Chapter 310
Chapter 310
"Xiao He, I don't care whose son you are, and it doesn't matter what general Tianma you are, or what little prince you are, you don't want to get me, in the future, you are not allowed to give me anything, I won't ask for it! When I reach the age of Ji, I will not marry you, you should give up this idea." Eleventh Princess officially rejected Xiao He.

"Do you have a sweetheart?" Xiao He stared into her eyes and asked.

"..." The Eleventh Princess was taken aback, a look of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Xiao He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a stone sank, and asked, "Who is he?" There was already a strong murderous look in those words!
Princess Eleven turned her face away, "This is my business, not yours."

"Ling Yue'er, who is he? I always want to know! I want to see what qualifications he has to snatch you away from me! If he has the ability, come and fight me. If he wins, I will quit. If he wins No, he is not qualified to have you!" Xiao He became famous at a young age, with outstanding military exploits, famous in the whole army, and always conceited, but now the girl he loves has a sweetheart, which is a great shame to him.

"He won't fight with you! Stop talking nonsense! I didn't allow you to meddle in my affairs! You are not allowed to call me by my name!" Princess Eleven said angrily.

"Is he a coward?" Xiao He frowned and asked.

"No! He's not! I don't allow you to say that about him!" Eleventh Princess stretched out her hand and pushed Xiao He away forcefully, but Xiao He was so powerful that Eleventh Princess pushed him, but he still remained motionless——

"You defend him like this, I want to see what he is capable of!"

The first time Xiao He met the Eleventh Princess, she beat him up and scratched his face. At that time, his eyes fell on this "vicious" princess.

He always thought that after he made great achievements, he would marry her in, but who knew that another person would come out halfway, which caught him off guard and was extremely unconvinced at the same time!
"People don't like me at all, so you are satisfied now!" Eleventh Princess gave Xiao He a hard look, jumped over his body, and ran away in a hurry.

Xiao He stood at the same place, holding the little wooden figure he carved himself in his hand, with a trace of coldness on his lips, he murmured coldly, "Don't like you? Then his crime is even greater!"

Xiao He stuffed the little wooden man back to his waist, and returned to the banquet, but Xiao Zhenhai's expression was gloomy. He picked up the wine glass, drank it, and said in a deep voice——

"He'er, Eleven Princess Moyin forgot what happened tonight!"

Xiao He had already recovered his usual cold arrogance, and said, "Father, don't worry."

The banquet continued, the music was played, and the delicacies were replaced one by one, creating a scene of singing and dancing.

But the Eastern Palace at this moment is another bleak scene, with yellow fallen leaves piled up all over the ground, lifeless and lifeless, the servants who serve are lazy, and they don't know where they went.

It has been more than a year and two months since the crown prince Fengming was deposed, and no one cares about him for more than a year.

Fengming was young, intelligent, eager to learn, capable of both civil and military affairs, Emperor Zhou Cheng loved him very much, and once said in public, "Fengming was born of the empress, and I cherish her dearly", so Emperor Zhou Cheng insisted on raising this child himself even in times of trouble. His direct son was taught by him himself until he was six years old.

Later, he chose the famous Confucianists Zhang Guang and Li Qiansheng as his teachers; when he was a little older, he specially called Tang Yanzhi, a famous military scientist, to teach the prince. When the prince was young, he lived up to Emperor Zhou Cheng's expectations. It is quite famous for offering sacrifices and supervising the country.

However, when he became an adult, he committed the problem of arrogance and extravagance, so some bad rumors began to spread to Emperor Zhou Cheng's ears. Of course, most of this was manipulated by the Fourth Highness Feng Qianyue behind the scenes.

In the end, Emperor Cheng of Zhou was greatly disappointed, and issued an edict, "Prince Fengming, no longer virtuous, formed a party for private interests, and has the heart of killing his father."

As a result, the prince was finally abolished, and was imprisoned in the East Palace together with the concubine Chu Zhen. The third son under his knees was demoted to common people. , the former favored ministers were enacted one after another, and Emperor Zhou Cheng had to use a lot of scheming to cut off the crown prince's wings.

At this moment, in the bleak East Palace.

The sound of music outside bursts, and the disused concubine Chu Zhen, who has not seen the sun for a long time, is dressed in plain clothes and her face is pale. She opened the door with a creak, and a smoky smell of alcohol came oncoming, choking her. He took two steps back again and again, covering his nose with his hands.

I saw the deposed prince Feng Ming also wearing blue clothes and cloth shoes, lying on the messy desk, his body had long since lost the sharpness of the former prince, he looked like a living dead waiting to die.

There was an empty wine jar on the ground, clearly still holding a writing brush in his hand, Chu Zhen stepped forward and saw the content written on the manuscript pressed under the prince's cheek——

"Ask how much you can worry about? It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward..."

Chu Zhen couldn't help shaking her head, and slowly backed out, closing the door.

The Crown Princess Chu Zhen was originally the daughter of the Chu State Mansion and the Queen's cousin. She originally thought that she was the Crown Princess, and the Queen was her own cousin. To live up to expectations, she has only been married for four years, and she has become the concubine of the deposed crown prince. She will live with the deposed crown prince in this East Palace for the rest of her life. Death or illness, I don't know which will come first.

In the future, if the new crown prince comes to power, the East Palace will be given up, and they will either be exiled or choose another place to resettle.And waiting for the new emperor to ascend the throne in the future, they will surely die, because the crown prince is the only eldest son, and the new emperor will not allow such a threatening person to live by his side.

Thinking of this hopeless future, Chu Zhen sighed deeply, looked at her hands, there was no servant to serve her wholeheartedly, she did everything by herself.This winter is cold, and there is not enough charcoal. Her hands are already rough and dull.

At this time, the door of the East Palace opened, and an eunuch appeared in the hall that had not been seen for a long time, kneeling on the ground.

Chu Zhen glanced at the person in front of her in a daze, and asked, "What day is it today, so lively?"

The eunuch replied, "Today is the Empress Dowager's birthday. To show his filial piety, the Emperor held a birthday banquet in the Huangji Hall. The Empress Dowager was merciful and ordered the servants to bring some meals to the East Palace."

It turned out to be the Empress Dowager's birthday, Chu Zhen's eyes revealed a hint of helpless bitterness, remembering that in the past, she was also a part of the luxurious and magnificent hall, but now she can only stand here and listen to the laughter outside, and eat two more to enjoy cold food.

Chu Zhen couldn't help sighing, and said, "Let it go."

However, the man did not leave. Chu Zhen was startled and asked in a tight voice, "You gave me poisoned wine?"

(End of this chapter)

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