First-class daughter

Chapter 311 Deja Vu

Chapter 311 Deja Vu
Chapter 311 Deja Vu
"No, no, you are overthinking." The servant said hastily.

"What else do you want to stay?" In the past, the slaves left immediately after the meal was delivered to the door, and no one said a word, but today this person... has not left for a long time, could it be...

Chu Zhen had an intuition that something was wrong, so she stepped forward and said, "Who are you?"

The eunuch raised his head, there were two lines of clear tears on his face, he cried and said, "Your servant, Shuncai, has received His Highness's favor, now seeing His Highness like this, I can't help feeling sad."

Chu Zhen smiled wryly, and said, "I remember you. For more than a year, everyone has made trouble, but you are still willing to express your heart, but, today, in such a situation, I have nothing to give Your reward."

"I don't want rewards for my slaves, my slaves are just being unfair to His Highness." Na Shuncai sighed deeply.

"In the imperial palace, there is always only success or failure, where does the injustice come from?" Chu Zhen said with a cold bitterness on his face.


Chu Zhen's eyes fell on the hesitant eunuch, and she felt that something unusual happened tonight, so she asked, "Who sent you here, please tell me something."

"No one sent a servant here. The servant just happened to be sent here to deliver meals. Seeing His Highness like this, it is not worth it for His Highness. At the beginning, His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness Ninth were on the same boat. When His Highness was deposed, His Highness Ninth was also punished." But now, His Highness Ninth Prince has regained the favor of the emperor and has been reused by the Emperor. Concubine Liang has also been promoted to Noble Concubine, but His Royal Highness Nine has never planned for His Highness the Crown Prince in front of the Emperor. Only the Empress is running around. …It is really……"

Chu Zhen was stunned, and asked, "You said that Concubine Liang was promoted to Concubine, and His Highness Ninth Prince is highly valued by the Emperor."

"Exactly, and this servant also heard that the emperor intends to appoint His Highness the Ninth Highness as the heir apparent. The servant is worried that if His Highness the Ninth Highness is established as the heir apparent, His Highness the Crown Prince will be the first one to deal with." Shuncai said worriedly.

Chu Zhen frowned slowly, and said, "I see, you go down now, don't talk nonsense anymore."

"Yes." Na Shuncai bowed and exited the hall, wiping the tears off his face and showing a cold expression on his face.Walking to the corner, a guard stopped the way and asked:

"The slave told the matter about His Highness the Ninth Highness according to the order. Seeing that the abandoned crown princess is touched, she will definitely blow pillows in front of the abandoned crown prince." Shuncai said.

"Well done, this is your reward from above." The guard put a piece of silver into Shuncai's hands, Shuncai's eyes lit up immediately, he took the silver and left in a hurry.

Chu Zhen sat on the ground, staring at the meal and the pot of wine in front of her for a long time. Thoughts flashed across her pale face. She got up suddenly, and quickly walked back to the deposed prince. She hurriedly opened the door and knelt down. In front of Feng Ming, she picked up the wine in her hand and poured it on his head.

"Ah..." Feng Ming yelled, sat up straight, wiped away the wine in front of him, looked at the abandoned princess in front of him in surprise, and said angrily, "Chu Zhen! Why are you doing this? Now I'm dead One life, even you want to deceive me?"

Chu Zhen bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and said, "Your Highness, Zhen'er woke you up to save your life."

"What are you talking nonsense all of a sudden?" Feng Ming said angrily, wiping the wine off his face.

"Your Highness, do you know what's going on outside?" Chu Zhen asked.

Feng Ming looked at the bleak landscape in front of him, then at the princess in plain clothes, then at himself in poverty, and said, "It doesn't matter to me what the situation outside is like, I'm just a useless person, I can live a day It's been a day."

This long and dark life, and the fact that he would turn against his father if he said he would turn against him, had already wiped out the fighting spirit of the former prince.

"Your Highness, Zhen'er has been pregnant for three months. Our three children before us were all demoted to common people. I really can't bear to have this child be separated from me after he was born. Common people." Chu Zhen knelt on the ground, weeping bitterly.

"Are you pregnant again?" Feng Ming looked at her belly and asked.

"Yes!" Chu Zhen nodded, and said, "Your Highness, now His Highness the Ninth Highness is favored by the emperor, Concubine Liang has been promoted to Noble Concubine, and I heard that the Emperor plans to appoint him as the new crown prince. In the past, you were allies, but today he has never been your Highness." Conspiracy, Your Highness, why don't we give it a go." Chu Zhen is not an idle person, she is a person who can plot and calculate.

Feng Ming frowned, and thought flashed in his eyes, "Yunzheng is rich, have you forgotten?"

"Your Highness! His Ninth Highness is unreliable!" Chu Zhen knelt on the ground and shouted.

"It's just that now that I've been abolished, there's nothing I can do except wait a long time." Feng Ming was helpless.

"Your Highness, do you dare?" Chu Zhen straightened up, looked closely at her husband, and asked.

"Could it be that Zhen'er has a good plan?" Feng Ming asked.

"Your Highness, anyway, you will not be able to die in the future. If you live on like this, you might as well give it a go. Today is the Empress Dowager's birthday, and I will definitely not kill you. Besides, for the sake of the fetus in my womb, the Emperor will forgive me. " There were flames in Chu Zhen's eyes, she had great ambitions, how could she be willing to live here for the rest of her life, counting the days day by day, waiting for death to come?
"..." Feng Ming remained silent, he stood up, walked outside the study, looked up at the tall sycamore tree in the courtyard, there was a full moon on the top of the tree, and the Kongming lanterns rose in the sky, singing and laughing from time to time came.

Chu Zhen followed behind him, her fists clenched tightly in her sleeves, she was waiting, waiting for Feng Ming's awakening!
Suddenly, Feng Ming walked under the tree, grabbed hold of the trunk, and climbed up vigorously until he reached the trunk.

Seeing this, Chu Zhen showed a smile on her face, but her eyes were full of hot tears. She gritted her teeth, pulled out the hairpin on her head, rolled up her sleeves, and ruthlessly, three deep marks slid down her arms, blood gushing After coming out, she knelt on the ground and said to Feng Ming on the tree:
"Your Highness, Zhen'er lives and dies with you!"

Emperor Palace.

The Empress Dowager was old, so she was accompanied by Princess An, and went back to the Shouning Palace to rest. The dancers in the palace were dancing a dance of a foreign race. The emperor's eyes fell on the woman who led the dance. , with a face like a peach blossom, when meeting the emperor's gaze, he bowed his head and smiled sweetly.

When the queen saw her, a sneer appeared on the corner of her lips. She turned her head and said to Xue Li, the maid beside her, "After the banquet, bring the girl who leads the dance to Changchun Palace."

"Yes." Xueli understood that the emperor took his fancy to the girl, and the empress immediately took her there to train her, and after careful inspection, she sent her to the emperor's tent.

However, Lian Siyue's eyes could not help falling on the maid serving in front of His Royal Highness's birth mother, Concubine Liang. For some reason, this maid gave her a somewhat familiar feeling, as if she had seen her somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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