First-class daughter

Chapter 279 Unbelievable

Chapter 279 Unbelievable
Chapter 279 Unbelievable
The carriage traveled all the way and slowly returned to Xiangfu.

Lian Yanqing hurried out, seeing His Highness Nine personally escorting Lian Jue, he quickly knelt down and said, "I thank Your Highness for your kindness."

Sitting in the carriage, Feng Yunzheng asked, "Does Lian Xiang believe that his daughter is a disaster?" How Lian Yanqing answers this question is very important, which will determine Feng Yunzheng's attitude towards him in the future!

If he said he didn't believe it, he would leave him with a glimmer of hope for Yue'er's face in the future, if he believed that Yue'er was a disaster, then even Yanqing would have nothing worthy of his favor in the future.

"Your Highness! There must be something strange about this matter, the origin of the crow is unknown..."

"What I'm asking is, do you believe that your daughter is a disaster." Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Yanqing with eyes like torches, as if he could find his soul in the next moment.

"I don't believe it." Lian Yanqing said.

Feng Yunzheng put down the curtain of the carriage, without saying a word, ordered Ye Feng to say, "Go home."

The carriage gradually went away, Lian Yanqing got up from the ground, only to realize that his back was covered with cold sweat, and when he looked at Lian Jue's back, his legs went limp, "Jue'er, this is..."

"Father, let someone help me in." Lian Jue said weakly.

When he returned to Xiangfu, he felt that everything was back to the past, and everything was different again.

"Quick, quick! Help the young master back to the Wenhua Academy, and invite Doctor Lu to come over!" Lian Yanqing hurriedly ordered.

Back at the Wenhua Academy, Dr. Lu also came. When Lian's mother and the eldest lady rushed over after hearing the news, Lian Jue had already applied the medicine and changed into new obscene clothes and trousers. He was lying on his stomach on the bed. Both of them burst into tears with distress——

Lian's mother sat by the bed, stroked Lian Jue's head, and said, "My good grandson, for the sake of my sister, you are such a fool, and ran to the emperor rashly. What should I do with my head? Something has happened to Yue'er, if something happens to you again, what should I do if I call my grandmother." She said, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

"Je'er, silly boy, just like your sister, you can even give up your life for the other party." The eldest lady stood aside, also lowered her head and wiped her tears.

"Grandmother, mother, I'm fine. I can bear it. Doctor Lu also said that everything will be fine after some time of recuperation." Lian Jue looked at Lian's mother and the eldest lady in front of her, and said in relief.

"Why are you all right? You've hurt your muscles and bones. Look at you, you can see blood even in your clothes." Lian Mu's heart hurt like a needle.

Lian Jue stopped talking and just silently held the grandmother's hand.

At this moment, in Qingquanyuan, it is a different scene!
Xiao Shi and Lian Shiya were very happy, especially Lian Shiya, if she didn't think that Lian Yanqing was disturbing this matter, she might have run out and shouted three times.

Xiao said coldly, "Falsely accusing me of being the lone star of the evil spirit made me unable to lift my head up. This time, I want you to taste the taste of a disaster star, little bitch!"

Lian Shiya had a bright smile on her face, like a blooming flower bud, she said, "Mother, uncle is the best, he understands the emperor's psychology, and he sent Lian Siyue to the point of no return with ease! I heard that Three days later, she will be burned on the Dragon Altar to sacrifice to heaven, but this time, she has fallen into the hands of the emperor, and she violated the emperor's taboo, so she will definitely not survive!" Thinking of Lian Siyue's situation, Lian Siyue Shi Ya really felt delighted!
"Hmph." Xiao groaned softly, raised her finger, blew, and said, "Unless there is a god to save her, this time, even if she grows a pair of wings, she won't be able to fly. "

"Happy! Happy!" Lian Shiya stood up suddenly, and said fiercely, "I have suffered enough from her these days, I have had enough, as long as she dies, everything will return to the original position, mother , I really want to go in front of her now, laugh at her fiercely, slap her hard, and pay back the grievances I have suffered in the past a hundred times and a thousand times."

"Ya'er, mother understands your feelings, but this time it's about the emperor, we can't do anything.

But you wait, even Siyue will be burned alive, Rong Xue will be hit hard, and she will not be able to recover from illness. At that time, I will justifiably take over the power of the back house again. This time, no one will want to follow me again. Take anything from your hands. "Xiao's eyes were like a cold current, and the room became colder.

"But, grandma agreed, she doesn't like us so much now." Lian Shiya said with her lips pouted.

"Didn't I say it? If she insists on going her own way and sticks to the moon, then don't blame me for being cruel." Xiao Shi clenched her fists tightly, narrowed her eyes slightly, and a chill emanated from her body.

"Mother, really, do you really want to deal with grandma?" To Lian Shiya, Lian's mother is a Buddha in this house, possessing the supreme status. To her, she is still a little scared if she wants to kill her grandmother. of.

Yes, it's not that she doesn't want to kill, she's just afraid.

"Naturally, in fact, this is already being done, and your uncle agrees." Xiao's originally beautiful and weak face looked like a man-eating demon in the dark.

Prince Yue's Mansion.

"What?" Feng Qianyue stood up suddenly, and the official business papers in front of her were scattered all over the floor, "Lian Siyue was regarded as a disaster, and the father escorted her into the palace. I don't know where she is now?"

The day before yesterday, according to the agreement, he prepared the dowry and formally went to Xiao Guofu to propose marriage to Xiao Rou. On the day of proposing marriage, his face was smiling and his heart was bleeding. Whenever he saw Xiao Rou's legs, he felt his heart throbbing , he was about to spit it out all the time, and at this time, he was even more annoyed like the moon.

In the past two days, he was rarely in a low mood, so he stayed in the mansion to drink and practice calligraphy. Therefore, he only now knows that such a big thing happened to Siyue.

"Yes, according to the real situation known to the end general, on the occasion of the Shangyuan Festival, the concubine Shu's residence returned to Ning, and the emperor also went to the residence the next day, and then found a circling and neighing bird in the sky above Miss Lian's courtyard. The crow, the scene is very strange, because before the flood in the south of the Yangtze River, the emperor had dreamed of such a crow for four days and four nights in a row, so he thought Miss Lian was a disaster, so he escorted her into the palace." Yingkong investigated. I said it one by one.

"She actually fell on a crow?" Several thoughts flashed through Feng Qianyue's mind, "No, it's impossible!" He quickly denied his thoughts, "There must be something hidden during this period."

"However, it is true that there are crows." Ying Kong said.

"Have you checked at the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Lian Siyue was so thoughtful, how could he capsize this time?It really puzzled him.

"The prime minister's mansion is heavily guarded. Without His Highness's permission, the general will not dare to act rashly." Yingkong bowed his head and said, "Also, the young master of the Lian family, Lianjue, entered the palace yesterday. I don't know if he failed to plead with the emperor and was beaten , went back after being injured."

(End of this chapter)

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