Chapter 301
Chapter 301
After finishing the meal and returning from Fu'an Courtyard, it was already dark, and the thick night shrouded the entire Xiangfu, but Lian Jue's heart seemed to have unloaded a heavy stone, and this moment was the most relaxing moment these days.

A few days later, the Empress Dowager's birthday arrived. For this birthday, the emperor had issued an order early in the morning to make arrangements in the Huangji Hall. He had personally urged the palace supervisor to preside over it a few months ago.

Among them, the recipe and various etiquettes of the birthday banquet, as well as the imperial appointment of the list of banquet personnel, were all asked by the emperor one by one.

The prime minister's mansion is not only a relative of the emperor, but also an important minister of the court, so it is naturally on the list of invitations.

Those who went to the palace to celebrate their birthday this time included Lian Mu, Lian Yanqing, Lian Siyue, Lian Jue, Lian Yanfeng, Lian Yantao, the second, third, and fourth wives, who are the first-rank imperial wives. Above, it's just that the eldest lady stayed in the mansion because she was pregnant and couldn't go there.

Originally there were Xiao Shi and Lian Shiya on the list, but Lian's mother erased their names when she saw it. When someone asked about it, she said that Xiao Shi was pregnant, and Shi Ya'er wanted to stay with her in the mansion out of filial piety.

When Lian Shiya heard about this, she felt very unfair, and went to seek justice from Lian's mother, but Lian's mother only said lightly:

"Would you dare to raise your head when you meet Princess An?"

She couldn't say a word, and returned to the Qingquanyuan resentfully, then threw something and lost her temper, "I finally understand that as long as Princess An is around, I will never be able to appear in those glamorous banquets." Come on, she is really too ruthless, it is just a piece of clothing, as for bringing me to this point?"

Thinking of the past, and looking at the days when she couldn't even wear a red dress, Lian Shiya felt extremely depressed.

But who made her offend Princess An?Of course a piece of clothing is not important, but Princess An's face, that is something that no one can brush off.

Xiao Shi was uncharacteristically this time, not only not angry, but also said, "It would be better not to go, now is an excellent time."

Lian Shiya was taken aback, stopped losing her temper, and asked, "Mom, what time is it?"

"On the day of the Queen Mother's birthday, almost all went to the palace. What is the best time to slip the tire? Even Siyue is not here. It is much easier to attack Fu'anyuan."

"Mother has already figured out a way?" Lian Shiya asked with a bright eye.

"Just wait." Mrs. Xiao picked up the "anti-fetal medicine" on the side, slowly poured it into the bowl, and then lightly dropped the bowl on the ground with a bang.

Lian Shiya trembled all over.

On the day of the birthday banquet, the Lian family entered the palace with a total of five taels of luxurious carriages.

On that day, from the imperial seat in the Huangji Hall to the steps outside the hall, the steps down to the east and west sides under the eaves of the Zhengbei Gate, there were more than one hundred banquets for the king's workers and ministers of civil and military affairs according to their ranks.

All the relatives of the emperor and ministers of civil and military affairs entered through the Zhengyang Gate, led by the eunuchs and maids all the way, and had to go through ten consecutive palace gates before entering the Huangji Hall. En mighty.

"Sister, look." When they reached the sixth palace gate, Lian Jue called out, and touched Lian Siyue with his hand.

Looking up, I found that the members of the Xiao family had just arrived here. I saw Xiao Guogong Xiao Zhenhai and Mrs. Xiao one behind the other, and behind them were the three sons of the Xiao family, Xiao Shan, Xiao He, and Xiao Hu. , the three brothers just happened to look over.

"Duke Xiao, what a coincidence." Lian Yanqing cupped his fists and said loudly.

"Lianxiang, it's indeed a coincidence." Xiao Zhenhai returned the salute, but his sharp eyes fell on Lian Siyue's body, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a questioning look——

Last time, he took advantage of the emperor's weakness to give Lian Siyue a hard blow. He thought she would surely die, but when he was sitting back and resting in peace, he heard about the miracle of "a dead tree blooms in spring". Not to mention she was released, she was rewarded by the emperor. After a while, he found out that besides the Lian family, Princess An and Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng were involved in the palace. It was just a yellow-haired girl who used such a powerful person, but he underestimated it. .

Lian Siyue noticed Xiao Zhenhai's gaze, and did not avoid it at all, but met his gaze, with a slight smile on the corner of her lips.

Xiao Zhenhai frowned, and his heart sank!
This yellow-haired girl is laughing at him!He, Xiao Zhenhai, has made great military exploits all his life, even the emperor, he once led all the princes to greet him at Zhengyangmen, but how dare she laugh at him so blatantly!How had he ever been so slighted!

His hand suddenly clenched the sword around his waist. If it was anywhere else, he would definitely chop off the head of this yellow-haired girl with one sword!

But Lian Jue noticed Xiao Zhenhai's unfriendly gaze, so he took a step forward without any trace, put Lian Siyue behind him, clasped his fists with both hands, and said, "Hello, Grandpa."

Xiao Zhenhai had to shift his eyes from Lian Siyue to the son of the Lian family. He glanced at him lightly, with contempt in his eyes. Lian Yanqing's son looked like a jade-faced son, so he must be Weak, how could he compare to his own son.

"Okay." He replied harshly.

"My lord, please unload your sword." At this time, an old eunuch came over, raised his hands together, nodded and said, when he reached this gate, all the people who entered the palace had to unload their weapons.

Xiao Zhenhai's eyes kept looking at Lian Siyue, with a sharpness of wanting to execute the other party Ling Chi, and slowly untied the sword from his waist in his hand, and handed it to the eunuch who came.

Immediately afterwards, the three brothers of the Xiao family also took off their sabers one by one.


Xiao Zhenhai withdrew his gaze, led his family, crossed the sixth palace gate, left the Lian family behind, and entered the palace arrogantly.

That Xiao He suddenly stopped, came back to his senses, and smiled at Lian Siyue, this smile was as deep as the sea, which was puzzling.

"Hmph." Lian Yanqing snorted coldly, and said, "You old man who doesn't know himself."

"Don't worry about it, I'm here today to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday, don't cause trouble." Mother Lian, who was walking in the middle, told everyone.

"Yes." Everyone responded, and then continued to walk forward.

Don't cause other troubles?Lian Siyue smiled lightly, how could it be possible, looking at Xiao He's smile just now, it was clearly a whirlpool.

"Sister, just now Xiao He smiled at you like that, what do you think it means?" Lian Jue walked aside and asked in a low voice.

"Anyway, it's not a friendly smile." Lian Siyue said, and then she said to Lian Jue, "Jue'er, you have to be careful in everything, understand?"

What does Lian Siyue mean by Lian Jue The Way of Nature? The person who assassinated him and wanted him to die is in this palace.

The family continued to move forward, but even under Siyue's calm face, there was a heart that was gradually surging. The last time she entered the palace, she was escorted into the palace by the emperor's guards. She didn't have time to take a good look at this A look at the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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