First-class daughter

Chapter 306 Catch Thief Catch Thief

Chapter 306 Catch Thief Catch Thief
Chapter 306 Catch Thief Catch Thief
So, she couldn't hold back anymore, and ordered:

"Quickly, put on the clothes for me, I want to see for myself!"

After the servant girl dressed her, she hurriedly got out of bed and hurried outside. As soon as she walked out of the door of Fu'an Yuan, she saw many servants running over quickly, shouting——

"Quick, hurry up and catch the thief, that man took a lot of things from the master."

"Ma'am, it's terrible, the master's study has been stolen!" A servant ran over and said in a panic.

"Go quickly, we must catch the thief!" Da Furen panicked in her heart, "Go, go and have a look."

"Ma'am, it's getting dark, it's raining again during the day, and the ground is slippery, you'd better go back and wait for news." Nanny Zhou said hastily while supporting Da Furen's wrist.

"No! Now the old lady, the master, and the second and third uncles are all attending the birthday banquet in the palace, and I am the only one in charge in the house. The things in the study are very important to the master. I want to go and see for myself! "

With that said, the lady quickened her pace and walked towards the study.

At this time, the two figures hiding in the dark shrank back quietly, and Mother Zhen said, "Miss San, look, the eldest lady has really been fooled."

"Mother is right, as long as my father's study has been burglarized, my mother will not be able to hold back. Mother Zhen, are you all ready?" Lian Shiya's eyes fell on the back of the eldest lady who was going further and further away, and asked road.

"Third Miss, don't worry, everything has been arranged and everything is reliable. When the eldest lady passes by the pool, they will rush out in a swarm, yelling to arrest the thief, and push the eldest lady into the pool while taking advantage of the chaos.

The people on the way have also made arrangements. Doctor Lu can't come in tonight. The weather is so cold. The doctor fell from the high bridge and there is no doctor to treat him in time. The fetus in her belly must not be saved. "Nurse Zhen said to Lian Shiya with a look of offering treasures.

"Nurse Zhen is getting better at doing things." Lian Shiya took off a red gold bracelet from her hand and put it on Nurse Zhen's wrist, said.

"It's better for Madam and Miss San to train her." Nanny Zhen touched the gold bracelet on her hand, and said with a smile on her old face.

"Let's hurry up and follow them. If they don't do well at that time, we will secretly contribute to the trouble." Lian Shiya looked around, and walked with Zhenmao to the pool where the eldest lady must pass by. past.

The night was darker, and the cold wind of early spring was blowing.

When Lian Shiya and Nanny Zhen turned a corner, suddenly, a black shadow floated down from the corridor behind them.

Then, the two of them felt that something was covering their heads, and their eyes went dark.

Lian Shiya was taken aback, and screamed, "Bold, who..."

"A thief has been caught! A thief has been caught!" But just as she opened her mouth to reprimand someone, she felt that she had been hit hard by a stick on the head, and she couldn't recover from the beating for a long time.

Suddenly there were a lot of nanny and maidservant in the veranda, and the leader, the one who gave Lian Shiya a bundle just now, was the mighty Nanny Tai!
She said loudly: "Catch these two sneaky people! Quickly, tie up the sack tightly, and give them a good beating! Then hand them over to the eldest lady!"

"Yes!" After everyone heard this, they all swarmed up, tied the mouth of the sack tightly, and punched and kicked the two struggling people, especially Nanny Tai. With one kick, it was full of vigor, enough to blow out a person's lungs.

"Wrong, wrong, that's three..." Zhenmao in the bag was beaten with stares in her eyes, she seized the opportunity to open her mouth and said loudly, but her shout was immediately drowned out by a burst of punches. Kicked.

Poor even Shiya was beaten and kicked like raindrops and couldn't say a word, but the terrible thing, they didn't know who beat them, because when they were caught in the sack just now, they didn't have time to see clearly Who moved the hand.

"Hit hard, hit hard! How dare you steal something while the master is away!" Nanny Tai put her hands on her hips, pointed a stick at the struggling person in the sack, and ordered loudly.

Leng Mei stood aside, looking at the sack coldly, her eyes fell on the larger bag, and a cold light flashed in her eyes——

The plan against the eldest lady just now is vicious.

As soon as she walked over, the beating maids and women stopped.

"Don't listen here, keep beating!" Nanny Tai pointed at the bag containing Lian Shiya, and kicked it hard again, the people inside couldn't even hum.

Bending down with cold eyebrows, she rubbed her hand, and then pinched the bone with her fingers. She exerted a lot of force under her hand, and heard a click, and then heard a burst of tragic hog-like screams. cry.

Leng Mei straightened up, clapped his hands, and then turned around indifferently.

With the support of Nanny Zhou and the maids, the eldest lady hurried all the way to the direction of Lian Yanqing's study, but when she passed by the pool, suddenly a large group of people rushed out from the side, all holding wooden sticks, shouted loudly—

"Catch a thief! Catch a thief!"

At a glance, there were more than 20 people. The lady stopped abruptly, was startled by the crowd in front of her, and subconsciously covered her stomach.

"The eldest lady is here, you go the other way!" Seeing this, Nanny Zhou scolded loudly.

But these people ran over quickly as if they didn't hear it, and there was chaos.

"Stop!" The eldest lady ordered with a trembling voice, but her voice was also drowned out by the voices of these people shouting to catch the thief.

The eldest lady was startled, and took a step back, suddenly feeling a pain in her stomach.

"Ma'am!" Nanny Zhou was startled, seeing that these people had already run over!
Suddenly, at this moment, a green figure seemed to descend from the sky, and landed in front of the eldest lady, blocking the eldest lady behind her, and at the same time, all the hidden weapons in her hand were shot out with a swish.

Those twenty or so people fell down almost ordinary people!
"The eldest lady is here, you dare to rush, go one step forward!" Lv Zhi sternly shouted, with the gun in her hand

These people suddenly fell silent, looking at the man who appeared suddenly in horror.

"It's a green branch!" Nanny Zhou was overjoyed, and said, holding the eldest lady tightly.

At this time, Lian Tian from the General Nursing Hospital had already arrived, and he knelt down on both knees and said, "Ma'am, are you all right?"

"Nursing hospital, these people don't care about my wife's pregnancy and go on a rampage, what should we do?" Looking at those people with cold eyebrows, he asked in a cold voice.

Leng Mei and Lian Tian once went to rescue Lian Jue with Lian Siyue, and after returning to Xiangfu, although the two had never spoken, they already had an understanding of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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