First-class daughter

Chapter 247 What Do You Know

Chapter 247 What Do You Know

Chapter 247 What Do You Know

"Girl!" Just as Lian Siyue was about to step out of the back garden of Xiao Guofu, a voice sounded behind him.

Lian Siyue stopped in her tracks, turned around after a while, but her face had returned to ice-cold, and said, "His Highness, what's the matter?"

Feng Ye felt her indifference and alienation, and felt very painful in his heart. He was a little sad, and said, "Girl, even if you help me escape danger after we met in Yaocheng, you shouldn't be so ruthless to me!"

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Ye's usually unruly face, but now it looked a little painful, she shook hands, and said, "His Royal Highness, there are many people coming and going, don't cause criticism, I should go."

Does she want to tell him the truth that his mother and concubine almost killed him after killing Lian Jue?In the palace, there is an inseparable relationship between the matrilineal line and the prince, not to mention Concubine Xu Xian is Feng Ye's biological mother!

She and him are destined to be unable to be friends, so what's the use of talking so much?

"Girl, tell me clearly, did I do anything wrong to you?" Seeing that she was about to leave, Feng Ye took a step forward and asked.

"His Royal Highness, in the future, you will thank me for my indifference and alienation today."

Lian Siyue said without any further hesitation, turned around and walked out of the back garden quickly.

Feng Ye stood there, he didn't know why she was like this, he just felt very painful, but also very angry, Feng Ye, his majestic Prince Xun, knew her wholeheartedly, but she always pushed him away without hesitation.

Thinking about it, he also turned around and left angrily!

At this moment, he still doesn't know the inextricable relationship with Lian Jue, and he doesn't know that he and Lian Siyue will completely become enemies in the future, and set off a bloody storm!
Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue walked to the winter corridor, the thick snow was swept away, the wind blew past, the trees beside the road swayed slightly, and the snow dust fluttered down, falling on the two people. on the placket.

Lian Siyue blinked rarely, and asked, "Rape and robbery, is this a generous gift from His Highness to Xiao Guogong?"

Feng Yunzheng put his hands behind his back, looked ahead, his obsidian-like pupils shone with brilliance, and said, "There have been some flower pickers in the capital recently, who specifically target young girls who have not yet reached their age, and their tricks The cruelty caused the families with daughters to close their homes day and night, and people were panicked. The criminal department investigated for several days but only found the tip of the iceberg.

I asked Night Breeze to investigate secretly and found that these flower pickers were organized and premeditated, not ordinary obscene people. My people had wiped out these villains last night, and today they secretly sent two Xiaohes to the Ministry of Punishment. people. "

"Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao He definitely didn't expect that the person they sent to kill me became a flower picker for no reason. Now, even if the investigation finds out that the flower picker has nothing to do with the Xiao family army, people will be criticized. His Highness Ninth Prince's move is really wonderful. " Lian Siyue said with a smile.

"Two flower picking thieves are certainly not enough to shake the Xiao family's army, and my father will not believe that there is something wrong with the Xiao family's army. Therefore, I have prepared a few big gifts for Xiao Zhenhai recently, let him unwrap them one by one."

Recently, it was Xiao Zhenhai's happiest moment, the moment when Xiao's army was most energetic, and Feng Yunzheng had already quietly planted several bombs around Xiao Zhenhai, just waiting for them to explode slowly one by one.

He had to put the long line slowly, if all of them were revealed at once, it would make people suspect that someone was jealous of Xiao Jiajun and deliberately did these things to frame him.

Revenge, don't rush, take your time, cut off the head with a knife, it is better to watch the enemy collapse and disintegrate bit by bit, and you can't survive or die.

"Wow..." At this time, a tree above them couldn't bear the weight of the snow, its branches were suddenly broken, and a pile of snow fell from the tree.

"Be careful!" Feng Yunzheng's eyes flashed, and he waved the navy blue cloak with one hand, turned around neatly, put his arms around Lian Siyue's slender waist, and pulled her into his arms, bowing her body, Forming a protective wall, both hands hugged her body tightly, protecting her in his arms, Lian Siyue closed his eyes, and his two small hands subconsciously grasped the front of his chest.

With a "bang", the snowdrift fell on Feng Yunzheng's shoulder, smashed into pieces, and landed at their feet.

The whole process, like flowing clouds and flowing water, was completed in one go, and the white snow floated around. Looking from a distance, it was like a dream, like a dream, like a poem and picturesque, and it was unbearable to disturb.

Feng Yunzheng lowered his head, his eyes were slightly dazed, he stared deeply at the person in his arms without moving, Lian Siyue slowly opened his eyes, and saw those deep and dark eyes at a glance, looking at her seriously, She was so close to him that she could clearly hear his heartbeat, with a reassuring rhythm.

His hands were still protecting her waist, and he realized that she was so small and her waist was very slender, and his hands couldn't hold her tightly.

However, the miracle is that such a powerful power is hidden in this small body, which always surprises him.

At this moment, he hugged her so close that her body was almost clinging to his body, and the fragrance from her body filled his breath, this fragrance was very special, it seemed like nothing, but It firmly occupied all his thoughts.

A gust of cold wind blew, Lian Siyue's face flushed, his body trembled, he quickly let go of his grip on the skirt of his shirt, and took a step back.

His luxurious clothes were wrinkled by her, and she blinked her watery eyes slightly, and said, "Thank you, Your Highness Ninth Prince." At this moment, her heart was still pounding.

Feng Yunzheng felt the suddenly empty embrace, and felt a little bit reluctant. Just now, Yue'er was leaning against him, her soft body, and the long fragrance, it felt so good, it made him really want to hug her back like this Go to Prince Heng's mansion, and then announce to the world: This is his man.

"Yue'er, I..."

"Your Highness, I should go. My groom and maid are waiting. I'm waiting in the prime minister's residence to hear the good news from your side." Feng Yunzheng wanted to say something, but Lian Siyue hurried towards her He saluted, then turned around and walked away quickly.

Feng Yunzheng stood on the spot, watching her walk away and disappearing from his sight, he watched him foolishly reaching out to grab her hand, smiled, and took it back again——

Yue'er seemed shy just now.

"Hehe, hehe..." On the carriage.

Night Breeze couldn't bear it any longer. He turned his head and looked at his Highness. This was Prince Heng Feng Yunzheng who killed people without batting an eye just now. He wouldn't even move his brows when blood splashed in front of his eyes. ?
At this moment, he was propping his hands on the carriage, resting his cheeks on his palms, his face was flushed, and he kept grinning, his mouth almost reaching his ears, looking like a full-fledged boy in Huaichun.

"Your Highness, are you so happy?" He just killed several people, and then threw two tall and burly people into other people's yard, okay?He doesn't care about his hard work at all?

Feng Yunzheng glanced at him lightly, and said, "What do you know?"

"..." Night Breeze was speechless, "Okay, okay, I don't understand..."

"Hehe..." He laughed again, Night Breeze shuddered all over, and murmured, "The person you have a crush on is really scary, you might as well tell me to kill someone."

Even in the moon carriage.

They were sitting in that luxurious golden carriage, Qing Dai and Jiang Xiang were sitting opposite Lian Siyue, and Leng Mei was sitting outside the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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