First-class daughter

Chapter 256 clear rewards and punishments

Chapter 256 clear rewards and punishments
Chapter 256 clear rewards and punishments
"Then, what if it's the wedding day, Your Highness the Princess." The third-bedroom Mr. Liu asked cautiously.

Princess An Guo glanced at Lian Shiya lightly, her eyes were as disgusted as seeing something disgusting, she said, "Then wear white."

Wear white when you get married?

Xiao Shi's complexion suddenly changed, and she couldn't hold it anymore, she plopped and knelt on the ground, begging, "Princess, Ya'er is ignorant, it's Ya'er's fault, but who would dare to wear white on the wedding day... ...Who would dare to..."

Who dares to marry a woman who can only wear white when they get married? This means that Lian Shiya will not be allowed to marry in this life!No wonder Mrs. Xiao was in a hurry.

Princess An Guo frowned, looked coldly at Xiao who kowtowed, and asked, "Who are you to dare to question this princess' decision."

"I, I am the prime minister's flat wife." Xiao Shi always felt elated that he had finally been promoted to flat wife, but in front of Princess An, saying these two words was unexpectedly so lacking in confidence.

"Ping Wife?" Sure enough, these two words came out of Princess An's lips coldly, "Things that are not on the table dare to come over to talk to this princess, Nanny Ji..."

"Yes, princess."

This Nanny Ji walked in front of Xiao Shi. Before Xiao Shi understood what Princess An meant, she saw Ji Nanny raised her hand and slapped Xiao Shi hard on the face, knocking her to the ground. Nanny Ji scolded coldly, "Not everyone is worthy to talk to the princess!"

"Mother!" Seeing Xiao Shi being beaten, Lian Shiya hurried over, "Mother..."

Princess An ordered the servants to beat Xiao Shi in public, she really lost all dignity and face, even Siyue shook her head, six words flashed in her mind——

Self-inflicted, can't live.

Xiao Shi was dizzy from the beating, she opened her mouth, Lian Yanqing walked over quickly, and scolded, "Shut up!"

Xiao Shi gritted her teeth, propped herself up and knelt up straight with great effort, pursed her mouth tightly, and did not dare to say a word. Tears filled her eyes, and she felt great humiliation in her heart. Even Shiya knelt on her knees. Beside her, there were also tears streaming down her face.

Princess An Guo looked at Lian Shiya's rose-red and gold multicolored phoenix-pattern long sleeved gown, and said, "This is the clothes I want to give to Xiao Lingyue. Half a year of hard work was ruined by you like this. Look, what should I do?" How to remedy it?"

Being looked at by the princess like this, even Shiya trembled all over, and didn't know where to put her eyes. She said innocently, "I, I've only worn it for a while, why don't I take it off, wash it, and return it to Eleven Princess……"

"Presumptuous! The Eleventh Princess, golden branches and jade leaves, how can she wear the clothes you wore!" Lian's mother was almost fainted. If the princess was not present, she would probably have to beat Lian Shiya, a mindless thing, with her own hands. !
Leaning on her scepter, she walked up to Princess An, knelt down on her knees, and said, "Princess, it's my lax discipline that got rid of such a wicked person! I beg the princess to teach this wicked person a lesson!"

By now, Lian's mother understood that An Guo was so angry that she wanted to teach Lian Shiya a lesson, and only waited for the Lian family to speak.

"Grandmother..." Lian Shiya looked terrified, and handed her over to Princess An. Is the Lian family going to abandon her as the first daughter?

She, she is the magistrate of the county sealed by the emperor himself. To the mansion, she is a supreme honor. Wouldn't grandma even want to protect her?

After hearing what Lian Mu said, Lian Yanqing walked up to Lian Mu's side, knelt down on one knee, and said, "This little villain doesn't know how to be polite, and he robbed Eleven Princess of clothes. It's a heinous crime. I implore the princess to teach me a lesson myself!"

"Master..." Xiao's body softened, and he called out, letting Princess An discipline him personally, it would be like sending sheep like a tiger!
"..." Lian Yanqing turned his head and gave Xiao Shi a fierce look, which almost seemed to tear out her eyeballs.

Princess An Guo looked at Lian Shiya, her sharp gaze seemed to be weighing something, and she finally said, "Lian Xiang has always served the imperial court, devoted himself to the emperor, conscientiously, conscientiously, is a role model for all officials! But now You, the third daughter, are blatantly robbing our royal family of things under the banner of your Lianxiang. If this news gets out, it may be really bad for Lianxiang. We should bring this incredible third lady back to the Princess Mansion to live for a month, to teach her well, so as to avoid the trouble of marriage in the future, this matter can be regarded as an explanation to the Emperor, the Empress Dowager, and the palace."

Princess An's words were righteous and unrepeatable, Lian Yanqing and Lian's mother hurriedly knelt down to thank her, but Xiao's face was already pale!
She said she would take her home to teach her, but everyone knows how powerful Princess An is. Her Ya'er will stay in the Princess Mansion for a whole month. !
After hearing this, Lian Shiya felt that the end was coming. She crawled up to Princess An and said, "Princess, I, I am the county lord bestowed by the emperor, I can't, I can't..."

Hearing Lian Shiya still mentioning the word county lord at this time, Lian Siyue mourned deeply for her in her heart. If this person is going to die, there is really no way to stop him!

Who is Princess An?What does the magistrate count in her eyes!
"Hahaha!" Sure enough, Princess An laughed suddenly when she heard this, "Mother Ji, you heard that she put on the airs of the county lord in front of this princess, this is really the funniest thing this princess has ever heard in her life joke."

"Heh!" Nanny Ji said, "The emperor gave a golden collar to the dog guarding the princess mansion, this... the county lord has it?"

What an arrogant tone!This is just a nanny in Princess An's mansion.

Lian Shiya's face flushed and turned pale. Not only did this nanny not pay attention to her position as the county head, but she even compared her to a dog!

"Little beast, how dare you talk back to the princess!" Lian Yanqing raised his hand and slapped her again, and said, "Hurry up and go back home with the princess!"

"Princess, please be more housekeeper. The princess is taking care of you." Mother Lian kowtowed quickly and said.

Princess An Guo looked at Lian's mother and Lian Yanqing, one was an important minister of the court, the other was the court's first-rank imperial wife, and she had been kind to herself, and this Xiang's mansion could be regarded as the mother's home of Concubine Shu in the palace, so she felt that The lesson was almost the same for Shiya, so I felt that I should do something to make these two feel at ease, so as not to spread any words that would be unfavorable to Princess Anguo, such as oppressing the daughter of a minister, so I eased my tone, stood up, and personally helped her up. Mother Lian said:

"Old Madam and Lian Xiang please, Lian Xiang works day and night for the court and the emperor, this princess has always been watching, and I will definitely say a few words for Lian Xiang when I go to the palace to see the emperor tomorrow."

After hearing this, Lian Yanqing felt relieved, and said, "I thank the emperor for your kindness."

Lian Siyue looked at Princess An's amicable appearance to Lian Yanqing and her grandmother at the moment, Princess An was indeed Princess An, a slap for a candy, compared to the face of her daughter being taken away and disciplined, she could get her respect in front of the emperor. Praise, Lian Yanqing certainly thinks that the latter is more important, so there is a reason why Princess An's power can flourish for a long time, not just because of her status as a princess.

"Come here." At this time, Princess An saw Lian Siyue in the crowd and shouted to her.

(End of this chapter)

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