Chapter 268
Chapter 268
The thirteenth princess was always sitting by her side, with a slight smile on her lips, and a shy look, which was quite different from the eleventh princess.

At this time, Concubine Shu had the time to see the juniors in the mansion, and saw that these children were all beautiful and outstanding, smart and intelligent, like a hundred flowers, each with its own charm, and felt very relieved in her heart.

She said to the thirteenth princess, "Tang Yaoer, these are your cousins, come and meet them."

So, Lian Siyue, Lian Nianxin, Lian Shiya and others came over one by one, met the princess and said something.At this time, Concubine Shu suddenly showed a puzzled look on her face, and asked:
"I've been here for so long, why can't I see Jue'er?"

After hearing this, the eldest lady stood up, and Concubine Shu said, "Sister-in-law, don't be too polite, just sit down and agree, and the rest will do the same."

Only then did the lady sit back and said, "Going back to your mother, Jue'er has gone on a study tour and will come back in a few days. When he returns, I will let her go to the palace to greet you."

After hearing this, Concubine Shu smiled and said, "Okay, okay, he is a good boy. The last time I saw him was two years ago, and he must have grown up a lot now, and his appearance must have become more handsome. I’ve seen it elsewhere, but I don’t know if I can recognize it.”

"Thanks to your mother." Da Furen said politely.

Concubine Shu took another look at the ladies in each room below, and finally her eyes fell on Lian Siyue. Today she is wearing a blouse embroidered with orchids, a honey-colored water-patterned pleated skirt, and a water-blue skirt underneath. Ripples vividly set off her fresh, elegant and unsullied temperament.

Concubine Shu said, "Yue'er, come here."

"Yes." Lian Siyue stood up and walked slowly to Concubine Shu's side. Seeing Lian Shiya, she clenched the hand holding the handkerchief secretly, and a strong jealousy surged in her heart.

Concubine Shu took Lian Siyue's hand and asked her to come closer, Feng Tangyao raised her eyes to look at her curiously, with a faint smile in her eyes.

"I've heard about Yue'er's courage to save his younger brother. It's an honor for my ancestors to have such an unyielding woman in my Xiangfu. It makes me feel honored in the palace. Yue'er has grown up and is sensible. Concubine Shu did not hesitate to praise her in front of everyone, she knew that this eldest niece was always confused and made many mistakes, and her words and deeds were not at all like a prostitute's demeanor, so when she When I heard about Lian Siyue's deeds, I was very surprised in my heart, but when I saw him today, I realized that this child has completely changed compared to before.

Lian Siyue bowed slightly, neither humble nor overbearing, but earnestly and politely, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, Jue'er is my younger brother, and Yue'er will do his best to rescue him when he is in danger. Fortunately, Jue'er is lucky and safe. "

Concubine Shu nodded in satisfaction, "Yue'er is really good."

Concubine Shu asked some questions of the other juniors, and all of them showed a ladylike temperament, which made Concubine Shu very satisfied.

Lian Shiya was fully expecting Concubine Shu to hold her hand and say something in front of everyone, but Concubine Shu didn't seem to notice her from the beginning to the end, she finally couldn't help it, and opened her mouth, saying, "The longevity lock on the princess's chest is so beautiful, I have never seen such a unique style."

When Concubine Shu heard Lian Shiya's voice, her originally smiling face froze slightly, and said, "This is a gift from the Empress Dowager."

"So that's the case, no wonder it looks so precious." Lian Shiya felt that Concubine Shu was extraordinarily indifferent to her, and the expression on her face was a little embarrassed, but she still kept a smile.

Lian Siyue noticed her expression, of course she knew what she was thinking, she smiled coldly, the news that Lian Shiya snatched Princess An's clothes must have reached Concubine Shu's ears, this must be done by Shu The concubine has no face in front of the concubines, and Lian Shiya can't think of this level, and she rushes to talk to Concubine Shu, which will naturally arouse Concubine Shu's dissatisfaction, but Concubine Shu won't show it too obviously. At this point, I am afraid that I will be indifferent.

"The banquet is ready, please move to Moyuzhai, Concubine Shu." After talking again, Lian Yanqing came over and said.

Then everyone moved to Moyuzhai to eat again, and the banquet recipes were all prepared according to the palace's specifications, and all the foods that Shu Concubine and the Thirteenth Princess could not eat would not appear in the dishes.

At the banquet, the Prime Minister's Mansion also arranged a theater troupe early in the morning, and even the mother took the playbook and asked Concubine Shu to order a play, and Concubine Shu ordered "Si Lang Visits His Mother", which was considered appropriate.

Then, everyone presented birthday gifts in advance to the thirteenth princess Feng Tangyao, and all the gifts were made by everyone with their own thoughts.

Mother Lian gave a pair of jade cranes, implying health and longevity. It is a blessing and hope from the elders to the younger generation. As a birthday gift, what Lian Shiya gave was a rust red palace dress with crab claws and chrysanthemums carved in silk and bright gold, which was very beautiful and luxurious.

And when it was Lian Siyue's turn, she ordered Qingdai to take out a pink peach cloak that she sewed by herself. The satin surface of this cloak was embroidered with a picture of misty rain and peach blossoms in the south of the Yangtze River. After seeing everyone, even Concubine Shu couldn't help nodding her head again and again, saying——

"Yue'er's embroidery really impresses me."

The thirteenth princess also liked this cloak very much. She, who was always reserved, asked her to put it on for her, and said, "My favorite is the misty rain and peach blossoms in March. Cousin Yueer is ingenious. I like this cloak." Extremely."

This misty and rainy peach blossom cloak is worn on Feng Tangyao's body, which fits her temperament very well, making her whole person look more demure and delicate, like a delicate peach blossom that is lovable.

Seeing Feng Tangyao put on the cloak, as if she couldn't put it down, Lian Shiya, who had always been jealous of Lian Siyue, had a faint sneer on the corner of her lips——

The higher you hold, the harder you fall, even like a moon, you should have a taste of this!
After the banquet, Concubine Shu and the Thirteenth Princess were going to rest. After that, the rest of the people were also going to go back to their rooms, and even their mother asked——

"Tomorrow is the Shangyuan Festival. There are fun things like welcoming Zigu and guessing lantern riddles. You all have to rest early. Tomorrow, you have enough energy to accompany Concubine Shu and the princess, and don't be lazy. Are you clear?"

"Yes." The crowd responded.

When Lian Shiya returned to Qingquanyuan, Xiao Shi, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward and asked anxiously, "Ya'er, how are you?"

Lian Shiya lowered her voice, "Mother, don't worry, it has already been sent out. I saw the thirteenth princess put on the Misty Rain Peach Blossom Cape with my own eyes. She likes it very much. She will definitely wear it in the next few days."

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao felt relieved, and said, "Give me the notoriety of being a lone star of the devil, so that I am not even qualified to meet Concubine Shu, and was ridiculed by the second and third wives. What Siyue wants to commit is the capital crime of murdering the princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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