Chapter 255
Chapter 255
Princess An's sudden visit plunged the entire Prime Minister's Mansion into an atmosphere of inexplicable tension.

At this moment, she was sitting on the large huanghuali chair in the main hall with a blank face, and the index finger of her right hand moved the sapphire-encrusted gold ring on the little finger of her left hand, exuding a compelling aura from top to bottom , almost breathless.

Her bodyguards, maids and nuns stood behind her one by one.

Lian's mother, Lian Yanqing, second master Lian Yanfeng, third master Lian Yantao, eldest wife Rong, second wife Hu, third wife Liu, fourth wife Yan, and the girls from each house all stood beside the princess. In front of them, everyone was silent, and no one dared to speak.

Even if they don't leave the door again, people who don't take the second door should know what kind of person this An Guo Princess is, so they don't even dare to breathe.

Normally, Mrs. Xiao could not appear on such occasions, but because of her status as a common wife, she can now stand behind the eldest lady. When everyone was very nervous, she felt a kind of joy in her heart. After many years, she was finally able to enter the house with Rong Xue.

Even Siyue was standing in it, and she was a bit puzzled by Princess An's visit in such a big way. In her previous life, Princess An had never been to the Prime Minister's Mansion, so why did she come this time?
Lian Shiya, who always likes to show off, didn't dare to raise her head this time, and deliberately stood in the back position, because the chrysanthemum banquet at Princess An's Mansion last time made her feel lingering fear.She thought to herself, it has been so long, and the marks on the princess's face that were scratched by the parrot have been smoothed away, so she probably won't come here to make trouble for this matter.

Princess An Guo raised her eyelids, and slowly looked at the people in front of her. Her cold eyes made people feel very stressed. Lian Yanqing raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead. This Princess An Guo really can't be provoked. .

What the hell happened?
Finally, Princess An's eyes fell on the rose-red and gold-sprinkled multicolored phoenix-patterned long-sleeved long dress on Lian Shiya in the back row, and then slowly retracted her gaze, saying:

"Princess Eleven is going to celebrate her birthday next month. I ordered a dress at Jingxi Tailor Store to give to her on her birthday. The fabric of this dress is made of high-quality brocade specially transported from Jiangnan. , the pattern was drawn by the princess herself, and it took half a year to complete, but when I went to pick up the clothes today, the shopkeeper told the princess that the clothes were forcibly taken away."

As soon as Princess An Guo spoke, Lian Shiya, who was standing in the crowd, was already trembling, her face was pale, her back was cold, and her forehead was sweating. She was almost going into a convulsion.

But Lian Siyue immediately understood that the long gown that Lian Shiya insisted on buying back today and was still wearing around her ostentatiously belonged to Princess An!


Seeing Shi Ya's appearance, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her. How could it be such a coincidence that she snatched Princess An's clothes?
She mourned for Lian Shiya in her heart, third sister, third sister, I am innocent this time, I did nothing, and I even persuaded you.

Even Yanqing understood when she heard Princess An's words, he dared to believe that some eyeless bastard in the prime minister's mansion stole the birthday present that Princess An had prepared for the Eleventh Princess——

Which blind thing caused him such trouble!
He suddenly turned his head and looked at the people below, the anger in his eyes could kill people, Lian Shiya's head was about to hang down to her chest, her hands twisted her handkerchief, shaking non-stop.

At this moment, she was wearing luxurious clothes, and she was still the most beautiful and dazzling one in the crowd.

"This is quite strange. This princess has lived until now, and no one has ever robbed me of anything. I met him today. I heard that this person is from the Xiangfu. This princess really wants to see this person's true face. Let's see Who the hell is that, who doesn't take this princess seriously at all."

Princess An's words made everyone unable to help but look at the others, thinking, who is so brave enough to snatch the princess's clothes?

"Who?" Lian Yanqing asked in a deep voice, suppressing the anger in his heart.

With a "plop", I saw that Lian Shiya, who was originally dazzling and ostentatious like a peacock, softened and knelt on the ground, begging for mercy while kowtowing, "Princess, I, I didn't know that you made this long dress." It was given to the eleventh princess, I really don't know..."

What?Xiao Shi, who was standing in front of Lian Shiya, saw this scene, her heart skipped a beat, did Ya'er buy Princess An's clothes?How could this be?Xiao Shi, who was originally immersed in the joy of being recognized as an identity, was stunned!

Only then did Lian Yanqing realize that it was this worrying third daughter again!
"Evil!" Lian Yanqing cursed fiercely. At that moment, he wished he could not have this daughter!
"Hmph..." Princess An Guo looked at Lian Shiya and snorted coldly, "The third lady of the Xiangfu is really rich and powerful. The clothes of this princess are priceless, but I think the shop gave 2000 taels of gold for hard work, and the third lady It's easy to get 500 taels more and snatch the princess's clothes away."

When Lian Yanqing heard Princess An's words, his heart tightened immediately. This meant that he was questioning his incorruptibility as an official. This is not a matter of clothes. If it reaches the emperor's ears, what will happen?

He walked a few steps in front of Lian Shiya and shouted angrily, "Little bastard, raise your head!"

Lian Shiya tremblingly raised her carefully drawn little face, which was covered with tears of fear, her mouth was trembling, and her voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat, "Father, father..."

Without saying a word, Lian Yanqing raised his hand, slapped her face left and right, and slapped her face hard, "Nie Yi! What is my Lian family's family motto? Tell me!"

"Modest, humble and courteous, advocating morality and righteousness, loyalty and filial piety, loyalty and filial piety, and sensible handling..." Lian Shiya's two cheeks were flushed from the beating, and five finger prints were clearly printed on her fair face, but She didn't dare to cry out the pain, and with a trembling voice, she uttered the Lian family's family motto tremblingly.

"My family's rules are strict, you little bastard actually disregarded the family rules and went outside under my banner, I will definitely use the house rules to deal with you today!" Lian Yanqing pointed at Lian Shiya, his fingers trembling, Xiao Shi was beside him very In a hurry, but at this time, she did not dare to intercede for Lian Shiya, fearing that she would offend the princess and Lian Yanqing even more.

Lian Siyue knew that her father was punishing Lian Shiya to show An Guo Princess that he was honest and upright, but it was a pity that he was cheated by such a great daughter.

However, Princess An didn't care about these things, her expression was still cold, her eyes were like ice, she looked at the person kneeling on the ground, and said:
"I also heard that you told the clerk in that shop that no one in this capital is allowed to wear clothes of the same style as yours. It's really a big tone. Even Princess An has never said such a thing."

Lian Shiya has already regretted the past, she kowtowed and confessed to Princess An, "Princess, princess, I know I was wrong, I, I was just talking fast, princess forgive me."

"In this case, I will issue an order here. From now on in this capital, you are not allowed to wear any red clothes." Princess An Guo also issued a ban on Lian Shiya.

Not allowed to wear red?Lian Shiya felt as if a piece had been cut off from her heart. Her favorite color was red. She had fair skin and she looked best in red. Not letting her wear red would kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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