First-class daughter

Chapter 312 A cold sweat

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

what happened?After her rebirth, she has never had any contact with Concubine Liang, and she doesn't know anything about the people in her palace. Why does this maid give her a feeling of deja vu?
At this moment, Lian Siyue saw an eunuch leaning over beside Lian Jue and saying something, a look of doubt flashed across Lian Jue's face, then he got up and followed the eunuch out.

Lian Siyue subconsciously looked at Concubine Xu Xian's position, only to find that Concubine Xu Xian had already left at some point.

This is strange, the emperor has not left yet, Concubine Xian stepped back first.

Lian Jue followed the eunuch out of the Huangji Hall, and walked all the way to the west. Lian Jue followed behind step by step, watching the surroundings vigilantly, and secretly clenched the fist in his sleeve.

"Master Lian, please stay here for a while, and wait for the servant to go and inform Princess Eleven." When he walked in front of a palace, the eunuch saluted Lian Jue and said.

"En." Lian Jue nodded.

At this moment, the night was getting deeper, and the wind blew through the treetops, making a series of sounds, which sounded whirring, and actually felt a little gloomy.

Lian Jue was standing under a tree at the moment, and there were dense flower bushes in his front, back, left, and right sides, and there were unknown little bugs running through the flower bushes, making weird noises in the quiet night.

Lian Siyue walked out of the Huangji Hall from Lian Jue, and quietly followed her all the way. When she got behind Lian Jue, she was about to step forward, but suddenly found that the place where Lian Jue was standing was directly above his head. A black snake is spitting out a scarlet snake core and approaching Lian Jue!

This black snake exudes a terrifying cold light in the dark night.

Lian Siyue's heart trembled, seeing the snake slide down quickly, it was about to bite Lian Jue!
"Jue'er!" Lian Siyue screamed and rushed towards Lian Jue. At the same time, Lian Jue also felt a sudden wind approaching, and his whole body turned sideways!
The two siblings fell to the ground together, and Lian Jue quickly blocked Lian Siyue with his sleeve——

The snake just fell from the tree and landed on the spot where Lian Jue was standing just now!

"It's a poisonous snake!"

Lian Siyue lifted Lian Jue's sleeves and saw——

Where Lian Jue was standing just now, there happened to be a puddle of blood, thick blood, the snake would rush over impatiently when it smelled the bloody smell, if it landed on Lian Jue and bit him, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Sister!" Lian Jue was still in shock, carefully checking whether Lian Siyue was injured.

"It's coming!" Lian Siyue clenched her fists suddenly, and the snake, which was as thick as a forearm, squirmed towards them quickly. It turned out that the edge of Lian Jue's robe was stained with blood!

With a condensed face, Lian Jue decisively blocked Lian Siyue behind him, and pulled out a gold hairpin from Lian Siyue's body with a swipe!
Almost at the same time, the big black snake suddenly stood upright, spitting out its snake core, and rushed towards Lianjue. Lianjue's eyes were fixed, a cluster of flames burst out from his eyes, and the gold hairpin in his hand was fast and fierce. Stab out!
"Je'er!" Lian Siyue shouted with wide-eyed eyes!

There was only a popping sound, and the golden hairpin pierced the big black snake's throat alive, piercing through!
The snake's mouth was only a fist away from him!

He slammed it violently on the ground, the snake wriggled a few times on the ground, and finally stopped moving!Blood spurted out from the place where the gold hairpin was inserted and fell on the ground, it looked very scary!
"It's okay, sister!" Lian Jue turned around and said while holding Lian Siyue's arm tightly, only then did he realize that both of them had cold sweat on their faces!

It was really hanging by a thread just now!
"What's going on?" At this time, several patrolling guards hurried over when they heard the movement, and were stunned when they saw the big black snake dead on the ground. The leading guard recognized Lian Siyue and Lian Jue. ——

"Miss, young master, are you all right?"

Lian Siyue said in a deep voice to the leading guard, "A snake almost bit us to death just now, and was subdued by Lian Jue. Look, what kind of snake is this?"

The leading guard stepped forward, looked down for a while, and said, "This is a cobra, which is extremely poisonous. Basically, there are no snakes in the palace, let alone poisonous snakes. It's amazing."

When Lian Siyue heard it, she already had a conclusion in her heart——

This is someone who wants to use a poisonous snake to kill Lianjue!

She clenched her fist secretly, a coldness flashed in her eyes, Lian Jue said indifferently——

"Sister, that person hasn't given up yet."

At this time, Feng Yunzheng also walked over quickly. Seeing the situation in front of him, he walked quickly to Lian Siyue and asked:
"Is there something wrong?" He said unconsciously, and his fear was revealed in his voice.

Lian Siyue raised her head and said, "Je'er killed the snake in time, I'm fine."

Someone wants to attack Lian Jue in the palace?Feng Yunzheng's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a hint of coldness. Suddenly, there was a frank voice from the other side of the bushes, and then a figure flashed past——

"Catch him!" Feng Yunzheng ordered immediately.

"Yes!" The guard took the order and immediately chased after it, while the remaining two caught the snake.

"Keep it until the king summons you." Feng Yunzheng ordered.


Lian Jue snorted coldly, and said, "Do you have to force me? I hide, but she is trying hard to force me."

"Your Highness, I will never allow anyone to think badly about Jue'er!" Lian Siyue's tone was already cold.

"Then it will definitely teach her a lesson!" Feng Yunzheng said indifferently, with a trace of indifference on the corners of his lips, "Go back to the Emperor's Hall first, the bloody storm tonight may not have officially started yet."

The three of them walked into the hall together——

"By the way, Your Highness, what's the name of the maid serving beside the imperial concubine?" Lian Siyue suddenly remembered something and asked.

Feng Yunzheng thought for a while, and said, "The maid serving tonight is named Fangyou, and she has been by my concubine's side for some years."

Fangyou?Lian Siyue thought back in her mind, was there such a person in the previous life?Why can't I remember anything all of a sudden?
"Your Highness..." At this moment, a maid's voice came, and even Siyue took a look——

It was Fangyou who made her feel suspicious.

I saw that she walked in front of Feng Yunzheng, nodded, and said, "Your Highness, Madam, please go over."

"I'm leaving now." Feng Yunzheng replied.

"..." At this moment, Lian Siyue took two steps, but suddenly stopped, bent over and covered her abdomen, looking in pain.

"Sister..." Lian Jue quickly supported her.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you, what's wrong?" Feng Yunzheng's heart skipped a beat, and he walked quickly to Lian Siyue's side, and asked in a tight voice.

"Your Highness, I was probably frightened by the snake just now. I feel very uncomfortable now. My stomach hurts and my head hurts. Can you find a place to rest for me? I don't want to disturb the Queen Mother and the Emperor." Lian Siyue's face With a painful expression on his face, he looked at Feng Yunzheng pleadingly, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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