Chapter 260
Chapter 260
After an unknown amount of time, she felt her body sink and her whole body was placed on the ground.The two people lifted the sack, and Princess Eleven rolled out of the sack like a ball. When she sat up, she felt staring and dizzy for a while.

She shook her head, and found that she was in a dilapidated place, which looked like an abandoned temple, and there were two fierce-looking men standing in front of her, one with a swollen face, and the other It was the one-eyed dragon, and both of them looked at her with ill intentions.

She was startled, without any fear at all, and immediately scolded, "You are so bold that you dare to kidnap this princess, you are tired of your life! Untie this princess!"



The two people were taken aback for a moment, and then they burst out laughing, "You are the princess, so I am still the emperor!"

"Dare to despise my royal father, this princess will cut you two troublesome people in half!" The eleventh princess glared at her almond eyes and shouted coquettishly.

The one-eyed dragon didn't pay attention to Princess Eleven's warning at all. She squatted down, smiled wretchedly at Eleven, and said, "Hey, girl, you are so white and tender, and the words you say are so funny. , Sir, I really like it very much!"

"Yeah, yeah, you are such a hot chick, you are really strong." The burly man squinted at Eleven. Her hair was messed up at the moment, but her skin was fair and tender, and she was very rosy. tempting.

Only then did Eleven know that at this moment, her status as a princess would have no effect on these two blind people, because they didn't believe her status as a princess at all.

She looked around again, it looked like a wilderness, and it seemed that she had walked a long way just now, she swallowed hard, shrank her body back, it seemed that she had to change her strategy.

So, she pretended to be calm, looked at them seriously, and said: "You can take all the silver notes here, here, and the gold ornaments on my head, these are worth more than my silver, you can take them all." Go. But there is one thing, you can't touch a single hair of me, I can tell you the truth, my family is very, very rich, and it is no problem to buy the whole of Kyoto."

The two big men glanced at each other, Cyclops reached out and untied the purse on her waist, stretched out his hand, and took out a thick stack of bank notes, which was 5000 taels!

Moreover, under the bank note, there are two night pearls, which are transparent in color and emit a faint luster even in the daytime.

"God, this chick is really rich!"

"I made a lot of money, this time I really made a lot of money!" The two strong men looked at the pile of finances in front of them, and their eyes turned red. They had never seen so much money in their entire lives, and it was enough for them After a lifetime, I suddenly felt that I had dug up a treasure.

Eleven looked at these two people who were open to money, and felt disgusting. She frowned and asked, "The bank notes, Ye Mingzhu, and gold ornaments are all given to you. Now you can let me go, hurry up." Untie me."

The profusely sweaty face burst out laughing after hearing this, and said, "Little girl, you are so funny, how could we just let you go like this?"

Eleven's face turned cold, a chill came over her heart, her hands slowly clenched into fists, and her voice was a little trembling, but she still deliberately showed that she was not afraid at all, and asked——

"What else do you want to do? Let me tell you, if I lose one hair, you will all be punished by the nine clans. Why don't you take the money and run as far as you can, I can guarantee that I will never look for you Settle accounts" she said in her mouth, but she thought in her heart, no wonder, when this princess is out of danger, the ends of the earth will find you, peel your skins, smoke your bans, all ten tortures will be repeated, called You kidnap me and persecute me!
"Hehe, that's what I said, but we still miss you very much. We have never seen such a delicate skin and tender flesh." The one-eyed dragon was talking, and the corners of his mouth were almost drooling.

"Yes, yes!" The big man's eyes narrowed even more.

"Wait, wait!" The eleventh princess was really scared now, and beads of sweat came out of her forehead.

Although his voice was trembling, he still pretended to be calm, thinking of a solution quickly in his mind, "Well, how about it, don't touch me, didn't I tell you that our family has a lot of money? I'll give it to you Think of a way, you can get more money, as long as you don't move me!"

"What way?" The two stopped approaching her and asked.

"You guys, stay away from me first, and I'll tell you later." Princess Eleven knew that Zhili would find a way to save her when she disappeared, and what she had to do now was to delay time and wait for help.

The two obeyed her and took a step back.

"No, no, back up a little more." The two looked at each other, and then backed up a bit at the same time.

"Stand back a little more." Princess Eleven raised her chin and said.

The two of them patiently took another step back.

"Also, I have to step back a little bit." Princess Eleven observed their faces and said, she wanted to use another method of delaying time before they lost their patience.

"Hey, little girl, do you want to play tricks, you... um..." The one-eyed dragon was scolding Princess Eleven when suddenly, he heard a loud noise, and a long wooden stick hit him fiercely. On the back of his head, his eyes went dark, his feet bent, and his body crookedly fell to the ground.

Princess Eleven was startled suddenly, and she was overjoyed, someone came to rescue her?

And the big man turned his head suddenly, only to see a man wearing a silver mask standing in front of him, exuding a condensed air.

He was startled, "You..."

"Bang! Bang!" Just as the man was about to pick up the stick and hit him, the masked man slapped him hard on the shoulder, and hit his head with another stick, causing him to fall down staggeringly.

The masked man glanced coldly at the two fallen people, then dropped his stick and walked towards Princess Eleven.

Only then did Eleven realize that this man was dressed in a dark blue brocade robe. Although he couldn't see his face, he still felt extraordinary. Most importantly, at this moment, in her mind, this man really looked like a hero in the world.

He walked up to her and knelt down, and without a word untied the ropes that bound her hands and feet, while Eleven kept staring at him, "You, who are you?" She asked in a trembling voice Dao, but the man untied the rope by himself and didn't speak until it was completely untied.

Finally untied!Free at last.

The eleventh princess was overjoyed immediately, she stood up quickly, and moved her hands and feet. Those two damn troublemakers just made her hands and feet so painful that her wrists were red.

"If you saved me, you have done a great service. Tell me who you are, and I will give you an official title!" Princess Eleven said generously to her savior.

The man seemed unmoved, and still did not speak, but took the rope that Eleven had untied, and tied the two fainted people firmly together.

Seeing that he was silent, the Eleventh Princess was taken aback for a moment, took a step back, covered her heart with her hands, and said vigilantly, "Well, you saved me, I can give you an official title and money, don't let me show you my body. Xu, this is absolutely impossible, firstly, I am still young, secondly, secondly..."

The man on the ground finally frowned slightly, and turned his head to look at her lightly. Although he couldn't see his face, the meaning conveyed in his eyes was clearly: You think too much.

The Eleventh Princess felt a little embarrassed at once, but quickly regained her usual princess-like aura, and said, "You, don't blame me for thinking too much, isn't it normal for me to be attracted to me by my pretty face? Besides, look at me, so many money, I..."

"Go down the mountain from here and go straight to the south. Don't look back, you can go back to the market." The man suddenly spoke and interrupted her, as if he thought she was talking too much.

(End of this chapter)

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