Chapter 299
Chapter 299
"Mother, what should we do now?" Lian Shiya shed tears when she saw Xiao Shi was so angry, and she sighed in her heart why God was always against her.

"Nurse Dong, go to the Xiaoguo Mansion and ask my sister-in-law to send Dr. Lin over. I have known Dr. Lin since I was a child and I can trust him. Let him diagnose my pulse. If the housekeeper asks you where you are going, just say go. Buy rouge for Miss San, remember to bring a box of rouge when you come back, and don’t let yourself be exposed when the time comes." Xiao ordered Madam Dong.

"Yes, ma'am, I'll go right away."

After getting Xiao's order, Mammy Dong went to ask the housekeeper for leave, and came back after half a day. Dr. Lin also came to Qingquanyuan half an hour later.

Mrs. Xiao showed Dr. Lin, and the result of the diagnosis was the same as Nanny Dong said - she was not pregnant.

This time, Xiao's last hope was also shattered, she was indeed not pregnant, but the words had already been spoken, and the Da Furen's side actually had one.

Now, what can I do?
Go and admit to the old lady that you made a mistake, and then become the laughing stock of everyone, and then return the Guanyin jade pendant, and watch Rong Xue's belly grow day by day?
No, even if you can't!

Xiao Shi tightly squeezed the handkerchief in his hand, his face became more and more pale, and he was thinking about what to do in the future.

She suddenly stood up, went into the inner room, took out a box of silver, a total of eight ingots, stuffed it into Dr. Lin's hand, and said, "Dr. Lin, when I was in my natal family, you gave me money." I see a doctor, and I will trouble you to come and see the child in my womb from now on, I don’t worry about others.”

Dr. Lin was taken aback, and immediately understood Xiao's meaning. He took two steps back, pushed the silver back, and said, "Ma'am, this, this is absolutely impossible, this is not a small family, this is the prime minister's mansion. If they are discovered, they will lose their lives."

"Don't worry, as long as you listen to me, I promise I won't get caught!" Xiao shoved the money back into Dr. Lin's hand again, "Now, only you can help me, if you refuse to help, I'm here I am afraid that the prime minister's life will be difficult."

"But..." Doctor Lin still hesitated.

Even Shiya understood what Xiao Shi meant, so she hurriedly begged for help, and said, "Doctor Lin, my mother is desperate, so she made such a bad plan, so you can help me, and tell the outside world that my mother is pregnant. From now on, my mother is pregnant. You come to check her on time."

"There is still half a year to go. Madam, isn't she afraid of mistakes? Also, what should I do if the child is not born on the day of delivery?" Dr. Lin said.

"Yes, ma'am, if the fake pregnancy is exposed, the prime minister and the old lady will definitely be furious. I'm afraid that the status of you and the third lady will be lost at that time." Mammy Dong also said that she was worried.

But Xiao Shi seemed to be in a trance, and could not listen to anyone's advice. She only knew that no one should know that she was not pregnant. She bit her lower lip and said:

"Then I can only find a time when the time comes, and pretend to have accidentally lost it secretly. Doctor Lin, now, I can only ask you for help." Xiao looked at Doctor Lin earnestly, pleadingly.

Dr. Lin finally gritted his teeth and agreed, and said, "Okay, then I will prescribe two anti-abortion medicines for Madam first, but Madam must arrange the miscarriage as soon as possible, otherwise it will become more and more troublesome as time goes by."

"Okay! Don't worry, I'm sorry. This matter must be kept secret." Seeing Doctor Lin's answer, Mrs. Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Asking Mother Zhen to send Doctor Lin away, the Xiao family immediately sent someone to Qing'an Courtyard to tell Mother Lian that the Xiao family had already sent a doctor over when they learned that she was pregnant, saying that they were afraid of taking up the care of the eldest lady. In the future, she will be able to use the doctor of the Xiao family.

Even my mother didn't think much after hearing this, and just said, "Let her go."

"Mother, here, how do we arrange this tire slippage." After all, Lian Shiya is a little girl, and when it comes to such things, she is still afraid.

A icy sternness flashed in Xiao's eyes, "If you want to skate, you have to skate with the ones from Fu'anyuan, this tire is considered slippery."

Lian Shiya was taken aback, "Mother means..."

"Rong Xue gave birth to a son, and it's not so easy to have another one." Xiao Shi sneered, why did Rong Xue give birth one after another when she couldn't get pregnant!

"Mother, have you figured out a solution?" Lian Shiya's heart was beating a little fast, and she asked, holding her palm tightly.

"There are many ways." Besides, it's not that she hasn't done this kind of thing before, but this time the object is Rong Xue.

When Lian Yanqing came back from court, he heard the good news that Da Furen and Mrs. Xiao were both pregnant. She was really happy, and ordered people to send a lot of things to Fu'an Yuan and Qingquan Yuan respectively, and stayed in Fu'an Yuan for meals. The tone of Madam's speech became softer and more friendly, and she also told her to pay more attention to her body and so on.

In the afternoon, Dr. Lu went to the Fu'an Hospital to check the pulse of the eldest lady, and prescribed anti-abortion medicine. Lian Siyue asked a lot of questions before letting him go. Before leaving, Lian Siyue gave him an extra He took a piece of gold and asked him to take more care of his mother's birth.

Then, she told the eldest lady to pay more attention to Yunyun.

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing, and said, "Yue'er, you look so worried about the fetus in my womb, you don't look like a big girl who hasn't left the court."

"Mother, this is not a joke. You must be more careful, who may be secretly planning to deal with your stomach." In the previous life, the mother only had her and Lian Jue, and did not have a third child. For other children, Lian Siyue is extra cautious and important.

Da Furen was startled, and paused the hand holding the anti-fetal medicine, "Why, Yue'er, what do you mean, someone will harm me?"

"Mother, you're right to be careful." Lian Siyue didn't say it clearly, but just reminded her.

She also specially told Nanny Zhou to stay with the eldest lady at all times, and never let her be alone, Nanny Zhou repeatedly said yes.

Lian Siyue left the Fu'an courtyard after watching the lady drink the anti-fetal medicine, and after standing outside for a while, taking advantage of the early morning, she let Leng Mei beat her head and arrived at the temple.

Lian Jue has been kneeling here for a day and a night, and this time Lian Yanqing was serious in order to dispel his idea of ​​joining the army. Just now, the eldest lady begged for mercy when he was happy, and asked him to release Lian Jue, but he didn't either. He agreed, saying that he must kneel down for three days and three nights.

When Lian Siyue arrived at the temple, she saw Sijiu sitting at the door, leaning against the wall and dozing off, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Hurry up and wake up, the eldest lady is here!" Seeing this, Qing Dai hurriedly stepped forward and shouted.

Sijiu opened his dazed eyes, and when he saw Lian Siyue, he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and said, "Miss."

(End of this chapter)

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