Chapter 285
Chapter 285
Looking at Lian Siyue again, she discovered for the first time that this eldest lady's eyes can be so frightening, as sharp as a sharp knife, piercing her body to pieces, scarring her body to pieces, much scarier than Madam and Third Miss up.

Qingdai tore off the cloth strip from Xiuzhu's mouth, "Don't make a sound if the eldest lady doesn't ask you, and answer truthfully when the eldest lady asks you, otherwise the insects will kill you!" She was so frightened, how could Xiuzhu dare to speak.

"Xiuzhu, you're almost twenty this year." Lian Siyue asked suddenly.

Xiuzhu raised her head and looked at Lian Siyue in horror and doubt, "Miss, yes, this servant will be twenty in three months, it's time to leave the house..."

"When you were eight years old, your parents died, and your elder brother loved you, but he took a fierce sister-in-law who beat and scolded you behind your elder brother's back all day. An old man in his 60s was a concubine. You couldn’t bear the humiliation. You escaped many times during the period, but you were caught and beaten every time. It wasn’t until you were 13 years old that the old man died that you took the opportunity to sneak away. Then, you saw the notice to buy a servant girl in the Xiangfu, so you decided to sell yourself to the Xiangfu, but Zhenmao, who was in charge of buying the servant at that time, knew that you were married, so she said that she could not enter the house, and you begged hard.

In the end, she made a condition that you should give her half of the monthly money you receive each time, and help you hide your marriage history until you leave the prime minister's house at the age of 20. You had no choice but to agree.

Do the math, you will be leaving the mansion in three months. The money and the rewards from the master these years have been impounded by Nanny Zhen under various guises. You probably don't have much money on you, right? When you are seriously ill, what will you do after you leave the mansion?
"...Miss, so you know everything..." Lian Siyue's words evoked the deepest pain and secret in Xiuzhu's heart, she listened.

"Let me show you something." Lian Siyue glanced at Qing Dai, who took out an insole.

"I embroidered this for my brother. How could it be in the hands of the young lady?" Xiuzhu looked at the insole in her hand, and couldn't help crying. Her brother was her only relative in this world.

In fact, after Xiuzhu came to her for help, Lian Siyue felt strange, so she sent someone to secretly observe Xiuzhu's every move. She found that Xiuzhu would give half of her wages to Nanny Zhen every time she received her wages. It was Xiuzhu's brother who knew everything about her.

"This is from your brother." Lian Siyue took out a letterhead, Xiuzhu hurriedly took it, opened it hastily, and seeing what was written on it, her tears fell down——

My elder brother can't read at all, so he can write Xiuzhu's bead characters. What is written on this letter is a crooked "bead".

"Xiuzhu, you played tricks in front of Missy. Missy didn't immediately break her hands and feet, gave her dumb medicine and drove her out. It was already a great favor. Now there is only one way in front of you. Listen to Missy. If you are obedient, the eldest lady will definitely not treat you badly. But if you don't go for the good yourself, all the meat worms will be given to you." Qing Dai said from the side.

"That's right, in the past, you were subject to Mother Zhen and couldn't choose for yourself, but this time you can choose for yourself, whether you want to take the broad road or go all the way to the dark, it's all up to you. Jiang Xiang also said aside.

Xiuzhu knelt on the ground, looked at the insole, and finally seemed to have made up her mind, and said——

"I listen to the eldest lady in everything, please give me a way out so that I can reunite with my brother."

"That's right." Lian Siyue smiled lightly, but there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

She signaled Qingdai to give Xiuzhu the antidote for the meat worm, she always had a smile on her face, but that smile was clearly like poison, intoxicating and irresistible.

Looking at the back of Xiuzhu leaving tremblingly, Qingdai was a little worried, and said, "Miss, do you think Xiuzhu is really trustworthy? After all, she has always been the person beside Miss San and the others."

Lian Siyue was expressionless, and said coldly, "People's hearts are the most unpredictable, that's why I asked you to pour her the medicine. Don't give her enough antidote before she leaves the prime minister's mansion. If she is obedient, leave the mansion On that day, she was given enough antidote and enough money to reunite her with her brother, if she still has other thoughts, then she is asking for her own death, and no one can help her!"

"Speaking of it, it's really poor that the young master suffered such serious injuries this time, and it was all caused by the damned crow." At this time, Jiang Xiang said angrily, "It's strange to say, our Xianheyuan is very good, How can there be crows?"

"What did you say? Lian Jue was injured?" Lian Siyue was startled and said.

"Oh, this servant forgot that the eldest lady just came back, so she probably didn't know about the young master's injury. When the young master learned that the eldest lady was imprisoned in the palace by the emperor, he went to the palace to look for the emperor. Later, he didn't know what happened, and was beaten three times by the emperor. The top ten boards were returned to the government."

Lian Siyue remembered that she was outside just now, and Lian Jue had walked such a long distance with her numb legs and feet on her back, but she didn't say a word.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to have overlooked something, she hurriedly stood up, and said, "Follow me to the Wenhua Academy."

All the way to the entrance of the Wenhua Courtyard, she stood at the entrance of the courtyard, her footsteps came to a sudden stop, because she saw Lian Jue shuffling, step by step, walking into the house.

She once said that when she was reborn, she would do her best to protect this young man from any harm, but now, because of her, he was hurt again!

Her fists were slowly clenched, her eyes were slightly squinted, and a cold chill overflowed——

Lian Shiya, Xiao Shi, Xiao Zhenhai, from now on, I will settle accounts with you and send you to hell as soon as possible!

She turned around suddenly and walked back.

Qingdai and Jiangxiang were taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly followed, why didn't the eldest lady go in again?
That night, Lian Siyue stayed up all night, thinking about Lian Jue's injury over and over again, and the desolate appearance of Lian Jue's previous life was still lingering in her mind.

In the morning, not long after she got up, someone came to report that Liu Xiren, the daughter of Shang Shufu's prostitute, came to visit her.

Now, the grievances between her and Liu Xiren have been eliminated, and the relationship has become closer. After hearing about her incident, Liu Xiren asked her grandmother for leave and came to visit her at the prime minister's mansion.

She also brought a hundred-year-old ginseng to Lian Siyue, while the two were chatting, Liu Xiren suddenly asked in a low voice, "Is that ordinary wife in your family, Mrs. Xiao, infertile?"

Lian Siyue was about to bow her head to drink tea, when she heard Liu Xiren's question, she was startled and asked, "How do you say that?"

"That day in Xiao Guofu, your county magistrate, who has always been silent with me, suddenly asked me if my mother was pregnant in her forties and had any secret recipes for giving birth. I saw her mysterious, so I asked more A few words, but she refused to say anything, so she pestered me to ask my mother for the secret recipe, and said that the money was not a problem. I thought, even Shiya is young, and she is not married, so naturally she can't use it. If there is no prescription, then only her own mother will be left."

(End of this chapter)

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