First-class daughter

Chapter 283 Gloomy Clouds

Chapter 283 Gloomy Clouds
Chapter 283 Gloomy Clouds
"Jue'er, is Jue'er really you?" Lian Siyue rubbed her eyes vigorously, looking at the person in front of her in disbelief.

"It's me." Lian Jue hid the sadness in his eyes, and walked towards her step by step.

"Jue'er, you've grown up, and you've grown taller too..." Lian Siyue couldn't help crying tears in his eyes, this beautiful boy, I haven't seen you for a few months, he has grown a lot taller, and the youthful aura on his body has faded , now she is only as tall as his chest, and he already looks like a man.

Lian Siyue took two steps forward, but suddenly her legs and feet cramped, she paused hurriedly, probably in the past few days in the cell, she had maintained a meditation posture, and her tendons were hurt, she bent over and hammered her legs, feeling a little helpless Authentically, "Legs are numb, I can't walk anymore."

"Sister, I'll carry you." Lian Jue took a few steps forward and squatted in front of Lian Siyue.

"Okay." In Lian Siyue's heart, Lian Jue is still Lian Jue, not anyone else, so when he was about to recite her, she didn't think too much about it, she was just happy that he came back, "Je'er, it's good to have you back."

"It's been a while since I've been back to the capital, but I haven't returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion." Lian Jue gritted his teeth, trembling all over, enduring the severe pain in his body, carrying the person on his back, and walked along the street, two The shadows of people overlap closely together.

When Lian Siyue heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she wanted to suddenly remember that today's Jue'er is no longer the Jue'er of the past.

Immediately, both of them fell silent.

Lian Jue continued to carry her on his back, walking forward step by step, he suddenly thought, it would be fine if this road could never be finished, even if it hurts to death carrying her.

At this time, Lian Siyue seemed to suddenly think of something, and said with great interest, "Jueer, let's not go back, let's go to Qinghe Street, I remember there are a lot of delicious food, fried white sausage, soap cake , powder soup, sanzi, righteous porridge, bean porridge, Chongyang cake, spring rolls, clove wonton, fried eel noodles, shortbread, steamed cake, lotus root filling, cooking cake, three fresh noodles, bamboo shoots and pork noodles, silver silk cold Tao, everything is special, I want to eat all of them." She said the names of all the snacks in one breath.

"Okay, I'll accompany you to eat." Lian Jue had some doubts in his mind, how could his sister know about these snacks, she seemed to have never eaten them before.

"Let's go, Lian Jue." Lian Siyue lay on his back, interrupting his train of thought.

"Okay." Lian Jue quickened his pace and carried her all the way to Qinghe Street, where the night market was very lively.

"Wait a minute, you wait here." After Lian Jue put Lian Siyue down, he ran to a booth beside him, bought a blue translucent silk scarf, and covered Lian Siyue's face, only showing eyes, so that people can not see her true face, but also has a vague sense of mysterious beauty——

"Okay." Lian Jue said as if he was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Lian Siyue smiled helplessly, and said, "Jue'er, you are acting too cautiously. It is night, and no one else can see who I am."

"Then how? I'll figure it out, you're about to reach the age of Jiji, you have to protect yourself like this." Lian Jue's tone could not help but have a hint of domineering.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, okay." Lian Siyue said with a funny smile.

"Well! Then what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you." Lian Jue asked, looking into her eyes behind the silk scarf.

"Jue'er, I want to eat anything." She blinked and said, she was reborn after the catastrophe, and she wanted to eat well.

"Okay, you wait here." Lian Jue wiped the stool with his sleeve first, and then let Lian Jue sit down on a table in a night market, and went to buy snacks among the crowd.

Lian Siyue was sitting, looking at his back, he suddenly turned around and smiled brightly at her.

After a while, Lian Jue bought a lot of snacks, and Lian Siyue enjoyed eating them so much, Lian Jue bought her a red lantern again, saying it was bad luck.

At this moment, on another table not far away, sat a man in a silver brocade robe, his eyes fell on that figure.

"Your Highness, do you want to go up and say hello to Missy and Young Master Lian?" Night Breeze asked. These days, His Highness racked his brains about Missy's affairs, and stayed up all night for three days and three nights, but after Missy came out of the palace, Seeing Young Master Lian waiting there, he didn't go forward, just watched secretly in the dark.

Feng Yunzheng got up and said, "No need, let her eat well." After saying that, he turned around and left the night market.


Lian Shiya got up before dawn, today is the day when Lian Siyue was burned to worship the heavens and the omens were abolished, so she couldn't sleep because of excitement, so she got up early, waiting for Lian Siyue to be burned to death news.

Mrs. Xiao smiled and said, "Now the whole house is gloomy, especially the old lady. It is said that she hasn't eaten any rice in the past three days, and Rong Xue has passed out several times. Your father is also helpless. Your body is also full of bruises, you must not be too happy, if you are seen by others, you will lose your tongue again."

Lian Shiya was smiling, and she was in a particularly good mood. She specially put on a light purple embroidered orchid grass satin fox fur jacket, a honey-colored long skirt, and a cloud snail bun.

She said, "Mother, the more gloomy they are, the happier I am. It's really hard for you to keep me from showing it."

"I understand your feelings, no, last night I was trying to think of how to give her less paper money." There was a chill in Xiao Shi's eyes, and the expression on his face was cold.

"Mother, once Lian Siyue dies, everything is over, and I don't have to live a hard life anymore." Lian Shiya said as she leaned into Lian Siyue's arms.

Xiao Shi gently stroked her hair and said, "Don't worry, everything you want will come back to you."

"Ma'am, Miss San, come on, something strange has happened!" At this moment, Nanny Zhen hurried over, out of breath.

"Nurse Zhen, did Lian Siyue burn to death? It's not a strange thing, it's a good thing." Lian Shiya looked in the mirror, intoxicated by her carefully painted makeup, and said lazily.

"No, no, no, no! Missy, she is back!" Nanny Zhen stammered for a long time before uttering a word.

"What?" Lian Shiya and Xiao Shi stood up at the same time, and the box on the dressing table fell to the ground and scattered all over the place!
"Impossible! Are you dazzled? She is being burned at this moment, how could she come back?" Xiao Shi also refused to believe what Nanny Zhen said.

"It's true! And, and, afterward, the emperor's reward also arrived. He gave the young miss a lot of gold, silver and jewels. There are a dozen boxes in total. It's dazzling." Mother Zhen said, wiping the sweat profusely on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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