First-class daughter

Chapter 246 Swap Heads

Chapter 246 Swap Heads
Chapter 246 Swap Heads
Who is Zhang Yingzhi?That is the person who holds the former emperor's Shangfang sword. He has always been stern and selfless, and dare to speak up even in front of the emperor!

Facing the direction of the imperial city, he clasped his fists and said, "Duke Xiao's words are wrong. Could it be that the land under the whole world is the king's land, and any land under our feet belongs to the emperor. Why did you say this at the gate of Xiao Guo's mansion? "

"..." Zhang Yingzhi is indeed a stone in the latrine, smelly and hard, not afraid of Xiao Zhenhai's power, and blocked Xiao Zhenhai's words with one sentence.

Xiao Zhenhai scolded "Old Man" in his heart, and asked, "Master Zhang wants to arrest my son and go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice. He just came back from the battlefield and made great contributions to the imperial court, so he was conferred the title of General Tianbao by the emperor, and then he was conferred the title of Marquis. You came here rashly, what crime did he commit, and does Mr. Zhang have the emperor's edict?"

Xiao Zhenhai is not someone to wait for nothing, how could he be frightened by Zhang Yingzhi's few words.

"Master Zhang, I, Xiao He, act uprightly, sit upright, and be upright. If you arrest me rashly, you will be punished!" Xiao He is young and vigorous, and has always been praised. How can I obey easily in the Ministry of Punishment.

"Is it considered a dereliction of duty for the powerful soldiers under the young master to rape and plunder outside under the name of the Xiao family army? Can I ask the young master to go to the Criminal Department to investigate?" The pressing step by step of Xiao's father and son did not scare Zhang Yingzhi away, he spoke Still sonorous and powerful.

"This is impossible!" Xiao He immediately denied, "The Xiao family army has always had strict discipline and strict military laws. My capable soldiers will definitely not know the law and break the law."

"Is it true, the young master followed me to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, wouldn't it be clear? If he really refused to go, it would make people suspect that the young master would not put the Ministry of punishment set up by the emperor in his military service. It's in my eyes." Zhang Yingzhi looked at Xiao He with a stern and unselfish attitude, not negotiable.

"Father, my son has to personally investigate and prove that my Xiao family army is not such a scoundrel!" Xiao He was very wronged in his heart, and wanted him to be taken to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation like a prisoner. He would never let go of his dignity.

He is a majestic Xiaohe, known as the Little God of War, General Tianbao!
If it gets out, wouldn't he be disgraced!

"So, the young master is not willing to go to the Ministry of Punishment?" Zhang Yingzhi asked in a cold voice.

"Of course I don't want to go. My second brother is brilliant and powerful, and he has made great military exploits for the imperial court. How can you arrest him at will!" Xiao Shan was not convinced by Zhang Yingzhi.

Xiao Zhenhai judged the situation. First, he knew Zhang Yingzhi's character. Since he came to the door in person, he would not return empty-handed. Second, Zhang Yingzhi just put a hat on the Xiao family's head with a self-proclaimed military service. If it spread to the emperor's ears, there must be What is dreaded, kings have been like this since ancient times.

"My son, Xiao He, has always kept himself clean. He has never done anything out of the ordinary. He has served the court and been loyal to the emperor! The Xiao family army has always been strict in military law. If the rape and robbery that Master Zhang said really happened, it would be Xiao He's army. Unfavorable, I, Xiao Zhenhai, will never tolerate, I will definitely offer Xiao He's head to the emperor when the time comes!"

As soon as Xiao Zhenhai's words came out, the people present were shocked immediately, Xiao Shan and Xiao Hu took a step forward and said, "Father!"

"Master!" Mrs. Xiao's heart trembled, Xiao He was her most beloved son.

Xiao He also looked at Xiao Zhenhai suddenly——

"However, if it is found out that my Xiao family army has wronged my son, what will Mr. Zhang do? Are you willing to offer a head?" Xiao Zhenhai looked directly at Zhang Yingzhi with oppressive eyes.

A poisonous scorpion is worthy of being a poisonous scorpion, and it refuses to suffer at all!

