First-class daughter

Chapter 266 Thoughtful

Chapter 266 Thoughtful

Chapter 266 Thoughtful

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.

Lian's mother's eyes fell on Xiao Shi. In the past, Xiao Shi could not appear on such occasions, but now that she is Ping Wife, she can appear here to listen to the admonition like the eldest lady.

"Xiao Shi, remember to avoid Concubine Shu when she returns to Ning." Lian Mu frowned slightly, her voice a little indifferent.

"Why?" Lian Shiya suddenly raised her head when she heard this, and asked.

"Why?" Mother Lian's face turned cold, and said, "Do I still need to say? The lone star of the gods, possessed by ghosts, the concubine Shu and the princess are extremely delicate, who will bear the responsibility if they run into a nobleman?"

"..." After hearing this, Xiao's face turned blue and white, extremely ugly.

Hu Shi and Liu Shi covered their mouths and smiled lightly, and said, "Mother is very thoughtful."

Even Shiya was not convinced, and said, "Grandmother, you also believe such absurd words, how could my mother be the lone star of the devil..."

"Shut up!" Lian's mother was furious, and said, "Who said that I had bumped into a ghost? Wasn't it you? Then who was Mrs. Mo An called to exorcise the evil? Isn't it also you? What are you talking about, Master Mo An is a master of Daoism? It’s good now, but it’s ridiculous to say these things in a blink of an eye!”


"Ya'er!" Xiao quickly stopped Lian Shiya, and said, "Yes, old madam, I will definitely follow the instructions. The third lady reasoned with you because she was afraid that I would be wronged. Please look at her filial piety." For the sake of forgiving her."

Lian's mother restrained her anger a little, and said, "Let's all go down."

"Yes." Everyone retreated.

Rao is acting cautiously these days, never getting angry with Lian Siyue, and staying as far away from her as possible, this time Lian Shiya still couldn't hold back, and lost her temper when she returned to Qingquanyuan, saying, "Grandmother Old fool, mother, you are already a flat wife, but you still find excuses to oppress you everywhere, and you won't even let you see Concubine Shu, I can't help it!"

"Hmph." Xiao sneered, took a sip of the tea made by Nanny Zhen, and said, "It seems that the old woman has lived enough."

"..." Lian Shiya was startled when she heard this, "Mother, you, what do you mean?"

"Without her, even Siyue wouldn't be able to run amok as she is now. I really hate myself for being soft-hearted all the time. I would have started earlier when I wasn't a favorite." The expression on Xiao's face was calm, and a hint of sinister appeared on the corners of his lips. Ce Ce sneered, his voice as indifferent as if it had been frozen.

"Mother..." A chill rose up Lian Shiya's back.

Xianhe Courtyard, at noon, the weather was getting better, so Lian Siyue asked the women to move the table to the courtyard, and sat at the table to make these female reds.

There are still a few days before the Shangyuan Festival, Lian Siyue is thinking about what gifts to prepare for Concubine Shu and the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao.

At this time, Leng Mei came over and said in her ear, "Miss, the Fourth Highness has already asked the emperor for a marriage, and will go to Xiao Guofu to formally propose marriage on the Lantern Festival."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue was startled slightly with the hand holding the needle and thread, then continued to embroider, and said calmly, "It's a good marriage."

Saying that, let the cold eyebrows go down, and he continued to do embroidery with his head down.

"Lian Siyue, I've hated your ugly face for a long time!" Suddenly, a cold voice came to her mind, she trembled, stood up abruptly, and looked around.

"Ah, miss, your hand..." At this moment, a maidservant who guarded the gate ran over with a scream.

Lian Siyue looked down, only to find that because of the shock she received just now, the needle had already penetrated deeply into her index finger, but she didn't feel any pain.

"Miss, please bear with me, this servant will pull out the needle for you..." The servant girl pressed Lian Siyue's fingertips, and pulled out the needle forcefully, a small stream of blood immediately gushed out. The handkerchief wrapped her fingers, and the handkerchief was dyed red, like a blood plum, beautiful but desolate.

"It must be in so much pain, I'm going to find Doctor Lu here."

"No need." Lian Siyue pressed her hands with a handkerchief and said, she found out that the person serving by her side was the gatekeeper Xiuzhu, "Why are you here?"

