First-class daughter

Chapter 286 The Secret Recipe for Childbirth

Chapter 286 The Secret Recipe for Childbirth
Chapter 286 The Secret Recipe for Childbirth
Hearing what Liu Xiren said unintentionally, Lian Siyue slowly gathered a bottomless smile in his eyes and asked, "Did you give her the secret recipe?"

Liu Xiren snorted and said, "Dream, why should I give it to her?"

"Give it to her." Lian Siyue said from the side.

Liu Xiren was taken aback, "Why do you want this kind of person to conceive successfully? If she becomes a boy in one fell swoop, you and your mother's life will be difficult again. I remember that Xiao Shi has a lot of thoughts."

"No, don't worry, I'm not what I used to be, and I definitely won't change anything just because Mrs. Xiao is pregnant with a boy. Besides, our Xiangfu only has one son, and it's a merit to give my father an extended heir." One." Although Liu Xiren and her have a heart-to-heart relationship now, she still doesn't want her to know too much, because sometimes knowing too much will put more pressure on her heart.Besides, she is not taking this prescription to do good deeds, the less Xiren knows about it, the better.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll give it to her when she asks me again." Liu Xiren said, "However, I'm not sure if my mother's pregnancy is due to this secret recipe. It's just a matter of heart."

"Do you still remember the specific content of the prescription?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I remember, when the doctor wrote the prescription for my mother, I was by the side, and I asked him a few things he didn't understand." Liu Xiren recalled.

"Then you write it for me." Qingdai took the pen and ink, and Liu Xiren wrote on the rice paper while thinking:
Astragalus, Codonopsis, Citrus aurantium, Citrus aurantium, Agarwood, Polygonatum odoratum, Myrrh, Fencao, Walnut, Chuanxiong.

After finishing writing, she added, "The amount of each medicine is one qian, and the total is 1 tael."

"Is there anything you need to pay attention to?" Lian Siyue said, seeing Liu Xiren's questioning eyes, he said, "If it's feasible, I'll ask my mother to take it too."

"Oh, you can try it. According to what I read from my mother, this secret recipe is first boiled in three bowls of water, and the medicinal residue is boiled in two bowls of water for eight minutes." The soup should be as thick as possible.

Also pay attention to the time of taking it, 'menstruation comes today, take it on an empty stomach tomorrow morning. ', I heard that this prescription is very effective, only take it once in a lifetime, and you will have boys in the future.If you take it again, you will be twins. 'In addition, the medicine can also be packed into a bag and placed under the pillow or on the bed, and it can also treat women's diseases. "

When it came to the end, Liu Xi's face was a little hot. After all, she was a young girl who hadn't left the court, so she would naturally be a little shy when talking about things like giving birth.But Lian Siyue didn't feel shy at all. In her previous life, she was a woman who had given birth to two children.

"By the way, Siyue, I have something I want you to refer to." After the shyness passed, Liu Xiren's eyes showed a little disappointment.

"What's the matter, let's talk about it."

"Do you still remember the Gu Jinming I told you about? Probably because your third sister didn't want to talk to him, but he has shown favors to me recently. Although I am usually strong and aggressive, I have no idea if something like this happens to me. I know whether he treats me sincerely, or because he has suffered setbacks with your third sister. You also know that I have passed my age, and my parents are looking for a husband for me. If I have had a close relationship with him , I'm afraid there will be gossip..." Liu Xiren said with a conflicted expression on his face.

After Lian Siyue listened, she sighed in her heart, are all men in the world like this?Wandering among many women, if you can't get it here, you hope to get it there.

However, in her opinion, true feelings must be single-minded, never half-hearted, and never settle for less.If you fall in love, it will be a lifetime, unwavering.

In the past, she didn't understand this truth, but now she understands that if she can't wait for such a person in this life, she would rather die alone and die alone.

She looked into Liu Xiren's confused eyes and said, "Xiren, Gu Jinming is too shrewd to suit you."

"You think so too? In fact, I think so in the depths of my heart. He picks and chooses and weighs the pros and cons. Even if he is with me, I am the one who is left behind. In fact, this is not the relationship I want." Liu Xiren's blank eyes gradually became clear.

"Xiren." Lian Siyue held Liu Xiren's hand and said, "Don't force yourself, otherwise, you will have a bad end." She sincerely hoped that Liu Xiren could get rid of the tragic fate of the previous life.

"Well, Siyue, you're right!" Originally, Liu Xiren was a little hesitant towards Gu Jinming, but after Lian Siyue called Gu Jinming directly, she became more enlightened, and she asked, "What about you? What do you want?" What's the other half like?"

"Love each other, love each other, love each other, love each other, there will be a couple in a lifetime, if there is, I hope it is like this, if not, I will die alone."

"How can you die alone, you, you are famous now, I can guarantee that when you reach the age of Ji, the threshold of your prime minister's mansion will be broken." Liu Xiren heard Lian Siyue say " I will die alone forever," he said indifferently.

The two talked about girls again, Liu Xiren stayed at Lian Siyue for lunch before leaving, and then made an appointment to meet at the Shangshu Mansion next time.

As soon as Liu Xiren left, Lian Siyue picked up the secret formula for conceiving a child, and carefully studied the efficacy of each medicine.

Then she got up after thinking for a while, went to Fu'an Courtyard, and asked the eldest lady, "Mother, how is the progress of the matter that I said earlier that I would marry my father?"

After hearing this, the eldest lady was taken aback, "Yue'er, why do you care about such things as a child?"

"Because if a young and beautiful aunt comes suddenly, the Xiao family will definitely be in chaos, so I hope the new aunt will come in quickly." Lian Siyue blinked, with a playful expression on her face, she dared not let herself be in front of her mother. It looks too scary, after all, she is only 14 years old.

"You, you are still a child at heart. I have already selected the person, but there have been a lot of things happening in the mansion recently, so I will come to you in a few days." Da Furen caressed Lian Siyue's hair with her hands lovingly, and said.

"Who did mother choose for father? What's his family background? Don't be like Xiao Shi, who plays tricks everywhere." Lian Siyue chatted casually with the eldest lady and said.

"It's the daughter of a county magistrate in Lingzhou. Her name is Lin Chuxue. If she's a small family, she'll keep her own place," said the lady.

"Oh, it sounds like a suitable candidate, and I won't be too angry." Lian Siyue showed a full smile on his face.

"That's right, your grandmother also said the same thing. There must be no second Xiao family. I've seen that you can enter the house on the fifteenth day of this month." The lady said, thinking about the day.

(End of this chapter)

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