Chapter 280
Chapter 280
combo?A young man's face appeared in Feng Qianyue's mind. For some reason, that young man seemed to have a deep hostility towards him. Every time he saw him, he was indifferent and distant, just like his sister.

His being spanked means that his intercession was unsuccessful. It seems that Emperor Father really intends to get rid of Lian Siyue this time.

"Get ready, this king is going to the Prime Minister's Mansion." Feng Qianyue's depressed mood because of Xiao Rou suddenly returned. He must find out the truth behind this crow. He didn't believe that Lian Siyue would fall down. on this matter.

"Does Your Highness want to intervene in this matter?" Ying Kong asked.

Feng Qian looked at an unknown distance with distant eyes, and said, "This king's life has already been half ruined by her, how could her life end so easily."

As he spoke, he stepped out of the study door and hurried out, the purple brocade robe with gold patterns on his body brought a gust of wind.

Arriving at the Prime Minister's Mansion, Lian Yanqing was a little surprised by the sudden visit of His Highness the Fourth Highness, and said, "The Fourth Highness is here?"

Feng Qianyue indicated that Ying Kong would present the gift to Lian Yanqing, and said politely, "I heard that Young Master Ling suffered a flesh injury, so I brought this thousand-year-old ginseng to pay a visit, and I hope I didn't disturb your residence."

Lian Yanqing bowed hurriedly, took the box with both hands and said, "Your Highness is here, and it is full of splendor. Lian Jue is really blessed."

"Where is Master Lian, I'll go and see." Feng Qianyue asked.

"Your Highness, please." Lian Yanqing did not dare to ignore it for a moment, and hurriedly led Feng Qianyue to the Wenhua Courtyard, while Ying Kong took the opportunity to sneak into Lian Siyue's Xianhe Courtyard.

In the study room of Prince Heng's Mansion, there is a portrait in front of him, which was drawn by Feng Yunzheng himself. It is Lian Siyue's appearance when he was eight years old. It is exquisite, delicate and cute.

At that time, she was stupid in everyone's eyes. She didn't have the demeanor that a concubine's daughter should have. Honest, kind and intelligent.

His gaze is like an abyss, slowly becoming deep, distant, exuding a frightening chill!
"Night Breeze." He pursed his lips and called, "Go to Princess An's Mansion."

For Feng Yunzheng's overnight visit, Princess An was a little surprised, so she ordered Nanny Ji to serve tea, and when the servants had all gone down, Princess An asked:
"Zheng'er came to find me so late, there must be something very urgent, let's talk about it."

Feng Yunzheng stood up, walked in front of Princess An, knelt down on one knee, and said, "My nephew has something important to ask Aunt Huang for help."

Seeing him kneeling down, Princess An felt a little strange, and asked, "Zheng'er is now deeply trusted by the emperor, and it is at the height of the sun, what can I do to you?"

"This matter must be done by Huanggu." Feng Yunzheng said with firm eyes.

"Oh? What is it that I have to do, let's talk about it."

"My nephew asks my aunt to come forward and save Lian Siyue, the daughter of the prime minister's mansion. Zheng'er already has a solution, but I need my aunt to come forward. I ask my aunt to help me with this."

Although he is no longer the idle prince who is not allowed to enter the palace to participate in politics, and he is highly regarded in front of the emperor, but at this moment, if he goes out to lobby in front of the emperor, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of speculation, which is very bad for Yue'er. Throughout Da Zhou, it was found that Princess An was the best candidate. .

After hearing Feng Yunzheng's request, Princess An's eyes flashed with surprise, and she said, "I've even heard about that girl in my family. She is said to be the disaster that attracts crows. The emperor wants to burn her in the Dragon Altar. It’s just that I don’t know why Zheng’er has to come to the Princess Mansion overnight because of her.”

Princess An faintly saw something.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Princess An, without squinting, with firm eyes, and said: "Because, because she is the person Zheng'er cherishes the most in this life."

"Oh?" Princess An Guo thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "It turns out that Liu Yanyu, the girl of the Liu family, said that His Royal Highness's sweetheart is actually the girl of the Lian family. I didn't see anything before. It turns out that you have already been in love with each other. , so so many beauties are sent to you, you are not moved."

Feng Yunzheng said, "Actually, my nephew has never expressed his feelings."

"He ran around for her before expressing his heart. It seems that Zheng'er really likes her." Princess An nodded and said, "Then Zheng'er wants me to come forward, what are you going to exchange with me?"

"My nephew is willing to form an alliance with Huanggu. When he ascends the throne, he promises to give Huanggu I prosperity and wealth, and her power and wealth will not be worse than what she is now." Feng Yunzheng raised her eyes, and her eyes looked at Princess An's eyes deep.

Feng Yunzheng's words made Princess Anguo start to think. As a princess, she has a lot of power and wealth. Anyone who sees her will bow down. This is because the emperor has always respected her.

However, the current Emperor Zhou Cheng will die one day, and before the emperor dies, she must find another person who can protect her splendor and wealth.

Before Emperor Zhou Cheng ascended the throne, she chose to support him, even at the expense of killing her husband, but now as Emperor Zhou Cheng is getting old, the open and secret fights among the princes have not stopped, and now she chooses one person to support At that time, if she waited for one of the princes to ascend the throne before going to cling, it would be too late, and no one would remember her favor, so she had to find a good one now and advance and retreat with her.

Today, looking at the government and the public, only His Highness the Eighth Highness and the Ninth Highness are the most popular, and they are evenly matched. In comparison, the eighth Highness's biological mother, Concubine Xu Xian, is deeply scheming and obsessed with power, so she will not let Princess An stretch her hand too much Long, intervening too much, on the contrary, His Highness the Ninth Prince's biological mother, Concubine Liang, has always been indifferent by nature, she does not love power, keeps a low profile and forbears, so it seems that His Highness Ninth Prince is the best choice.

Feng Yunzheng was not in a hurry, he waited quietly, he was waiting for Princess An to make a choice, he had already analyzed it before coming, and he firmly believed that Princess An would choose him!
"What is Zheng'er's method?" Finally, after a while, Princess An Guo asked, which meant that she had agreed to Feng Yunzheng's request.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips, and he said, "Thank you, Aunt Huang, for your success."

After that, he told Princess An about his plan one by one.

Imperial Palace, Rongyuan Hall.

The emperor has assigned the task of disaster relief to Song Qingyang, the Ministry of Officials, in charge, and he is looking through the memorials on disaster relief.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is overjoyed..." At this time, the voice of Princess An Guo came from outside the hall. Before reaching the Rongyuan Hall, she bent her knees, knelt down, and crawled into the hall on her knees. Kneeling and crawling, He said loudly, "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng hurriedly stood up, walked a few steps in front of Princess An, bent down to help her up, and asked, "Sister Huang, where does the joy come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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