Xiuzhu seemed to be taken aback, and said in a low voice, "Servant, this servant is guarding the door, but when she heard Missy's cry, she ran in."

Lian Siyue looked at her, and said in a calm tone, "You really have a heart, go to the medicine to stop the bleeding in my room, don't disturb Dr. Lu."


Seeing that Lian Siyue didn't scold her, Xiuzhu felt a stone in her heart, and hurried back to the house to get the hemostatic medicine.

"Miss, you must be in pain." Seeing the blood overflowing from the veil, Xiuzhu asked cautiously while applying it for her.

"No, it doesn't hurt me, don't tell anyone about it..." She had the pain of caesarean section, the pain of having her eyes gouged out, her teeth pulled out, her hands, feet, and tongue cut off, and the pain of being betrayed by her loved ones. What's the point of a little needle prick pain?
"Yes, this servant obeys, but the eldest lady should be more careful anyway, the concubine Shu is coming soon, you must take care of yourself."

"Yeah, the Shangyuan Festival is coming soon." Lian Siyue looked forward with distant eyes and murmured that the Shangyuan Festival was the day when she married Feng Qianyue. Days of death by knife--

On that day, she was wearing red makeup, holding the ardent love of a young girl, and rushed to his world without hesitation. He said that although it was a big marriage by accident, she was the person he wanted, so he married her Getting married is the greatest honor in his life. He is willing to use everything he has to protect her.

At that time, she listened to his lingering words of love and burst into tears in his arms. What could be happier than the person she likes just happens to like her?

She is like a moth, loving him with the determination to fight the fire, even disfiguring her face and destroying her body, dedicating everything to her, only to find out in the end that this is just a beautiful conspiracy he gave her.It's all because she is the daughter of the prime minister's family and can give him the support he needs.

Lian Shiya is always the only person he loves in his heart.

Therefore, when he finally ascended to the supreme position, he couldn't wait to take Lian Shiya into the palace, put her in the cold palace, abuse her, and kill her to vent his hatred for these years.

"Miss..." Xiuzhu saw that Lian Siyue was staring at the front in a daze, but she didn't know what she was thinking, so she called out cautiously, "Have you prepared all the gifts for Concubine Shu and the Thirteenth Princess? "

"I already have a plan in my heart. You take someone to find Qi Dao, millet, millet, wheat, and bean grains, and then find Qi red, orange, yellow, green, and green embroidery threads." Lian Siyue ordered Xiuzhu, as if because of the needle pulling, she began to reuse her. .

"Yes." Xiuzhu quickly found what Lian Siyue needed, and she asked curiously, "Miss, these five grains and five-color embroidery thread are two completely different things, what do you do to find these? Woolen cloth?"

"At the time when flood disasters are raging in the south of the Yangtze River, and the capital is full of victims, I use the five grains and five threads to embroider the words 'Guotai Min'an' and dedicate them to the empress Shu. Holding the embroidery thread in his hand, he began to think about how to start.

"Miss's idea is really great, this servant is here to help you wire." Xiuzhu was impressed by Lian Siyue's ingenious idea.

Lian Siyue thought carefully about how to distribute the grains, how to distribute the embroidery threads, every stitch and thread, all of which were meticulous. Slowly, some shapes appeared. Xiuzhu looked at it and couldn't help being amazed.

It took Siyue three days to complete this calligraphy and painting of Wugu, and then she began to prepare a gift for the thirteenth princess. After much deliberation, she decided to make a cloak. She asked Xiuzhu to find water-red material She also asked someone, the thirteenth princess likes peach blossoms the most, so she embroidered a tree of peach blossoms on the cloak.

These days, many things were done with Xiuzhu's help, and everyone in Xianheyuan felt that Xiuzhu was favored by the eldest lady, and they all followed suit.

"Miss, what are you going to put in the cloak?" Xiuzhu asked after the peach blossom shape of the cloak was embroidered.

Lian Siyue thought for a while and said, "Put the cotton wool in."

"Is the cotton wool too heavy? I saw Miss San's cloak in Qingquanyuan before. It was filled with velvet, the thinnest and thinnest kind. It is very warm and light, and it seems weightless in my hand. Like." Xiuzhu thought for a while and suggested.

Lian Siyue thought for a while, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

So, she asked someone to find velvet again. The velvet was very precious, and Leng Mei went to Jingxi Tailor Store to get it.

(End of this chapter)

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