First-class daughter

Chapter 287 Her Royal Highness Princess

Chapter 287 Her Royal Highness Princess
Chapter 287 Her Royal Highness Princess
"Missy, the Eleventh Princess and His Highness the Ninth Prince are here to visit the Young Master, and they are in the front hall now, Princess, please come over later." At this time, the maid outside announced at the door.

These two came together?
"Mother, I'll go and see."

"Go, your highness and the princess are both honorable people, you should be more careful." The eldest lady urged.

Lian Siyue bid farewell to the eldest lady, came out of Fu'an Courtyard, accompanied by maids, walked around the corridors, and walked through two hand-painted corridors before arriving in the yard of the front hall, where she could see Princess Eleven sitting there in a distance On the red sandalwood chair, today she is wearing a red fur coat embroidered with peony flowers, a bright yellow pleated skirt, a white crane cloak, and a silver locket hanging on her chest. She is noble and elegant. .

Sitting next to him was His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, with a slight smile on his face all the time, Lian Yanqing was sitting opposite, talking to these two people, there was a deer chained in the yard, Watched by the court lady Zhirei.

Lian Siyue walked in, bowed and said, "Your Highness, princess, father, I'm here."

As she said that, she slowly raised her head, and unwittingly put on Feng Yunzheng's obsidian-like Qinghua eyes, and he nodded slightly at her.

As soon as the eleventh princess, Feng Lingyue, saw Lian Siyue, she jumped off her chair, ran to her, looked her up and down, and asked nervously, "Are you all right? Ok."

Lian Siyue bowed politely, and said, "Thank you princess for your concern, I'm fine, there's nothing wrong."

The eleventh princess patted her chest in fear, and said, "My princess heard about your escape from danger, and I almost fell ill from fright. Lian Siyue, how can you cause trouble so much? You can cause trouble even more than me." , were almost set on fire."

"Cough..." Seeing that she was acting reckless again, Feng Yunzheng coughed lightly. The eleventh princess knew that she had lost her "grace" in front of the minister again, and said solemnly, "Mr. Brother Jiu and I came here to play with Lian Siyue and Lian Jue, you don't have to stay with us all the time, you can go and do your business."

"Yeah, Lianxiang, Eleven and I came here to bother you, and I'm really sorry to have you by my side." Feng Yunzheng also said aside.

"Your Highness and the princess are serious. You two are here because of the glory of my house. Why bother. Yue'er, please accompany your highness and princess well." Lian Yanqing ordered.

"Yes, father." Lian Siyue agreed.

After Lian Yanqing left, Princess Eleven acted like a bird that had escaped its restraint, and said, "Okay, Lian Xiang is finally gone, don't let me move, I feel uncomfortable all over."

"You, you." Feng Yunzheng shook his head helplessly, "You don't look like a princess at all, what should I say about you."

"Hmph, who knew that a princess would look like the thirteenth sister, and there is also someone like me who is so heroic and unyielding. If the emperor agrees, I can still go to the battlefield to kill the enemy." The eleventh princess was very dissatisfied. Said convincingly.

"That's right, I wish I had known about sending you to the battle of the Great Liao Dynasty." Feng Yunzheng couldn't help laughing at her on purpose.

"Hmph, if I don't talk to Brother Nine, Brother Nine will know how to laugh at me. By the way, what about Lian Jue, didn't we come to see him? He was punished by the emperor for a full thirty, and it hurts." Can't get off the ground."

"I'm strong and strong. Thirty boards can't beat me. I'm fine." Just as he was speaking, Lian Jue, dressed in a blue brocade robe, stepped in briskly with a gust of breeze, and stood In front of the three of them, there were smiles on their faces that were brighter than the sun, making people feel as comfortable as the sun after the rain.

"Really? It's healed so soon? I saw someone hit [-] boards in pain and couldn't get off the ground for ten days and half a month. I don't believe you recovered so quickly. Show me your injury." Princess Eleven walked up to him and said.

"..." Lian Jue blushed upon hearing this.

"What's the matter? Show me quickly." Seeing his blushing and hot appearance, Princess Eleven said again.

"Do you know where he hurts? Do you want to see it?" Feng Yunzheng was about to be defeated by this younger sister.

"Where?" The eleventh princess opened her innocent eyes, and then she saw the expressions of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, and she suddenly woke up. She immediately lowered her head, her face was as red as a ripe apple, The roots of her ears were red, so red that she was about to bleed, and she secretly glanced at Lian Jue out of the corner of her eye.

"The princess is upright by nature, innocent and cute, and doesn't know how to beat around the bush. This is what is so rare." Lian Siyue eased the embarrassing atmosphere by speaking.

Princess Eleven's face turned even redder, and she whispered, "Lian Siyue, you don't need to comfort me."

"It's sunny outside, and there are a lot of flowers in the garden. Why don't we go for a walk." Lian Jue suggested at this time, his cheeks were still flushed.

"Okay, I can't wait a long time ago." The eleventh princess felt that the room was so hot that her cheeks were hot and she wanted to go out to get some air, so she ran out first and hugged her little deer.

The four of them went out of the front hall together and arrived at the viewing platform. Lian Siyue asked Qingdai and Lengmei to bring the copybooks and paintings. The four of them practiced calligraphy while admiring the paintings. The orange sun shrouded their bodies, making people feel warm and cozy.

The other three were concentrating on writing. Only Eleventh Princess wrote a few lines of Yan Zhenqing, and her buttocks were rubbing against the chair, making noises. She read what her ninth brother wrote for a while, and then read it again. It looked like it was written by Lian Siyue, and in the end I even poked my head to see what Lian Jue wrote.

She came to Lian Jue's side, blinked her eyes, and asked in a low voice, "How can your handwriting be so good? It's much better than mine."

"Meditation is the only way to do well." Lian Jue replied, like an old master.

Eleventh Princess puffed her cheeks, and went back to continue writing, but this time after writing a few more lines, she finally couldn't sit still, so she put down the pen and said, "I remembered, I just saw that over there. There are so beautiful peach blossoms, I’m going to pick peach blossoms, you guys write, I’ll come back later, Zhili, let’s go.” As he spoke, as if he was afraid that Feng Yunzheng would stop him, he couldn’t wait to run away, Zhili hurried away He picked up the deer and followed.

"Jue'er, the princess has just come to our house, and she is not familiar with her place of life. Go and watch her, and don't let her run too far away." Lian Siyue told Lian Jue when she saw that the eleventh princess had gone far away.

"Okay." Lian Jue put down his pen, and trotted behind Princess Eleven.

Feng Yunzheng watched the two walking away, with a helpless smile on his face, and said, "Ling Yue'er is a soaring bird, which should belong to the blue sky, but she is locked in the palace, so she can only suffer like this." Have fun."

(End of this chapter)

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