After Xiao He heard this, he already understood what his father meant, this time he wanted to maintain the dignity of Xiao Guofu, and no one would allow anyone to destroy Xiao Guogong's status.

Rao was the one holding Shang Fang's sword, and Zhang Yingzhi was also perspired by Xiao Zhenhai's aggressive aura——

In the end, Zhang Yingzhi clasped his hands together and said, "Since the Duke of the Kingdom wants to present the head of the young duke to the emperor, then the lower officials have no choice but to present the head of the king." He is also not afraid of death.

All of a sudden, the gate of Xiao Guofu was full of swords and swords, "Okay! Master Zhang's words are hard to follow!"

"Then young master, please follow me to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation!" Zhang Yingzhi said.

The two guards stepped forward and escorted Xiao He to the Ministry of Punishment.

Seeing his son's handsome and tall figure leaving with Zhang Yingzhi, Xiao Zhenhai suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes narrowed slowly, revealing a dangerous light.

Xiao He was suddenly taken away by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Xiao family naturally didn't have the heart to hold a banquet, so they all left in twos and threes.

Xiao Zhenhai walked quickly back to the main hall, Mrs. Xiao walked over quickly, and said, "Master, what should He'er do now? If it is really found out that there was rape and robbery, is it true that he is really going to honor the emperor with his head?"

"Hmph!" Xiao Zhenhai snorted coldly, and said, "It's not so easy to remove the heads of my Xiao family, I just said that to want Zhang Yingzhi's head."

"But, the second brother was arrested and sent to the Ministry of Criminal Justice like this, will something happen..." Xiao Shan was very worried about his brother's safety.

"Looking at the entire capital, no one has dared to do anything to my son Xiao Zhenhai. Today is just because of the presence of a few His Highnesses. What we need to do now is to find out what happened. I have sent Duo Kun to investigate. , there will be a result soon.

When Xiao Zhenhai said this, the rest of the Xiao family felt relieved and prepared to wait for the news.

Xiao Zhenhai asked, "Where is Rou'er?"

"Father." Xiao Rou had already changed her clothes and came out again. At this moment, she was snuggling up to Madam Xiao's side, the hostility from her body had completely disappeared, and her face was flushed, just like a young girl in spring.

"Did Ya'er really not go to your place to get clothes for Lian Siyue today?" Xiao Zhenhai looked at her and asked.

After hearing this, Xiao Rou blushed, lowered her head, and said, "Nothing can be hidden from father."

Xiao Zhenhai frowned, Xiao Rou was still young, so naturally she didn't understand the complexity of it, it was just that she looked so happy, it really made him unbearable.

Now, it is imperative to protect His Royal Highness Fourth, because His Royal Highness Bao Fourth is Bao's own daughter.

"What's going on today? Tell Weifu now." Xiao Zhenhai said.

Xiao Rou felt a little embarrassed, so she told about today's plan with Lian Shiya.

After hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai showed a trace of indifference on his face, "In terms of Ya'er, the blue is better than the blue."

"I don't know how I got to the bed in the Snapper. I just remember being knocked out by someone, but I couldn't see the person clearly. When I woke up, I was in a daze, as if I had eaten something. However, Father, promise your daughter not to investigate, okay? The Fourth Highness has already... said that he wants to marry me."

Xiao Zhenhai knew what his daughter was thinking, he sighed slightly, and said, "Your Majesty the Fourth Highness can be regarded as an indomitable man, and he promised to marry you in public."

Today, the Fourth Highness looked as if he had been confused by something, but after searching for several hours, he couldn't find anything.

Xiao Rou blushed, and felt that the Fourth Highness was better than the Eighth Highness.

"You have planned so carefully, but Lian Siyue escaped from her shell in the end, unharmed, and dropped you, which shows how powerful this person is. In the future, you must not underestimate her." Xiao Zhenhai said to his two sons.

Ruolian Siyue knows that the dignified Xiao Zhenhai has started to pay attention to her, so she doesn't know what kind of mood it is.

(End of this chapter)

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