First-class daughter

Chapter 300 Have you figured it out?

Chapter 300 Have you figured it out?

Chapter 300 Have you figured it out?

Sijiu opened his dazed eyes, and when he saw Lian Siyue, he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and said, "Miss."

Lian Siyue looked into the ancestral hall, and saw that under the dim oil lamp, Lian Jue was standing straight and kneeling in front of the tablets of the ancestors of the Lian family. The light orange light shrouded his whole body. It was a bit hazy.

Sijiu touched his tears and begged pitifully: "Miss, please go and beg the master again. How has the young master suffered such suffering? Kneeling for three days and three nights, you can't eat meat. Every meal is only Green vegetables and radishes, I'm really afraid..."

"Sijiu, do you think I'm a weak baby? Don't stay here if you say any more, go back to the Wenhua Academy." Before Sijiu finished crying, he heard Lian Jue's cold voice.


"Shut up!" Lian Jue scolded.

"..." Sijiu covered his mouth and didn't dare to speak anymore. His young master is really getting more and more stubborn. Isn't this asking for trouble?

Lian Siyue said, "Sijiu, the young master has already decided to kneel here for three days and three nights, so you don't have to think about it, just wait here with peace of mind."

"Yes, miss." Sijiu replied respectfully.

Lian Siyue took another look inside the ancestral hall before leaving with all the maids and women.

Lian Jue really knelt down for three days and three nights before coming out of the ancestral hall. After coming out, Lian Tian led him to Lian Yanqing's study.

Lian Yanqing sat in front of the desk, pursed his lips, and looked seriously at his son who was kneeling in front of him. There was a dignified atmosphere in the study room, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

"My father asked you to think about your mistakes by the wall of the ancestral hall and kneel for three days and three nights. What did you think about?" In the end, it was Lian Yanqing who broke the silence.

"Je'er has been thinking about a few lines from the "Book of Rites University" that my father asked me to recite since I was a child." Lian Jue replied.

"Oh? What words?" Lian Yanqing leaned slightly and asked.

"In ancient times, those who wished to manifest virtue in the world first ruled their country; those who wanted to rule their country first ordered their families; those who wanted to order their families first cultivated their bodies; those who wanted to cultivate their bodies first rectified their hearts; those who wanted to rectify their families Those who want to sincerely express their intentions first; those who want to sincerely express their intentions first extend their knowledge, and the extension of knowledge lies in the investigation of things." Lian Jue spoke in a clear and clear voice.

"Then what did you learn from it?" Lian Yanqing continued to ask.


Lian Yanqing nodded slightly and said, "What responsibility?"

"Responsibility to myself, responsibility to the prime minister's house, responsibility to father, responsibility to mother and sister, responsibility to the world."

Lian Yanqing finally showed a smile on his face, he got up, walked in front of Lian Jue, bent down to help her up himself, and said, "My dear, get up quickly."

"Thank you, father." Lian Jue got up, looked at the man in front of him, the man he had called father for more than ten years, and felt a strange feeling in his heart for the first time.

"Je'er, you are facing your ancestors, and you can think of this level, and I am very pleased for my father. You are the son of my Xiangfu, and the burden of the future of the family will definitely fall on your shoulders. My father really does not want to You took the risk to make contributions, and I only hope that you will be safe and sound, and that your career will go smoothly for your father. Can you understand it as your father's painstaking efforts to punish you this time?" It is undeniable that no matter how cruel and merciless Lian Yanqing is However, he was most sincere towards Lian Jue's son.

"My son understands that it's my son's fault for worrying my father." Lian Jue nodded, put his fists together in front of his forehead, and said.

"In the past three days, your grandmother and mother have been worrying about you all the time. Now go and pay respects to the two of them so that they can rest assured." Lian Yanqing urged, thinking that his son had given up the idea of ​​joining the army, he finally felt relieved .

"Yes, father." Lian Jue nodded again, and then walked out of Lian Yanqing's study.

Lian Jue arrived at Qing'an Courtyard first, and when Lian's mother heard that she was coming, she didn't even drink the ginseng soup, she put it down quickly, and said in a hurry, "Hurry up, let my good grandson come in."

When Lian Jue came in, knelt on the ground, and called "Grandmother's greetings", even his mother ignored her manners and walked over in three steps at a time, bent down to help him up herself, and caressed him with her old hands. Lian Jue's face, with tears in his eyes, said:

"My good grandson is suffering. Your father is really cruel. He made you kneel for three days and three nights without giving you a full mouthful of food. Grandma's heart hurts every day. But your father said, if it's for you If I beg for mercy, I will hurt you."

Grandmother always loves him and takes a fancy to him, but this time, Lian Jue feels especially empathetic, a surge of heat surged in his heart, he held Mother Lian's hand, helped her to sit down on the wide rosewood chair, and said:

"Grandmother, it's all about the grandson's fault. If the grandmother is worried, the grandson is guilty."

"My good grandson is really sensible." Lian's mother saw Lianjue's more handsome and heroic appearance, and the more she liked it, the more she looked at it, the more she felt distressed, and said, "In the future, I will be a man who stands up to heaven and earth, and I will check it better than anyone else." No."

Lian Jue was a little embarrassed by the praise, and said with a slightly embarrassed face, "Only in the heart of the grandmother is the grandson so good."

"Nonsense!" Lian's mother reprimanded pretendingly, "Why is it only in grandma's heart, and in everyone's heart, if anyone says my grandson is bad, my old woman will not spare him!"

"Grandmother..." Lian Jue couldn't help laughing, his smile made Lian's mother even more happy, she pulled Lian Jue to sit beside her, and said—

"Although your mother is pregnant again, even if the baby is a boy, she still can't compare to you. Don't worry, you are the eldest son of the Xiangfu. No one can replace you. Grandma will try her best to let you come. The one who inherits everything from the Lian family, you know?"

"Mother is pregnant?" Lian Jue asked in surprise.

"Oh, look at my memory. You have been in the temple for the past three days. No one has told you the good news. Go and say hello to your mother now." His biological mother is still waiting, so it is inconvenient to stay longer.

"Grandmother, please pay more attention to your health. Jue'er will go to mother's place first, and come back tomorrow to say hello." Lian Jue got up and said.

"Go." Lian Mu's eyes were full of love.

When Lian Jue walked out of Qing'an Courtyard, when he thought of his mother being pregnant again, he felt a lot relieved for no reason.

When he arrived at Fu'an Yuan, the eldest lady wept again as usual and asked him if he was alright.

He agreed on everything, and said that he met his father and got his understanding, so the eldest lady felt relieved and asked the maids to bring up even Jue's favorite meals.

"Mother, you are pregnant, you have to be careful in everything and don't take it lightly." Lian Jue earnestly advised while eating the braised duck.

The eldest lady smiled, her eyes were a little red, and she said, "You and your sister, you even said the same thing, well, don't worry, with Nanny Zhou watching, you don't have to worry about anything."

(End of this chapter)

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