Chapter 275
Chapter 275
Lian Jue was overjoyed and said, "Lian Jue and sister thank you Princess for your generous help!"

"It's just that I don't guarantee that Royal Father will let Lian Siyue go, so I can only do my best." Princess Eleven was not very sure either.

"As long as the princess takes me to see the emperor, I will have a solution." Lian Jue's eyes exuded determination.

"Zhili, go find a set of eunuch's clothes." Princess Eleven ordered, after a while the eunuch's clothes were found, Zhili took Lianjue to the inner room to change, and dressed as an eunuch.

Then, the Eleventh Princess took Zhili and the "little eunuch" and walked towards the Rongyuan Hall. At this time, the emperor should review the memorial in the Rongyuan Hall.

Lian Jue followed Princess Eleven with his head down all the way, his hands were slowly clenched, he didn't know what the future would hold, but right now, the life of my sister is the most important thing, as long as she is saved, He is not afraid of anything, not even death.

"Lianjue..." After walking for a while, Princess Eleven suddenly stopped, looking at Lianjue's bright and sad eyes with enthusiastic eyes.

"Princess, what's the matter?" Lian Jue stopped and looked back at her.

Eleventh Princess opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just said, "Let's go, be careful in everything."

Rongyuan Hall.

The emperor was flipping through the memorial before the case, his brows were tightly furrowed, and his bright yellow dragon robe reflected the majesty of his face.

"Your Majesty, the eleventh princess is here." At this time, Feng Degui, the chief eunuch, bowed and said.

"Eleventh?" A trace of doubt flashed in Zhou Chengdi's eyes, and he said, "It's getting dark, why is she running here now?"

"Father, let me in, I have a secret to tell you!" Before Feng Degui could open his mouth, Eleven Princess' voice came from outside.

The emperor shook his head when he heard this, and said, "This daughter of mine is different from other daughters. The others are all gentle and dignified, but she is the only one who is so unruly."

"This is also the cuteness of Princess Eleven." Feng Degui said with a smile on his face.

"Forget it, let her come in." Emperor Zhou Cheng moved the memorial in front of him and said.

Outside Rongyuan Hall, Princess Eleven withdrew her hand in embarrassment, looked at Lian Jue, and said, "It's not that this princess is immodest, but I'm just afraid that my father will refuse to see her, so I let him know how urgently I want to see her."

"Thank you princess."

At this time, Feng Degui came out, bowed, and said with a smile, "Princess, the emperor let you in."

"Great, come in with me." Eleventh Princess asked the little eunuch to follow her in.

Feng Degui hurriedly stopped him and said, "Princess, according to the rules in the palace, only you can enter, and no one else can enter."

"Eunuch Feng, just pretend you didn't see anything." The Eleventh Princess was already prepared and signaled Zhili to sneak two ingots of golden gold into Eunuch Feng's hands.

"This... It's unavoidable. If the emperor blames it, the old slave will lose his head. Princess, take it back quickly." Although Feng Degui was moved by the golden and heavy gold, he didn't dare to let it go.

"Eunuch Feng, it's me, Lian Jue." At this time, Lian Jue, who was standing beside me, raised his head and said, "My sister's life and death are unknown, and Lian Jue is really worried. Eunuch, don't worry, if the emperor blames her, Lian Jue will definitely work hard. bear!"

Feng Degui saw that Lian Jue was so persistent that even the prime minister had gone back, but he was still thinking of a way, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He had lived for many years, and he had never seen such a brother-in-law in a big family, so he sighed slightly He took a breath and closed his eyes.

The eleventh princess was overjoyed, stuffed the gold into Feng Degui's sleeve without any reason, and then entered the Hall of Rongyuan together with Lian Jue.

"Father Emperor..." Princess Eleven walked up to the emperor and shouted crisply, while Lian Jue stood behind the princess with her head down.

Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his head, saw Feng Lingyue, and asked, "It's getting dark, what's the matter with you running here? You're still bluffing outside the palace, how can you be a dignified princess? At this point, you It's really not as good as Tang Yaoer."

The emperor's words were full of rebuke, and Princess Eleven seemed to be used to it, and said carelessly, "My daughter is afraid that the emperor will not see me..."

Lian Jue stood quietly in the hall, looking at this man from a distance. He was nearly fifty years old, but he still had a dignified figure, a dignified appearance, and handsome facial features. All the children he gave birth to were also outstanding in appearance.

At this time, although he was wearing regular clothes, he still looked like a king who ruled the world, giving people a strong sense of oppression. This is the so-called air of an emperor.

Lian Jue looked at this man, but complicated feelings arose in his heart, as if standing at the door of a black hole, a powerful force pulled him in, and kept pulling him into the depths of the darkness, even with the faintest light can not see.

He kept going, kept going, but he couldn't reach the end.

"Then tell me, what do you mean when you come to me?" Zhou Chengdi's voice pulled Lian Jue back from his thoughts.

I saw Princess Eleven standing in front of the desk, bit her lower lip, lowered her head slightly, and said, "Father, it's not that I want to see you, but it is the young master of the Lian family who wants to see you. He said something very important." I'm going to ask my father about it."

"What?" Zhou Chengdi stood up abruptly when he heard this, and with a flick of his hand, Princess Eleven took two steps back again and again. With a bang, her waist hit the chair behind her. She ignored the pain and hurriedly knelt down on the chair. On the ground, he begged, "Father, I just saw him, please, at least listen to what he has to say."

"Your Majesty!" At this moment, Lian Jue, who was wearing the eunuch's clothes, knelt down on his knees, took off the hat on his head, and revealed his true face. Under the hat, there was clearly a face as beautiful as a crown jade, and phoenix eyes like black ink. There was a light mist.

Suddenly seeing such a young man, he seemed to come out of the light, bright and brilliant, as if he had seen him somewhere a long time ago, Zhou Chengdi looked at her, and was lost for a moment.

"Father, don't blame Lian Jue, he is just eager to save my sister, please let him talk for the sake of his sincerity to her." On the side, Princess Eleven tried to ignore the pain coming from her waist, Kneeling beside Lian Jue with a plop, said.

Seeing her like this, Lian Jue was taken aback for a moment. He thought she was just a gift to the unreasonable and unreasonable, but he never expected that she would kneel down to the emperor for his sake.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes were stunned, he came back to his senses, and regained his majestic expression, and said, "Eleven is bold, how dare you deceive me like this! Come here, drag Eleven down, use a heavy staff of ten boards, and confine one Yue, without my permission, I can't go anywhere!"

"Your Majesty!" Hearing this, Lian Jue took two steps forward and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, it has nothing to do with Princess Eleven. It was Lian Jue who went to pester her. She really had no choice but to lead me forward." Come on, the emperor wants to fight, please do combo!"

(End of this chapter)

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