First-class daughter

Chapter 282 Exhausted

Chapter 282 Exhausted
Chapter 282 Exhausted
"Master Zhang..." Just as Zhang Yingzhi was trotting all the way to the Emperor's Rongyuan Hall, he happened to meet Feng Yunzheng, His Highness Ninth Prince. He has a fluttering white beard and a fairy air.

He hurriedly bowed and said, "The humble Zhang Yingzhi sees Your Highness."

"Master Zhang is walking in a hurry, I don't know where to go?" Feng Yunzheng asked with a spring-like smile on his face.

"I am dissatisfied with Your Highness, a rare incident happened in the sky prison of Tianyi Palace, the hundred-year-old dead tree has grown new leaves, and I am going to report it to the emperor.

"Spring comes with a dead tree?" At this time, the white-bearded Taoist beside Feng Yunzheng spoke, counting with his fingers, and asked, "Where is Tianyi Palace?"

Zhang Yingzhi said, "Northwest direction."

The Taoist figured it out again, and murmured, "Northwest direction? What a coincidence, with a dead tree in spring, there must be rare things. This is an auspicious omen. No wonder I have the idea of ​​going to the palace to meet the emperor these two days.

"This is..." Zhang Yingzhi asked.

"This is Reverend Xuanwei, an old acquaintance of the Emperor, Mr. Zhang, since such a rare event has happened, let Reverend Xuanwei go to solve the emperor's confusion, and you wait here, waiting for the emperor's order." Feng Yun Zheng said.

"Yes, Your Highness." Zhang Yingzhi bowed his head and said.

Immortal Xuanwei entered the Hall of Rongyuan after being notified by Feng Degui, and Princess An Guo just walked out. She saw Feng Yunzheng at the door, and nodded slightly to him with deep meaning in her eyes.

Feng Yunzheng bowed and said, "My aunt is polite."

Princess An showed a smile on her face, and said, "So it's Zheng'er."

"Huanggu." Feng Yunzheng stepped forward to support Princess An, only to hear Princess An lower her voice, saying:

"Don't worry, I know the emperor's death spot, you just go out of the palace and wait for the good news, I will wait here."

"I'm sorry, Aunt Huang." Feng Yunzheng remembered that it was the same in the previous life. His father listened to Princess An's advice, so it was only appropriate for her to do this matter.

About half an hour later, the emperor hurried out of the Rongyuan Hall with Daoist Xuanwei, Zhang Yingzhi immediately bowed forward and said:


"Realist Xuanwei has reported to me about the matter of the dead tree in spring, so you lead the way and lead me and the real person to check it out." The emperor ordered.

"I obey the order." Under the leadership of Zhang Yingzhi, Emperor Zhou Cheng, Princess An Guo, and Daoist Xuanwei went to the gate of Tianyi Palace's prison together, followed by a large group of guards.

Everyone in the palace saw the emperor and the princess flirting with each other in a hurry, but they didn't know what happened, and they all felt trembling. .

Not far from the Tianlao, Zhang Yingzhi said, "The Tianlao is a place of prison, I'm afraid I'll offend the emperor, why not let the emperor stay here?"

"It's spring on a dead tree, so I want to see it with my own eyes! It's okay, let's lead the way." The emperor insisted on walking to the door of the sky prison, and the three of them saw that there were tender green leaves on the branches of the dead tree that had never grown leaves.

Princess An Guo was overjoyed and said, "Your Majesty, there really are dead trees in spring, and my dream has come true!"

"Your Majesty, this is an auspicious omen. Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty." The master Xuanwei flicked the whisk in his hand, knelt down on his knees, and said beamingly.

Emperor Zhou Cheng also felt a burst of joy in his heart. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and asked:

"Are there any prisoners in this cell?"

It was a rare time for the jailer to see the emperor. When he saw the emperor asking questions, he bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and said tremblingly, "There is a prisoner who came in two days ago. He is the daughter of the concubine. Today he will be burned to sacrifice to heaven. Break the omen."

"It's absolutely impossible!" At this time, Princess An Guo hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, remember the dream entrusted by the former emperor, and cherish everything in the place where the dead trees bloom in spring. I'm afraid that even the daughter-in-law of the family cannot be burned."

After hearing this, Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned slightly, and said, "But she once attracted crows, and crows are a sign of great danger. My real man, what do you think?"

I saw that real person Xuanwei flicked his whisk, counted with his fingers, and said, "Your Majesty, this person has turned the dead tree into spring in these two days, which is enough to show that she is a lucky person. If the Emperor burns her, her safety will be turned into danger. As for That crow..."

He closed his eyes again, did some calculations, and said, "I don't think she might have attracted her, after all, she is not the only one living in that house."

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned.

"Your Majesty, Daoist Xuanwei has never missed it." Princess An Guo reminded at the right time.

"Open the prison door!" After a while, Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.


The jailer quickly took out the key hanging on his waist, opened the lock, and then slowly pushed the prison door, the sun just came in from the opposite side, and the warm yellow light shrouded Lian Siyue in the prison——

At this moment, she seemed to carry the holy light with her, and seemed to be born with the light, peaceful, serene.

Emperor Zhou Cheng received a sudden blow in his heart——

Although she was locked up in this cold and humid place for two days and ate rough tea and light meals, Lian Siyue didn't seem to be in the slightest distress, she still had picturesque features, her skin was like snow, and she had an outstanding temperament. She sat quietly, as if raised in a Orchid in the empty valley.

How can anyone be so peaceful and peaceful in prison, as if the prison is not the place where she is held, but the place where she devotes herself to cultivating.

I saw that she didn't seem surprised when she saw the emperor, she stood up, knelt down on her knees, and said, "My daughter, see the emperor, long live the emperor." She spoke thoughtfully without any panic.

"This calm wind is really rare. Your Majesty, this must be a very lucky person." Master Xuanwei exclaimed when he saw Lian Siyue.

"Come here!" After a while, Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered, "Undo the shackles on her hands."

The raging flames on the Dragon Altar were also extinguished at that moment, Master Xuanwei and Emperor Zhou Cheng talked about something else, Lian Siyue knelt outside the Rongyuan Hall, and was sent out of the palace until it was dark.

When she walked out of the palace and looked back at the heavy palace gate, she took a deep breath, with a relieved expression on her face.

From the moment she saw the dead wood in spring, she knew that His Highness the Ninth Prince was conspiring behind everything to save her from the predicament.

Tears welled up in her eyes—

Regardless of past life or present life, he was always the one who worked hard for her.

At this matter, an ice-blue figure stood in the dark, watching her silently, the darkness was getting thicker and engulfing him, and suddenly, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Finally, he opened his mouth, with a smile on his face, and called softly, "Sister..."

Lian Siyue's heart trembled suddenly, and she turned her head suddenly, only to see the bright-faced young man standing under the moonlight, wearing an ice-blue brocade robe, looking particularly beautiful.

The average person would not be able to get off the ground for at least half a month after being beaten with such [-] boards, but Lian Jue was young and strong. For the past two days, he had used Dr. Lu's special golden sore medicine, although his back still hurt very much. , but the wounds are basically scarred, wearing new robes, nothing can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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