Chapter 305
Chapter 305
"I know, I know." Liu Xiren also knew that there was a lot of talk here, and if someone accidentally overheard it, he didn't know what would happen.

Lian Siyue looked at the clepsydra, the banquet was about to start, but she also looked at the seats of the male guests opposite, but she still didn't find Lian Jue.

She said to Liu Xiren, "I'll go and see Lian Jue, and ask him to return to his seat earlier."


"This king and Xiao Rou have formally made a marriage contract. Xiao Zhenhai will ask Father for instructions to marry me early." Just as Lian Siyue walked out of the palace and was about to go to Yuming Garden to find Liu Xiren, Feng Qianyue stopped her out of her way.

Even Siyue looked around, the road was quiet and the road would not attract attention, it seemed that Feng Qian had spotted the right time sooner.

She listened, and said lightly, "Congratulations."

Feng Qianyue clenched his hands suddenly, and it took him a lot of effort to control his urge to strangle the woman in front of him to death!

"Lian Siyue, can't you see? I don't want to, I don't like her, I don't want to see her too much, I..."

"If you really don't want to, no one can force you to be as smart as the Fourth Highness. Your Highness, as I said earlier, no one can get everything without paying the price. If you want Xiao Zhenhai's power to support you, it is not the same as Xiao Rou's. The marriage contract is what you have to pay." Every time, no matter whether Feng Qianyue is excited or indifferent, Lian Siyue is always so indifferent, and his words are never turbulent.

Feng Qianyue loosened his fist slowly, and said, "This place is secret, even if this king kills you here, I will still have a way for people not to find me, you'd better believe this .”

"I believe, and I have no doubts." Lian Siyue nodded, "However, Fourth Highness should also believe in one thing, if you kill me here, I have the ability to prevent you from getting out unharmed."

"..." Feng Qianyue stared at Lian Siyue, feeling pity in her heart, such a smart woman is really rare in the world, but it's a pity that her heart is towards Feng Yunzheng!Moreover, no matter what method he used, she pushed him far, far.

That being the case, it can only end here——

He said, "Lian Siyue, this king is now officially declaring that from now on, we are enemies, and from now on we will be at odds. If there is a chance to kill you with one blow, I will never show mercy."

"Lian Siyue is waiting for this day!" After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without looking back.

Feng Qianyue raised her hand and punched the wall hard!The palms were torn.

"Why did Your Highness get together with that little bitch?" He turned around, and when he was about to enter the hall, Xiao Zhenhai appeared in front of him, and his address to Lian Siyue made Feng Qianyue feel unhappy.

"Say a few words when you meet." Feng Qianyue said, now, because of Xiao Rou's relationship, he and Xiao Zhenhai have become members of a faction. In this faction, he is the core commander, while Xiao Zhenhai is a military adviser. It's an elder.

Xiao Zhenhai, a poisonous scorpion, is very good at handling the relationship with Feng Qianyue. Once Feng Qianyue feels that he is getting too close, he will back away quietly. For example, at this moment, he sensed Feng Qianyue's displeasure , then bowed down, and said respectfully, "Your Highness, tonight we must muster 12 points of energy to kill the Ninth Highness with one move, so that he will never stand up again!"

These days, after Xiao Zhenhai and Feng Qianyue conducted a joint investigation, they found out about the Xiao family's army. Feng Qianyue suffered repeated setbacks, and even his business was worsened, and everything was inseparable from Feng Yunzheng!
"I can only blame brother Jiuhuang for stretching his hands too long. I can't blame me for being cruel as a brother!" Feng Qianyue's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness!
"The Emperor is here!"

"The Empress Dowager is here!"

"The Empress is here!"

At this time, the eunuch's high-pitched and shrill voice came from outside the hall, and everyone immediately returned to their seats, knelt on the ground, and shouted——

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

"The Empress Dowager is a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old!"

"The Empress is a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old!"

The tsunami-like sound of Shanhu resounded from Huangji Hall to Zhengyangmen.

Lian Siyue raised her head slightly in the crowd, and saw the Empress Dowager Huiren walking in the middle, putting her hands on the arms of Emperor Zhou Cheng and Empress Duanwen on both sides. With golden silk lotus leaves, lake blue bignilla flowers, and the pattern of blessings and longevity on the chest, the long satin dress dragged on the ground, exuding a calm and calm demeanor like Mount Tai.

Behind the three are the four concubines in the palace, Concubine Liang Gui, Concubine Xu Xian, Concubine Feng De, and Concubine Lian Shu.

Lian Siyue's eyes fell on Concubine Xu Xian. Concubine Xu Xian's smiling face couldn't help changing when she saw Lian Jue. No one else noticed this slight change, but they couldn't escape Lian Siyue. His piercing eyes.

After sitting down in the most central position, looking at the grandchildren gathered in front of her, a smile appeared on the queen mother's face. She nodded and said:

"Everyone is flat."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!" There was another roar like a tsunami, and everyone sat down one by one.

"Let's begin." The emperor gave an order, and the banquet officially began——

The court ladies and eunuchs entered in a very orderly manner. Fifteen kinds of hot and cold group meals, seven kinds of meat dishes, and eight kinds of fruits were placed on the table.

With the sound of ritual and music in the center of the hall, everyone danced lightly, creating a joyful and peaceful atmosphere.

At nightfall, the night is like thick ink, the bright moon in the sky is also swallowed by this blackness, only a faint halo is faintly visible through the clouds, and the whole Xiangfu is shrouded in this piece of night.

In Fu'an Courtyard, the eldest lady was sitting on the edge of the bed, the servant girl supported her feet, took off her shoes and boots, and was about to rest on the couch.


Suddenly, a sharp cry pierced the silence of the dark night. The lady was just about to cover herself with the quilt, when she heard such a cry, she was startled and sat up hastily.



At this time, the screams sounded again, and the sound was getting closer and closer to the side of the Fu'an Courtyard, and each sound caused a tremor in the heart.

"What's going on? Who's calling." The lady was in a panic, and hurriedly got out of bed and got dressed.

"Ma'am, don't move, this servant will go out and have a look." Zhou Nanny recalled the eldest lady's advice, and hurriedly asked the eldest lady to lie down.

"It's been stolen! It's been stolen! The eldest lady is not good, the master's study has been stolen!"

At this time, there was another cry from outside, someone was calling out for Da Furen.

When the eldest lady heard this, she was startled, the study was burglarized?Lian Yanqing's study must have a lot of documents related to the imperial court's secrets. The thief stole the study from other places, so there must be some ulterior secret!

(End of this chapter)

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