Chapter 277
Chapter 277




Hitting down one stick after another, if a person is weak, he may lose his life because of it.

Lian Jue's black jade-like eyes were bulging, and the eyeballs were filled with red bloodshot eyes, the veins on his forehead were throbbing faintly, the skin of his fingers holding the bench had been worn out, and traces of blood ooze out.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was sitting in the hall, listening to the sound of the heavy staff coming from outside, but he couldn't hear any sound from the young man. There was a meaningful expression on the corner of his lips, and said: "It's strong."

"Stop!" Only Feng Degui's shrill voice was heard, and a sentence came from outside the hall, "Your Majesty, the thirty big boards have been played."

"Come in." Emperor Zhou Cheng said, he wanted to see how long this young master of the Lian family could last.

Lianjue on the bench, after [-] boards, his face lost all color, he was as pale as paper, his body was soaked in blood and sweat, there were big spots of sweat on that beautiful face like a crown jade, and his hair was like black jade Sticking to the face, the lips trembled uncontrollably.

He gritted his teeth, moved his body down from the bench, endured the pain in his body, and walked forward.

However, because his body hadn't adapted to the pain on his body, he took a step, and he staggered and almost fell down.

He held on to the bench, paused for a while, then moved his body, and walked step by step into the Hall of Rongyuan. Every step he took, his back was sweating with pain, but he didn't stop a step. There was something in his heart. Strong obsession--

He wanted to save Lian Siyue, he must not let her be burned to death, and he must not let her suffer the slightest harm.

When he walked into the hall, he gritted his teeth again, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said, "Your Majesty, the thirty big boards have been played."

Seeing Lian Jue's strong appearance, Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes flashed with slight surprise, it's rare to see such a family's children.

He looked at the people under his seat seriously, and didn't mean to wake him up, and said, "Eleven said that he wanted to tell me a secret, is it your secret?"

Lian Jue said, "Yes." His gaze was determined.

"Why do you want me to listen to your secret?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"I want to use this secret to exchange my sister's life." Lian Jue raised his head and looked at the emperor in front of him. His clear eyes were pure and flawless, like the stars and the sea, and possessed an indescribable power.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Lian Jue more carefully, but his voice was even colder, "Why should I listen to your secret?"

"The emperor will understand after hearing it." Lian Jue said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng stared at the young man in front of him for a long time, and finally said, "Say, if your secret can't impress me, I will ask you to get out of here and fight another [-] times."

"...Father!" Lian Jue was about to open his mouth when suddenly, a voice came from outside the hall, and he saw the Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng walking in, dressed in a silver brocade robe embroidered with gold patterns, and covered with a white gold-rimmed robe. In the long gauze robe, he glanced at Lian Jue who was kneeling on the ground, and his eyes seemed to pass over his back inadvertently. The clothes were almost soaked in blood, but his back was still straight.

"Zheng'er? Why are you here at this moment?" Zhou Chengdi asked suspiciously when he saw Feng Yunzheng who came in without notification.

"Father, if you want to tell me, about the flood in the south of the Yangtze River and the management of the victims, I have been thinking hard for three days and three nights, and finally came up with a way, so I hurried into the palace, and came in without paying attention to the transmission. Please, father Forgive me." Feng Yunzheng knelt on the ground and said.

"That's great! Zheng'er, get up, sit down, and talk to me in detail." Now, Emperor Zhou Cheng is most worried about the Jiangnan incident. The day before yesterday, it was reported that there was a flood and a plague broke out. It is imminent to resolve this matter. , without delay.

"Yes!" Feng Yunzheng stood up, turned around and saw Lian Jue, and paused.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's face darkened, and he said to Lian Jue, "I hit you thirty times today because you ignored my rules and trespassed into the Rongyuan Palace. Let this matter be over. I won't pursue it any further. Your secret , I'm not interested in listening."


"Lian Jue!" Feng Yunzheng turned around, blocking Emperor Zhou Cheng's sight, put his hand on Lian Jue's arm, shook his head slightly at him, and quickly wrote the words "go quickly" on his hand.

"..." Lian Jue raised his eyes to look at Feng Yunzheng, Feng Yunzheng looked at him, narrowed his eyes slightly, conveying a signal from his eyes, then let go of his hand, and walked to the rosewood chair beside him.

Lian Jue kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, Lian Jue will leave." He raised his head, turned around, dragged his painful body, and left step by step. Every time he took a step, his body hurt so much that when he walked to the gate of the hall, Holding the palace door with his hands, he glanced back——

I saw that Emperor Cheng of Zhou was listening to His Highness Ninth Prince's plan to deal with the disaster, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling.

He turned around, with a hint of bitterness in the corner of his mouth——

This is not his world.

"Young Master Lian, Eleventh Princess just told this old slave to take good care of you. This old slave will send two people to escort you out of the palace." At this time, the chief eunuch Feng Degui came over and bowed. He was also secretly surprised in his heart. The young master of the Lian family looked like a young man with a jade face, but he did not expect to be so strong.

"How about the princess? Will the queen be punished?" Lian Jue remembered that the eleventh princess was dragged away by the queen just now, and the queen's face was very bad.

"This... this old slave is not clear. However, the empress is the biological mother of the eleventh princess, so she should be punished a little. Even the young master doesn't have to worry too much."

"Yeah." Lian Jue thought to herself, after the matter with her sister was over, she would have to apologize to her. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be scolded by the emperor and empress at the same time.

"Master Lian..." Feng Degui called out, after all, it was entrusted by Princess Eleven.

"I'm sorry." He had just been beaten [-] times and had to rely on his own strength to get out of the palace. He was afraid that his body would be destroyed. He still had to find a way to save his sister, so he would definitely not make things difficult for his body, so he asked Feng Degui He called two young eunuchs to help him out of the palace.

Feng Degui looked at his back, sighed and shook his head.

With the help of the little eunuch, Lian Jue felt more comfortable. After walking for a while with some effort, he saw a person walking over with a nun's hand, followed by a maid and eunuch. Sihe Ruyi Nest with twigs of peonies and cross-neck jacket, red phoenix makeup and floral satin skirt, with the pace, the Ruyi tassels on the head are dangling.

Lian Jue stopped in his tracks, his gaze fell on this man, and he secretly clenched his fists.

Concubine Xu Xian raised her eyes inadvertently, but she saw Lian Jue in the eunuch's uniform at a glance, her heart skipped a beat, her feet tilted, and she tightly clenched the hand of Nanny Gong who was supporting her!
(End of this chapter)

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