Chapter 307
Chapter 307
Lian Tian said, "It is an unforgivable crime to hit the lady! Someone, tie up all these people!"

"Yes, General Nursing Home!" Lian Tian gave an order, and everyone was arrested

"Lu Zhi, didn't you accompany Yue'er into the palace? Why did you come back suddenly? Nothing happened to Yue'er." Seeing the cold eyebrows, the eldest lady was happy at first, but then she became worried when she thought of Lian Siyue.

"Miss, it was the young lady who sent the servants back. The young lady gave orders when she left the mansion. When she enters the palace, the servants will immediately return to the mansion to protect the lady."

It turned out that Lian Siyue had expected that Xiangfu would not be peaceful tonight, so she gave Leng Mei an order in the carriage: no matter who it is, if it is unfavorable to the eldest lady, there is no need to show mercy, and they can beat them all.

After Lengmei quietly returned to Xianhe Courtyard, she ordered Mother Tai and others to be on standby at the gate of the courtyard at any time, using the whistle as a signal, while she herself hid in the dark to observe every move in the house. When the madam was pushed out of the pond during the chaos, she immediately treated her as her own, and arrested Lian Shiya and Zhenmao as thieves and beat them up.

After listening to Leng Mei's words, the Da Furen thought about the series of things that happened tonight, and immediately understood everything——

"Fortunately, Yue'er took precautions, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable." As she spoke, she suddenly felt an unusual cramping pain in her stomach, and a painful expression appeared on her face. She clutched her abdomen, and slowly bent down——

"Ma'am! What's wrong with Ma'am?" Seeing this, Nanny Zhou was so frightened that she hurried forward to support the eldest lady.

"I, I'm pregnant, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the baby in my womb." The Da Furen's face was pale, large beads of sweat fell from her forehead, and her hands and feet felt cold for a while.

With cold eyebrows and eyes fixed, she immediately bent down and let the eldest lady lie on her back. She carried the eldest lady on her back and hurried back to the Fu'an courtyard, and said in a deep voice: "Nurse Zhou, go to the front hall and send the lady to the front hall." Doctor Lu, please come here."

Xiao made preparations early in the morning to prevent Dr. Lu from entering the mansion, but who knows, Lian Siyue was afraid that there would be something abnormal on the lady's side, so she ordered Leng Mei to bring Dr. Lu back to the mansion by the way.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away." Nanny Zhou hurriedly called for someone.

Leng Mei went back to the Fu'an Courtyard with the eldest lady on his back, entered the inner room, and laid it flat on the bed. Doctor Lu also arrived later, he hurriedly put down the medicine box, and checked the eldest lady's pulse.

The eldest lady was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed, her hair was wet with sweat, and her hair stuck to her cold and wet cheeks. Her hands were tightly gripping the sheets, and her fingertips were turning white.

Nanny Zhou knelt beside the bed, holding the hand of the eldest lady, and kept praying to the Bodhisattva in her heart.

"Madam's fetal image is unstable, hurry up, get some hot water!"

"Come again, according to the medicine on the prescription, fry it immediately."

Doctor Lu looked solemn, and directed the maids in the room. Everyone was extremely nervous, and they shuttled back and forth.

Standing in the room with cold eyebrows, looking at the eldest lady on the bed with a painful face, a sense of guilt surged in her heart. She should not focus on punishing the bad guys, but on protecting the eldest lady. Once she The government should prevent the eldest lady from going out!

Thinking about it, she suddenly turned around and walked out of Fu'an courtyard quickly.

On the other hand, Nanny Tai commanded everyone to throw two sacks into the pool forcefully, saying:

"The thief wants to steal the master's things, and wait for the master to return!"

So, there was only a plop, and two sacks were thrown into the pool, and the people inside were struggling.


Sitting contentedly on the large huanghuali chair, Mrs. Xiao was drinking the tonic stewed in the kitchen. The noise outside just now did not escape her ears. She reckoned that Ya'er and Nanny Zhen were both It's time to go back, and Rong Shi also fell into the water.

"Hmph." She snorted softly and said, "I can't give birth to a son, and you also want to have another child."

"Bang!" At this time, there was a sudden bang on the door, and then there was a sound of mourning and crying from outside. Xiao Shi was startled and stood up abruptly.

Then, I saw the maid Cuiju stumbling in and crawling in, her face was bruised and swollen.

"What's going on?" Xiao's heart skipped a beat and he asked in a tight voice.

"Husband, madam, she, she, she..." Before Cuiju could finish speaking, she heard a sound of kicking and beating from the yard outside, Xiao Shi hurried out, and she was frightened by the scene in front of her immediately Take two steps back——

I saw that there were seven or eight maids in her yard, all fell to the ground and howled, and everyone was injured.

And the one standing in the middle of the yard, holding a long whip, with a cold face full of evil spirits, isn't that the monster-like maid Luzhi next to Lian Siyue?She froze for a moment, isn't she outside Zhengyangmen?Why are you back?
Xiao's face suddenly turned pale with anger, trembling hands, pointing at cold eyebrows, said, "You poor servant girl, you are so courageous, you dare to go to my wife's yard to beat people openly, that's how the eldest lady of our Xianheyuan is like that." A teaching horse?"

Leng Mei is the most high-ranking killer around His Royal Highness, how could she be afraid of a back house woman like Xiao Shi, so she stared straight at Xiao Shi, making her hair stand on end.

"You maidservant, you..."



Before Xiao Shi could finish speaking, the long whip in Lengmei's hand suddenly lashed towards her body, and this whip hit Xiao Shi's body fiercely——

"Ah!" Xiao Shi screamed, and immediately felt burning pain in her arms and face. She looked down and saw that the sleeves were pulled away, the skin on her arms was torn, and when she touched her face, her hands were covered with blood.

"Reverse! Reverse! How dare you openly whip your master, is Lian Siyue training his thugs? Come, come! Lian Tian, ​​Lian Tian!" Xiao Shi still didn't know how to restrain himself, screaming, cursing and shouting at the same time people.

However, Leng Mei was still expressionless, staring at Xiao Shi coldly, no matter how much she shouted or cursed, she would not move.

"Bitch... ah!" She was about to open her mouth when she swung the whip fiercely. This time, the sleeve on the other side of her was opened, and blood was seen on her face and hands at the same time.


"Ah! Ah!"

"Killer! Killer! Lian Tian! Lian Nuyuan!"

When Xiao Shi had been whipped like this since he was a child, he immediately roared and screamed with all his strength.

However, Leng Mei was unmoved at all, and threw out the whip three times in a row, whipping hard.

"Lian Nuyuan, is that Madam's cry?" Here, a nursing home walked up to Lian Tian, ​​who had been closing his eyes and recuperating, and asked.

Lian Tian opened his eyes, listened for a while, and said, "Our duty is to protect the safety of the prime minister's house, and the master punishes the slaves, so we don't have to worry about it." Then he closed his eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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