First-class daughter

Chapter 267 Meeting Everyone

Chapter 267 Meeting Everyone
Chapter 267 Meeting Everyone
On the day of the Shangyuan Festival, all the shops on Zhengyang Street from the gate of the Xiangfu to the imperial palace were closed, idlers avoided, and there were many guards on the side of the road.

From the hour of Chen, Lian Yanqing led his brothers and nephews in the mansion to wait outside the Zhengyang Gate, while Lian's mother waited outside the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion with the female relatives of the He clan.

Everyone was wearing high-quality clothing, and it was so quiet that no one dared to make any noise.

From Chenshi to Shenshi, suddenly a group of guards came on horseback and stood on both sides of the gate of Xiangfu on Zhengyang Street, followed by dozens of eunuchs and maids trotted forward and stood on both sides.

After a while, I finally saw a golden eight-carriage sedan appear in everyone's eyes.

Everyone hurriedly knelt down to greet them, only to see that Madam Wan who was accompanying her bowed and lifted the curtain with a jade pole, and saw a dignified woman appearing in everyone's eyes. The peach-colored beanie is inlaid with emerald green pearls of fortune, prosperity and longevity, and a pearl-decorated di bird is pinned to the head crown. A pair of golden phoenixes hang on both sides of the head crown. Two pairs of flowers, a plum wreath, and a four-bead ring, one pair each.The pearl is dazzling, the beautiful jade is shining, and even Concubine Shu is a top beauty.

The girl she is holding in her hand has a snow-white complexion, a pair of almond-shaped eyes, and a pair of flowing eyes. She is wearing a gown with begonia red embroidered pink and blue peach blossoms and a taupe-colored veil skirt. Shuo, nestling beside Concubine Shu, this is Concubine Shu's daughter—the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao.

Unlike the Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue, she is quiet and well-behaved, and her degree of favor in front of the emperor is much higher than that of the Eleventh Princess Feng Lingyue. Her poems and essays are often tutored by the Emperor himself. The Emperor goes to Rongde Mountain Villa every year to escape the summer. When I was young, I always took her by my side, and I often told people that the thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, was demure and gentle, with a pure heart and a heart, and I was really happy.

If she were a prince, she would probably be the one who received the most attention.

Lian Siyue stood beside the eldest lady, looking at Concubine Shu and Feng Tangyao. In the previous life, Concubine Shu was blessed by misfortune because she did not have a prince under her knees. At the age of 16, Yao was personally arranged by the emperor to marry the son of King Pingyang. The king of Pingyang kept his own life, so Feng Tangyao was also happy and happy. If you think about it, the emperor had long foreseen that the competition between the princes would harm others. , it was arranged for Feng Tangyao early on, and this can be regarded as the emperor's deepest favor.

Lian Shiya stood beside Lian Siyue, looking at the luxurious dress on the thirteenth princess, she couldn't help secretly envious, as a girl, who doesn't want to be the most favored in the world?She looked at Lian Siyue again, thinking that her married father would think of ways to give her the best in the future, but she was fighting for everything even Shiya, and she felt more and more unwilling and lost in her heart.

When Concubine Shu saw the people kneeling on the ground, she let go of the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao's hand, walked over quickly, bent down to help Lian Mu up, and said, "Old lady, please get up quickly."

"Thank you, Concubine Shu." Lian's mother stood up, looking at the niece in front of her who was brought up by her own hands, she couldn't help tears in her eyes, this was the first time that Wan Wan had been in the palace for many years.

She said to Lian Yanqing again, "Let's invite Lian Xiang."

"Miss Concubine Xie Shu." Lian Yanqing stood up, bowed and stood in a book.

Concubine Lian Shu glanced at the crowd and saw the appearance of Ding Xingwang from Lianfu, she couldn't help nodding with satisfaction, and said, "Everyone, please stand up."

"Concubine Xie Shu." Everyone followed orders and got up and retreated to the sides.

Concubine Shu hadn't returned to the mansion for many years, she looked up at the plaque of the Prime Minister's mansion, she looked back the same way when she left the Prime Minister's mansion last time, and now it has been more than ten years since she left.

"Mother Concubine." The thirteenth princess, Feng Tangyao, came over gracefully, calling out in a soft voice.

"This is your mother and concubine's home." After returning to Xiangfu, Concubine Shu felt relieved.

"Your Majesty, Princess, everything in the mansion is ready, please go in with me." Lian Yanqing stood aside and said.

"Come on, let's go in." Concubine Shu stretched out her hand to Feng Tangyao, Feng Tangyao put her hand into her palm, took her hand and entered the mansion together, and the rest respectfully followed behind.

Entering the mansion, along the way, seeing the courtyards stacked on top of each other, the winding paths lead to secluded places, and the prosperous and prosperous landscapes everywhere, Concubine Shu was even more happy, and she impromptuly composed a poem while walking, while Lianqing Busily asked someone to record the poem, thinking about getting Concubine Shu to stamp it.

When they arrived at the Inner Mansion, Concubine Shu said to Madam Wan, "Mommy, I want to say something personal to my natal family, so you can take the others down."

"Yes, empress." So, Lian Yanqing, Lian Yanfeng, Lian Yantao and others took all the maids and guards who came with Concubine Shu to settle down. , Even the servants did the same, and each gave money to show the grandeur and hospitality of Concubine Shu's family.

After everyone else went down, Concubine Shu asked everyone to sit down. The eldest lady, the second lady, the third lady, the fourth lady, and the ladies of each room sat down according to their respective positions. Lian Siyue sat next to the eldest lady. On the opposite side, Concubine Shu is in the middle, and Lian Mu is next to Concubine Shu.

At this time, Concubine Shu pulled the thirteenth princess to lift up the big shirt, and solemnly knelt down in front of Lianmu. Lianmu was shocked and hurriedly knelt down, and the others also knelt down one after another.

Concubine Shu held Mother Lian's hand to prevent her from kneeling down, and pulled the thirteenth princess to kowtow to her, saying:

"Now there are no outsiders present, and we are all our own. If my aunt hadn't treated me as her own, took care of me carefully, and invited various masters to train me, I would not be where I am today. Before I entered the palace, I told you Aunt kowtows farewell, let me take Tangyao to kowtow to aunt today, she is just like Lian Wan's own mother."

With tears in her eyes, she took the hand of the thirteenth princess, followed the rules of the juniors of the Xiangfu, and kowtowed three times to Lian Mu solidly.

"Grandmother." Feng Tangyao called out, and the Yingying voice was very melodious.

"Okay, okay, okay, get up quickly, since you are my family, you don't need to see outsiders." Lian Mu raised her old hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes, and hurriedly helped Concubine Shu and the Thirteenth Princess up.

Concubine Shu kowtowed to Lian Mu in front of everyone, it really gave Tian great face, and it also showed Lian Mu's status even more
"Everyone don't need to be too cautious. There are no outsiders now, we can talk freely. I also told the emperor before returning to my mother's house that I want to catch up with my family." Concubine Shu sat down and said, in front of these women in the back house, She also no longer called herself the concubine, and seemed much closer.

(End of this chapter)

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