Chapter 318
Chapter 318
"Why, can't you tell? I'm going to tell you! You just heard the news about the palace search, so you hurried back to Linhua Palace at the risk of digging out the witchcraft wooden figure that Concubine Liang had buried under the locust locust tree and replaced it with this iron Birch, look at your luxurious shoes and boots, they are still stained with yellow mud, which is what you stepped on under the tree when digging the wooden man, and what I said is right." The queen pointed at Feng Yunzheng's shoes Boots, approaching step by step, asked.

Everyone followed the queen's hand to look over, and there was indeed yellow mud on the sole of Feng Yunzheng's shoe.

"Why, I have nothing to say." A smug smile appeared on the Queen's face, and Feng Qianyue, who was behind her, was seen, and the stone that was stuck in her heart was also released——

He is worthy of being the master of the harem, and he is not an idle person.

"Your Majesty, empress..." At this moment, a jade-faced young man in a blue brocade robe suddenly stood up.

"Jueer!" Lian Yanqing wanted to stop it, but it was too late, Lian Jue had already walked to Feng Yunzheng's side, kneeling on the ground.

The emperor looked at the person who came out suddenly, with a twinkle in his eyes, and said, "It's you?"

"Your Majesty, the dog is still young and ignorant, so I will take him away!" Lian Yanqing immediately stepped forward, knelt down and said very clearly that tonight is a bloody battle between the princes, and it doesn't matter who wins or loses now Knowing that at this moment, keeping silent, not favoring anyone, and not getting close to anyone is the most important thing. Seeing that the Xiao family father and son were smart enough not to say a word.

"Lian Xiang, you back away." However, the emperor looked at Lian Jue and waved his hand to repel Lian Yanqing. Lian Yanqing had no choice but to back away anxiously, "What do you want to say?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"What the Empress said is not true, the yellow mud on His Highness's shoes is related to Lian Jue, not to transfer evidence." Lian Jue nodded and said.

"You are a child, what does it have to do with you? This is the imperial palace. If you talk nonsense, there is no eleven to intercede with you!" The queen said coldly displeased when she saw a sudden trick.

"Lian Jue dare not! Just now, Lian Jue and his sister were almost bitten by a poisonous snake in Dongxi Garden. It was His Royal Highness who arrived in time to save our siblings, and asked the guards to catch the snake and deal with it. Yellow mud, look, I also have yellow mud on my shoes." Lian Jue stood up, raised his feet slightly, and said.

"Your Majesty, Empress, what my brother said is true, there is also yellow mud on the hem of my courtier's daughter's skirt, and it was fortunate that His Royal Highness Ninth Prince came to rescue me, otherwise, we, brother and sister, would have been almost bitten to death by a poisonous snake." At this time, Lian Siyue also stood up, stood beside Lian Jue, and said.

Everyone saw that Lian Siyue's skirt was indeed stained with yellow mud.

Feng Yunzheng turned his head, and Lian Siyue's eyes met in mid-air, and the two nodded slightly at the same time——

Although the front is dangerous, it feels so good to fight side by side!
"This..." The queen's face suddenly changed, and she was at a loss for words.

"I don't know where that poisonous snake is now? How could there be a poisonous snake in this beautiful palace? It's really unheard of." Xiao Zhenhai's eldest son, Xiao Shan, saw Lian Jue and Lian Siyue coming out to speak in front of the emperor, but he couldn't hold back after all. , asked.

"Master Xiao, if you don't believe that His Royal Highness saved our siblings, you might as well call the guards in the palace, the poisonous snake must still be there." Lian Siyue looked at Xiao Shan quietly, his eyes were as bright as the moon in the sky, road.

When Concubine Xu Xian heard them talking about the snake, her eyes flickered slightly, and she silently squeezed the handkerchief in her hand tightly.

Xiao Shan blushed, glared at Lian Siyue, and said, "Lian Siyue, don't deliberately misinterpret my meaning, I didn't say I don't believe His Highness Ninth Prince, I'm just curious about how there are poisonous snakes."

"Come here, bring the poisonous snake." Feng Yunzheng glanced at Xiao Shan indifferently, and said.

After a while, the guard who dealt with the poisonous snake hurried in with a cage, and everyone saw that there was indeed a snake inside——

"This is a cobra, and it is indeed highly poisonous, Your Majesty." Jiang Keji stepped forward to take a look, and said.

"Where did this snake come from?" the emperor asked the guard.

The guard answered truthfully, and the result was no different from what the Lian family siblings said.

"Your Majesty, is it true that the Ninth Highnesses are all innocent? The yellow mud on the feet is not what the Empress said, it was left by transferring stolen goods." Lian Jue looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng honestly and asked.

"All of you get up." Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his hand and said.

"Your Majesty!" The queen was still unwilling, she crossed the crowd and looked at Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue nodded at her——

I'm sorry, queen mother, it's not that the minister insists on using you. In fact, you also want your son to escape the sea of ​​suffering, don't you?

The queen was heartbroken, and said, "This is the end of the matter, but there is one thing that I still have to mention. The abolished prince was charged with many crimes, but how many things were done by Yun Zheng in the name of the abolished prince!"

"Empress, why do you say that..." Seeing that the queen suddenly blamed Feng Yunzheng for what the abolished prince did, Concubine Liang hurriedly said, "Zheng'er has also been punished, and now Zheng'er is devoted to the emperor, but Never did anything wrong!"

Lian Siyue looked at the queen quietly. She knew that the queen had been acting cautiously after the prince was deposed. She had been waiting for an opportunity to vindicate the deposed prince, and she was also secretly eradicating some dissident forces.

But this time, she changed her cautious style, so impatient, it seemed that she was bewitched.

Back then, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince was part of the Prince's faction, and he did his best for the Prince, and because the Prince was driven out of the Golden Palace by the emperor, now, the Empress stepped on His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince without hesitation for the sake of the Prince!

these people--

Even the posture of turning face and denying people is the same.

Hehe... There was a slight indifferent smile on the corner of her lips.

"Concubine Liang, what about Nancheng?" The queen said, "To tell you the truth, Yunzheng committed numerous crimes during the construction of the canal in Nancheng, one of which was to lure Liang Lishu, the daughter of the governor of Nancheng Liang Xifan, until she became pregnant. , but occupying his identity as the prince and abandoning it! This is well known in Nancheng, but Dudu Liang dared not speak out because he was afraid of the identity of Prince Yunzheng. A few days ago, Ben Gong accidentally heard It was a shock to see this.”

"What..." Emperor Zhou Cheng was quite shocked when he heard this, and asked, "I don't think Zheng'er is this kind of person."

"Your majesty, the concubine didn't believe it at first, but the matter was so important, so the concubine sent someone to Nancheng to inquire about the matter, only to find that Liang Lishu's child was gone, and now she is a crazy person, always chanting With Yun Zheng's name, it's really pitiful.

Your Majesty, if this matter is true, it means that Yun Zheng is ruining the prestige of the Emperor, and the common people don't know what to say about the Emperor. "

When the queen said this, everyone was quite surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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