

At this point, because of Xiao Rou's defection, no slaves in Yi Cui Court came out to testify against Lian Siyue, and Lian Siyue's crisis was easily resolved, she really wanted to thank Xiao Rou for saving her a lot of talking.

Feng Qianyue's face was gloomy, his eyes seemed to see through Lian Siyue, he always felt that this matter must have something to do with her!

But Lian Siyue really glanced at her lightly, and that gaze seemed to carry his most unbearable sympathy!
"Check again!" Feng Qianyue ordered again, he had a feeling that something was tightly wrapped around his throat.

However, nothing was found, and even the scent disappeared without a trace. .

"However, even if she is framed, my sister will be with the Fourth Highness... so, what should Rou'er do?" At this time, Xiao Shan looked at his sister distressedly and said.

Xiao Shan asked the crux of the matter, immediately, Xiao Zhenhai, Xiao Shan, Xiao He, Xiao Hu, Mrs. Xiao, and Xiao Rou who was sobbing and crying in Mrs. Xiao's arms also raised their heads to look at her;
There are also Feng Yunzheng, Feng Ye, Feng Yu and others.

Everyone looked at him like this, Feng Qianyue secretly clenched his fists, his heart was already extremely turbulent!He was asked to marry an incomplete woman, and, according to Xiao Zhenhai's status, he still had to marry her as his concubine and have children.

Just thinking about the emptiness he felt just now, he couldn't bear it anymore!To spend a lifetime with such a person is simply——

He gritted his teeth and said, "After the matter is found out and I am innocent, I will give Miss Xiao a reasonable explanation."

He was still thinking about how he could not spend his whole life with such a person!

"In my opinion, let's report to the emperor, Rou'er is the princess bestowed by the emperor." Xiao Shan said from the side, he was afraid that the four princes would go back on their word.

Feng Qianyue suddenly raised her head and looked at Xiao Shan!There was a burst of anger in his eyes, but because of his own fault, he slowly extinguished that anger!

Feng Yunzheng sneered in his heart, Xiao Rou was not good at behavior, and the Xiao family was worried about her future. Too much.

"Wait for the truth to be found out! This king...marry her as my concubine!" These words seemed to be squeezed out of Feng Qianyue's throat, exhausting all of Feng Qianyue's strength. After speaking, he felt his body was hollowed out , A deep sense of frustration rose in my heart.

Feng Qianyue has always been the one who plotted against others, but now, he is plotted so thoroughly!

And this person...

He raised his eyes slowly, looked at Lian Siyue, his eye circles gradually turned red, and he secretly clenched his fists, feeling an inexplicable pain in his heart!

And Xiao Rou, who was sobbing slightly on the bed, showed a hint of joy. Of course she was happy. She originally thought that she would die alone, but she never expected to marry the Fourth Highness. In her mind, the Fourth Highness is not as beautiful as the Eighth Highness, but he is also The first-class handsome man in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It's just that, when she was young, she didn't know what a miserable life it would be to marry a man who hated herself!Just look at Lian Siyue and you will know.

Moreover, with Feng Qianyue's ruthlessness, Xiao Rou's future may be even more tragic than that of Yue'er in the previous life.

Moon?Feng Yunzheng slowly looked over at Lian Siyue, just in time, she also looked at her, showing him a smile that only he could understand——

He also laughed.

So far, it is an irreversible fact that Feng Qianyue will marry Xiao Rou as his concubine!However, Feng Yunzheng still wants to send a big gift to congratulate Feng Qianyue and the Xiao family for their wedding!

At this moment, the butler hurried in and said, "Master... Outside, Mr. Zhang from the Criminal Department came outside and said that he wanted to take the second young master for questioning."

Ministry of punishment?

Xiao Zhenhai was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Xiao He, who also looked blank.

"Go out and see!"

It's too late to digest the matter of His Royal Highness and his beloved daughter's in-laws, and he has to deal with the people in the Ministry of Justice. That Mr. Zhang Zhang Yingzhi in the Ministry of Justice is a very difficult person!
Xiao Zhenhai led his sons to the gate of Xiao Guofu, and saw two teams of elite soldiers standing at the gate of the mansion, and Zhang Yingzhi stood tall under the steed, when he saw Xiao He, his face darkened, and he said:

"Come here, take down the young master!"

Xiao He was startled, what happened?Why did the people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice come to arrest him?Seeing that several guards were about to arrest him, he immediately drew his long sword and said:
"Whoever dares to approach, this general will take his head!"

Xiao Zhenhai also lowered his face, looked at Zhang Yingzhi, and said, "Master Zhang, do you know where this is? This is the gate of my Xiaoguo Mansion, how can you let you mess around?"

(End of this chapter)

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