Chapter 304
Chapter 304
"Look, I'm not wrong, you are a big celebrity now, and everyone is watching you." Liu Xiren said in her ear.

"I never thought about being famous." The two found a place to sit down.

"Look, look! He's coming!" At this time, Liu Xiren shook her arm, signaling Lian Siyue to look to the other side.

"Who..." Lian Siyue looked along her fingers, but the words she wanted to say stopped in her throat.

I saw, in front of him, a man dressed in a purple brocade suit standing, with a red gold jade crown on his head, a long body standing tall, with the wind blowing into his sleeves, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, and a three-part smile on his lips.

What a stunning person, it seems that he has taken up all the elegance in the world, and he has amazed everyone's eyes without knowing it.

"I have to say that His Highness Ninth Prince's demeanor is really unmatched!" Liu Xiren couldn't help but sigh, it's an extreme enjoyment to take a second look at such a man.

But unlike the others, what Lian Siyue saw was the inconspicuous jade pendant on Feng Yunzheng's waist. This jade pendant was polished by her own hands as a thank you gift to him. It was just a piece of jade at first, but now He decorated it himself and hung it around his waist, which looked like a token of love.

Her face suddenly became a little embarrassed, and she thought to herself, this man is really, it was agreed to be a thank you gift, and he took it back and placed it on the desk immediately, but he just hung it outside for everyone to see.

In fact, Lian Siyue didn't know how long Feng Yunzheng had spent on making this jade pendant, choosing all kinds of accessories, and was always dissatisfied. Night Breeze, a murderous killer, ran to the I bought this kind of thing for him in a small shop, but he was still disgusted.

In the end, Feng Yunzheng wove it by himself, the dignified Prince Heng, under the hands of Mammy Ru, clumsily wove it for three days, finally made a jade pendant, and hung it on his waist like a treasure.

Night Breeze lamented, "If this is really a marriage, what will happen to our master?"

Feng Yunzheng also saw Lian Siyue at a glance, and he nodded slightly towards her through the crowd.

At this time, a woman wearing a water-red wreath-patterned satin jacket stepped up to Feng Yunzheng, and saluted, "His Royal Highness."

Feng Yunzheng had to look back, maintaining proper courtesy, and said, "Miss Liang."

Liang Runan didn't expect Feng Yunzheng to call out her name, so she felt a burst of joy in her heart. Her eyes fell on the jade pendant on Feng Yunzheng's waist, with a smile on her face, she said:

"Your Highness, this jade pendant looks very special. I don't know which master polished it. Can you introduce the polished master to me. I also got two good jade pendants a few days ago. I am worried that I don't know how to polish it."

Feng Yunzheng's expression changed slightly, he picked up the jade pendant, pinned it to his waist, and said, "This master won't help others grind jade, Ms. Liang may be disappointed."

Liang Runan noticed that Feng Yunzheng's movement of hiding the jade pendant had the meaning of hiding the diluted treasure so that no one could see it, and her complexion also changed slightly.

"That's a pity." Liang Runan looked regretful.

"Is there something else for Ms. Liang?" Feng Yunzheng's words were alienated, but Liang Runan's reputation as a top-notch talented woman in Beijing is not as self-aware as Liu Yanyu.

In fact, since seeing Changchun Palace, the demeanor of His Highness Ninth Prince has been deeply imprinted in her mind, and she can't get rid of it.These days, she wrote a poem for him every day, and compiled a collection of poems.

She motioned to the servant girl beside her to bring the collection of poems over, offered it with both hands, and said, "His Royal Highness, Runan has compiled a collection of poems these days. I have heard that His Royal Highness Ninth Prince is quick-witted. Please give me some pointers."

Feng Yunzheng glanced at the collection of poems indifferently, but did not reach out to take it. That Liu Yanyu knew how to advance and retreat, he finally gave three points of face, goodbye is also a nodding acquaintance.

But this one in front of him looks like a stalker, he doesn't like it very much!
When he was reborn, he felt that he cherished the reunion with Yue'er, and he would not waste every bit of time on the woman next to him. This person surnamed Liang had already stepped on his minefield and bottom line. She was immersed in her own reverie without knowing it!

"Miss Liang, I'm afraid she got it wrong. The one who loves poetry is Brother Liu Wang. This king has no accomplishments in poetry, poetry, and Fu. Let me go!" Feng Yunzheng didn't stay for a while, and left the place in a hurry.

However, when he raised his eyes, he found that Yue'er had walked away at some point!
He froze for a moment, thinking——

Don't get me wrong.

Liang Runan held her book of poems in his hand, his face paled for a while, and suddenly many people looked over here, probably all of them witnessed the process of her being ruthlessly rejected by His Highness the Ninth Prince.

She suddenly discovered that His Ninth Prince looked gentle and jade-like on the surface, and always had a three-point smile on his face at any time, but he was colder and heartless than anyone else in his heart, and he didn't give her the slightest bit of face.

She only felt that she had suffered a great humiliation, she held the collection of poems tightly in her hands, and left in a hurry with her head bowed.

Here, Lian Siyue saw that it was almost time for the Empress Dowager to arrive at the Huangji Hall, so she and Liu Xiren returned to the hall.

Liu Xiren couldn't help but said, "This Liang Runan is really, His Ninth Highness, where is the jade pendant polished? It looks very rough to me, and it doesn't match His Ninth Highness's demeanor at all. The most talented woman in Kyoto? Huh, I think the number one sycophant That's right, don't you just want to get close to His Highness the Ninth Prince?"

"..." Lian Siyue glanced at Liu Xiren and said, "It's not as bad as you said."

"Why not? I knew it wasn't made by some famous master just by looking at it, but I saw something because of it." Liu Xiren said with a smile, and didn't notice anything wrong with Lian Siyue.

"What did you see?" Lian Siyue was curious and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"It must have been given by someone who admires His Highness the Ninth Highness." Liu Xiren said firmly.

"Cough, cough..." Lian Siyue was about to put a cup of tea to her mouth, but was choked by Liu Xiren's words.

"What's the matter with you? It's not from you." Liu Xiren asked keenly with his almond eyes widened.

"Ahem..." Lian Siyue was speechless.

"Oh my God, you really gave it to me, Lian Siyue, you adore..." Liu Xiren was afraid that people would hear him, so he lowered his voice and said, also happy that he found out about it.

"No!" Lian Siyue quickly denied, "Originally, it was just a piece of jade, because His Highness Ninth Prince saved my life, so I took it as a thank you gift, but somehow it turned into a jade pendant to hang on my body.

"That means His Royal Highness Ninth Prince cares about this jade pendant very much. In this way, you both admire each other." Liu Xiren felt pleasantly surprised.

"Happy!" Lian Siyue stared quickly, preventing her from continuing, "If this word gets out, there will be big problems, don't say it anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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