First-class daughter

Chapter 276 I'm here to save you

Chapter 276 I'm here to save you
Chapter 276 I'm here to save you
"No, Royal Father..." Princess Eleven wanted to say something else.

"Your Majesty!" But at this moment, Empress Duanwen's voice came from outside the hall. She hurried in, gave Princess Eleven a hard look, then knelt down in front of the Emperor, and said, "Ling Yue'er is not sensible. , this concubine will take her back to punish her, and ask the emperor to appease her anger."

As she spoke, she pulled Princess Eleven's sleeve and dragged her up.

"Mother's queen..." The eleventh princess refused to leave and lay on the ground.

"Hurry up and go with me, haven't you caused enough trouble?" The queen only felt a headache. A good son became the prince, but he didn't know that he was abolished in the end, and a daughter was doing things all day long to make her bother.

"But..." Princess Eleven still wanted to stay.

"Princess..." Lian Jue whispered from the side, then nodded to Princess Eleven, motioning for her to leave first, and Princess Eleven obediently stood up, ready to follow the queen to leave, but after taking two steps, she still Some turned back anxiously, but in the end, they were pulled back by the queen.

Outside the hall, the queen ordered coldly, "Xueli, Yuxiang, you two take the princess back to Changchun Palace."

Princess Eleven pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice, "Queen Mother, I'm not a prisoner, so what do you want me to do, I just leave."

"Aren't you a prisoner? You almost became a prisoner?" The queen scolded in a low voice, "Take her back!"

"Princess, I've offended you." The two maids, one on each side, took Princess Eleven's hand and went back to Changchun Palace.

"Kneel down for me!" As soon as she entered Changchun Palace, the empress lowered her face, sat on the luan chair, and shouted.

Princess Eleven bit her lower lip and knelt down unwillingly. The Queen looked at the daughter in front of her and said, "Why are you so different from Thirteen? She has been thinking all day about how to please your father." If you like it, it's better for you, just focus on things he doesn't like!"

"Mother's queen, the thirteenth sister is not thinking about pleasing the emperor all day long, she is naturally sensible and well-behaved." The eleventh princess hurriedly said, she also likes Feng Tangyao.

"Naturally well-behaved and sensible?" The queen sneered after hearing this, "What you think is really simple. In this palace, you are probably the only one who is born to make people worry, and you are the only one who is born."

After hearing this, Princess Eleven pursed her lips and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Am I born by the queen mother? Call me like that."

Seeing her aggrieved look, the Queen's heart softened again, she sighed, and said, "You, you are so careless, you will suffer a big loss one day. Like what happened today, the daughter of the Prime Minister attracted the crow , this is the most taboo thing of your father, it is too late for others to hide, you are better, you can't help other people pleading in a few words, so you foolishly lead people to Rongyuan Hall, and talk back to your father, if you really anger your father , you can’t finish eating and walk around.”

"Queen! Do you also believe that Lian Siyue is a disaster star? I don't believe it."

"Princess!" The mother on the other side hastily covered Princess Eleven's mouth, "I'm sorry!"

A deep sadness welled up in the queen's heart, and tears welled up in her eyes, she said, "I am a queen, but neither of my two children can worry about it. Your brother was originally a prince, but he committed such a crime." The foolish thing is now imprisoned in the East Palace, where the sky is dark, and I don't know what the future will be. And you, you are crazy all day long, and you never worry about it."

"Mother..." Princess Eleven felt a little guilty when she saw the Queen's sudden behavior, so she stood up, walked to the Queen's side, held her hand and said, "Don't be sad, Father might just be angry. I love the elder brother of the prince, and when his anger subsides, he will let the elder brother of the prince come out."

"Hey..." The queen looked at her bright eyes like obsidian, and said, "Ling Yue'er, I really don't know what to say about you."

The prince's matter was just a matter of anger, and the complexity of it was imagined that this daughter would never understand or believe it in her whole life.

The eleventh princess leaned into the queen's arms and said, "Don't worry about the queen mother, I will be fine, I will live well, and the queen mother will live a long life."

"You, I can live a long life if you don't get angry with me." The queen shook her head and said.

"Queen, do you think Lian Siyue is a disaster? I don't believe it. I've seen her. Last time I left the palace, she helped me."

The queen glanced at her and said, "Whether she is or not, it doesn't matter, the key is whether your father thinks she is or not. You don't need to worry about this matter from now on, and you don't even want to question your father's words." Said, don't go back to Menghua Palace for a while, but stay here in this palace."

"But, my little deer..." Eleven still wanted to struggle.

"This palace will let Zhili Haosheng take care of it. I'm tired, so you should go to bed early." The queen said, and walked into the bedroom.

Princess Eleven stood up quickly——

"Stay here obediently, I will let Nanny Jiang guard you." The queen's voice came from inside, and sure enough, a serious nanny blocked her way——

Princess Eleven's face collapsed.

At this moment, in Rongyuan Hall.

Lian Jue knelt in front of the emperor, even though he was begging for help, he still exuded a kind of Qinghua, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Do you have something to tell me?" Emperor Zhou Cheng finally spoke and asked.

"Yes." Lian Jue replied.

"You seduced the princess and trespassed on the Rongyuan Palace. If you want to talk to me, then you should use the staff thirty-sixth!" Zhou Chengdi said coldly.

"Yes." Lian Jue replied without flinching.

"Come here!" Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Lian Jue with majestic and probing eyes, and ordered, "Drag him out, use a heavy staff of thirty staves!"

Soon, a few guards walked in, and walked out with Lian Jue——

Outside the Hall of Honor.

A bench was placed under the tree, and there were four guards, each tall and mighty, holding a thick and heavy wooden stick in his hand. The wooden stick was not smooth, but had dark thorns.

Lian Jue walked over without changing his face, lay down on the bench, hugged the front of the bench with both hands, stared at the front, and looked focused on nothing else.

"Let's fight!" Feng Degui ordered loudly——

"Bang!" A ruthless stick was struck down, impartially, and hit Lian Jue's body heavily, his body trembled violently with the stick, and a burst of pain came——

However, he didn't blink, he just gritted his teeth secretly, and secretly hugged the stool tightly with his fingers.





It was an order from the emperor himself, each of the guards' sticks was very forceful, hitting Lian Jue's body fiercely, soon, bright red blood oozes from the brocade robe, and the blood slowly spreads , looked thrilling.

However, Lian Jue never blinked his eyes, nor made the slightest wail, he endured quietly, clenched his teeth tightly, the veins on his forehead popped up, and big drops of sweat fell on his handsome face Come.

Sister, don't be afraid, I will save you, don't be afraid...

(End of this chapter)

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