First-class daughter

Chapter 259 Dangerous

Chapter 259 Dangerous
Chapter 259 Dangerous
"Grand...Miss, I've eaten enough now, can I go home?" Zhili wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked expectantly, she just wanted to bring the princess back to the palace as soon as possible.

Princess Eleven patted her stomach and said, "I have eaten enough, but..." She smiled sweetly, "I haven't played enough yet. Look, is that a kite? It's so interesting, go and see it." .”

After sitting for a while, she quickly ran over to a kite stand——

"Miss, miss, wait for your servant." Zhili lamented in her heart, her princess was too energetic.

Then, she bought a lot of things, all kinds of snacks, puppets, masks, kites, calligraphy and paintings, etc., and Zhili piled up a hill in front of Zhili before she finally stopped.

"My dear lady, I can go back now, I really can't carry it anymore." Zhili poked her head out from behind the pile of things and asked.

"No, not yet." Princess Eleven blushed and looked at some children on the corner of the street. In fact, she had noticed them a long time ago.

Pointing at these children, she said, "Zhili, go and give them what you're holding."

Zhili was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed. It turned out that the princess bought so many things to give to these poor children, "Yes, Miss."

Zhili ran over with this huge pile of things in his arms, and those dirty children were very happy when they suddenly saw these things.

"Line in line, take your time, this is given to you by our father-in-law..."

"Wow, that's great, I want, I want this."

"I want this, I've never had glutinous rice chicken with so much meat!"

The children suddenly got so many gadgets and food, all of them were smiling and chirping happily, and all the broken begging bowls were thrown on the ground.

The eleventh princess stood there, watching such a situation, a sweet smile appeared on her face. When she smiled, her eyes were bent into two moons, which was very touching.

Zhili finally breathed a sigh of relief after finishing all the things, then turned his head and gestured to Princess Eleven, but——

Her heart sank suddenly, and the bunch of candied haws in her hand fell to the ground with a snap. The place where the eleventh princess was standing was empty!
Where is the princess?

She only felt that her eyes were dark, and she almost fell down!She hurried over and shouted——

"Miss, miss, where are you, come out quickly, stop joking with me." Her face turned pale, her voice trembled, and she was about to cry, but Princess Eleven did not appear.

She ran a few steps forward, stepped on a hard object, moved her foot and looked down——

It's the princess's crested hairpin!This was rewarded by the Queen Mother not long ago.

Where did the princess go?Zhili's heart was about to be torn apart, she was crying and looking for someone everywhere, but the eleventh princess was nowhere to be found, she was so frantic!
"Princess, come out quickly, don't scare the servants!" She stood by the roadside, crying at a loss. She was a little maid, and she didn't know what to do when she encountered this situation suddenly.

Not to mention that the princess disappeared and her head was chopped off, what if there is something wrong with the princess, what should I do?

How to do?How to do?
Just at this moment, a sedan chair with a red top and purple edge passed by, Zhili saw the logo on the sedan chair, and then glanced at the maid following the sedan chair, she looked familiar!

Her eyes lit up immediately, and she hurriedly ran after the sedan chair, shouting while chasing, "Wait a minute, please wait a moment."

Inside the sedan chair, Lian Siyue closed her eyes and fell asleep. She went to Jiuhua Temple to worship Buddha with Lian's mother today. Accompanied to Jiuhua Temple.

At this time, she heard a faint cry, opened her eyes, and asked:

"What happened?"

Qingdai outside the sedan chair replied, "Miss, someone came chasing you."

Running after him?Lian Siyue raised her hand to open the car curtain, and saw a figure running towards her, who seemed to be still crying, she was taken aback for a moment, this person was——

The eldest maid next to the Eleventh Princess Zhili.

Why is she here?
"Stop the car!"

The sedan chair came to a stop, just as Zhili also chased after her, she knelt down in front of the sedan chair, and said, "The one in the sedan chair is the eldest lady."

"I am, what's the matter with you?" Through the car curtain, there was a voice that sounded like a moon, and Zhi Li's heart suddenly relaxed, she almost cried, and said——

"Miss, I have something to ask for your help!"

"Did the eleventh princess disappear?" asked the person in the sedan chair.

When Zhili heard this, he thought to himself, this young lady is really a fortune teller, so she hurriedly said, "Missy guessed right, the princess and the servant went out to the palace to go shopping, but the princess disappeared, and the servant picked this up on the ground."

Zhili presented the crested hairpin with both hands, Qingdai took the hairpin, lifted a small corner of the sedan chair curtain, Lian Siyue took it with her hand, put it in her palm, and asked:

"Did the princess inform the empress, or did she sneak out of the palace with you?"

With a guilty expression on Zhili's face, he said, "Yes, he sneaked out of the palace with the servant, and it's all the fault of the servant, who didn't pay attention to the princess. Please, Miss, please help find the princess."

There was a slight sigh from inside the sedan chair, and then Lian Siyue said, "Qingdai Xiangxiang, you catch up with the old lady's sedan chair, and tell her that I will return to the mansion later, Luzhi, you go to Prince Heng's mansion immediately Inform His Royal Highness the Eleventh Princess is missing, and the rest of the people will look for someone nearby, remember, this matter must not be publicized, do you understand?"

If this kind of thing gets out, I'm afraid it will bring a bad reputation to the princess, so it must be kept secret.

"Yes." Everyone split up immediately.

Lian Siyue asked the bearer to carry her sedan chair to an inconspicuous alley and waited. Zhili stood beside the sedan chair, anxious, but she was very grateful to Miss Lian.

"How long has the princess been missing?" Lian Siyue asked in the sedan chair.

"About, about half an hour." Zhili said in a trembling voice.

"Don't be too impatient, nothing will happen." In the sedan chair, Lian Siyue felt Zhili's mood, so she spoke in relief.

She didn't know what happened to herself, she was reborn with blood and deep hatred, she only had armor, no weakness, she could work hard for revenge, no matter what the cost.

She avoids the members of the royal family other than His Highness the Ninth Highness like a snake and a scorpion, especially the princess who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth and lets her temperament come, so she naturally avoids it as far as possible.

However, now she unconsciously cares about the eleventh princess, especially when the eleventh princess is crying in her arms on the hunting ground.

Probably because of her design, the princess saw the ugly side of human nature on the hunting ground, and felt guilty for this innocent person.

Lian Siyue thought so.

In a long alley, two rough men were running fast with a sack on their shoulders.

The one contained in this sack was the Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue. Her mouth was blocked by a stinking rag, and her hands were bound with yellow glue. She twisted her body vigorously and struggled to break free. There was a "uh, uh" sound in his mouth.

Oops, she seems to have been caught by the bad guys!
How to do?What should we do now?
Who are they?

(End of this chapter)

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