Chapter 281
Chapter 281
Princess An Guo held the emperor's hand and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I had a dream. I dreamed that a hundred-year-old dead tree grew new leaves. The late Emperor sat under the tree and said eight words to me." In the sun of Mount Tai, the Wenshui flows west', and it is also said that where the dead trees are in spring, there must be auspicious people, and they must be cherished."

"Oh? Sister Huang actually dreamed that the dead trees are in spring?" Zhou Chengdi thought in his mind, "The sun on Mount Tai, the Wenshui flows to the west", isn't this the most important point in Zheng'er's disaster management policy?

He just handed over the disaster control strategy to Song Qingyang, and the measure of the river flowing westward has not yet been implemented, but An Guo accurately stated the essence of this.

"Yes, this is an auspicious sign, Your Majesty. It is rare in the world that a dead tree blooms in spring. The late Emperor entrusted me with a dream at this time. There must be a reversal of good things, Your Majesty." Princess An was very excited, and her voice was shaking.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes gradually brightened.

Princess An Guo observed his expression secretly, and said, "Does the emperor still remember what happened a month before you became the throne? I dreamed that the auspicious dragon surrounded the emperor, and I will tell the dream to Master Xuanwei. The dragon is a revelation from the heavens, your ascension to the throne, your majesty, is in accordance with the will of the heavens."

How could Emperor Zhou Cheng not remember that one month before he ascended the throne, he competed with Prince Tong for the throne. He will be defeated in the battle, but at this moment, Princess An said that she dreamed that he was surrounded by dragons, and sure enough, he successfully ascended the throne a month later.

"Sister Huang's dream must be another good omen." The emperor's lips showed a smile, assuming that he was devastated by the flood in the south of the Yangtze River, and Zheng'er offered a disaster relief strategy yesterday. Recently, the state affairs and government affairs have indeed gone smoothly up.

Heaven Prison is located in a place surrounded by mountains in the palace. A cloudy drop of water.

At this time, the jailer brought the food, pushed open a cell door, put the bowl on the ground, and said harshly:

"It's time to eat. After eating this meal, I will be burned tomorrow morning. Eat well."

The jailer glanced at the girl sitting in the middle. She had been sitting in meditation like this since the day she came in, her eyes were closed, and her face was very calm. The damp and cold environment made her look even more indifferent, as if Even if she were to die immediately, she would not frown.

He has dealt with countless felons, but this is the first time this girl is so indifferent.

He heard that this girl was Lianxiang's concubine daughter, and because she violated the emperor's taboo, she was going to be imprisoned on the Dragon Altar, where she was burned alive to sacrifice to heaven, so as to eliminate the bad omen.

He sighed, how pitiful, at such a young age, he was about to be burned to death.

If you break the emperor's taboo, even the prime minister's daughter is useless.

Thinking of this, the jailer closed the cell door and sat outside the cell door to watch. As the night gradually deepened, he also closed his eyes and fell asleep lying down in front of the table.

After sleeping all night, the next morning, he rubbed his sleepy eyes, yawned, and said to Lian Siyue who was sitting in the prison:
"It's about time, the execution is about to start, come out."

With that said, he opened the cell door.

Lian Siyue stood up, and the iron chains on her body made a clanking sound, and she saw that her hands and feet were locked by the chains.

She bowed her head and walked out of the prison.

The jailer sighed. Seeing that Lian Siyue was about to be executed at such a young age, Xu felt a little unbearable. He said, "Miss, there is no chance of turning back after leaving here, because this place is very strict. Family members are not allowed to visit, if you have anything you want me to bring to your family, you can tell me in detail, and I will report it to the emperor when I have a chance in the future."

Lian Siyue only said two words lightly, "No."

"Then let's go." So, the jailer pulled the iron chain and pulled Lian Siyue out of the prison door, and when he looked up and saw the tree at the prison door, his eyes widened suddenly——

"Hey, what's so strange about this, this century-old dead tree has grown new leaves!"

He has been in this dungeon for more than ten years, and the dead tree opposite has never sprouted, let alone sprouted new leaves.

He blinked vigorously, yes, the dead tree has indeed grown new leaves, the color is fresh and green.

Even Siyue noticed this old dead tree when she came in. How could it suddenly grow leaves?Her heart trembled, and an idea quickly flashed through her mind.

So, she took off the golden hairpin, the step shaker from her head, the agate earrings on her ears, and the red gold bracelet on her wrist, and stuffed them into the jailer's hands, saying:
"A dead tree comes in spring, which is rare in the world. This is a major event. You should report it to the higher level."

"But... in half an hour, you will be executed." He hesitated.

"There is still half a quarter to go, it's time, if you delay the critical moment, it will be a great crime, go!" Lian Siyue stared into his eyes and said.

He thought about it carefully, and it made sense, so he locked Lian Siyue back again, and then hurriedly ran out to the place where the leader of the jailer, Li Jun, breathlessly said, "Li Tou, Li Tou, come out!" Big deal."

Then Li Jun glanced at him, and said, "Why are you so panicked, please tell me carefully."

"The dead tree opposite the prison that day, the dead tree that hadn't grown young leaves for more than ten years, unexpectedly grew new leaves overnight."

Then Li Jun stood up, with a flash of thought on his face, and said, "Is there such a strange thing? Go and see."

Li Jun and the two guards came to the gate of the prison, and they saw that the hundred-year-old tree grew new leaves overnight.

"Tou Li, this, this is too strange."

Then Li Jun thought for a moment, then took another look inside the cell, and thought to himself, it's really strange, such a strange thing happened to the prostitute of the prime minister's house for two days after being locked up, could it be...

He thought for a while, and said, "This dead tree is in spring, which is really rare in the world. It has to be reported to the higher authorities. You are here to wait, and you can't leave an inch. I will report to you."

So from Li Jun, he reported to the top, and he reported to Mr. Zhang Yingzhi of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. After Zhang Yingzhi heard about this, he quickly arrived at the gate of the prison. He was shocked when he saw the new leaves on the dead tree. , he said:
"Withered trees come spring, such strange events must be reported to the emperor."

"My lord, the people here are about to be burned and executed, look..." Li Jun asked.

"By my order, the execution will be postponed for half an hour, and I will report it to the emperor." Zhang Yingzhi left the prison in a hurry and rushed to Rongyuan Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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