Chapter 319
Chapter 319
"Such frivolous news deserves to be sent by the Empress to investigate in Nancheng. You really surprised Anguo more and more."

At this time, a cold voice sounded in the hall, only to see Princess Anguo in a beautiful dress, walking in, followed by several princesses and eunuchs, she glanced at the queen's face indifferently, then walked up to the emperor, nodded, Said, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager had just rested, and when she heard that something happened in Linhua Palace, she asked Anguo to come and have a look."

"Come here, show Princess An a seat." The emperor ordered.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Princess An Guo sat down at the seat of the emperor's lower head.

There were only two people sitting at the scene, one was the emperor and the other was Princess An.

"Princess, the matter of Yunzheng is not the lace news that the princess thinks. Then Liang Lishu has already gone all the way to the capital, beating drums everywhere in the capital to complain, saying that the Ninth Prince was in chaos and finally abandoned, which is really damaging the reputation of the emperor. This palace has no choice but to pay attention to it." This matter." The Queen said to Princess An.

"Oh? Really?" Princess An Guo looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng and said, "Your Majesty, An Guo also wants to see how Yun Zheng ruined the Emperor's prestige."

"Queen, since that's the case, why don't you tell me about it." The emperor said.

"Yes, my concubine obeys the order, come here!" The queen gave Feng Yunzheng a cold look, and then said loudly, "Bring Liang Lishu, the daughter of Liang Xifan."

After a while, a woman in yellow clothes came in supported by two nuns. This was Liang Lishu, the daughter of Governor Liang Xifan who was known as the most beautiful woman in Nancheng. It was for His Royal Highness Feng Yunzheng, but Feng Yunzheng didn't even look at it.

Even Siyue's keen eyes fell on the governor's daughter——

This person is indeed beautiful, her eyebrows are like green feathers, her muscles are like white snow, and her waist is plain. However, her expression looks a little weird, her face is almost transparent, her eyes are dull, and her expression is dull. I didn't know how to kneel down to salute, and seemed to be muttering to myself all the time, but I couldn't hear what she was saying, obviously she was a crazy person.

"Liang Lishu, just take a look, is there anyone you know here?" the queen asked.

" beautiful..." However, Liang Lishu didn't seem to have heard the queen's words. She saw the swaying emerald butterfly on Princess An's head, like a beggar. He jumped up like a child.

"Bold, dare to be rude to the princess!" Two guards immediately stepped forward and stopped Liang Lishu.

When Liang Lishu saw her, she had a dazed look on her face, and then suddenly threw herself into the arms of the accompanying mother and cried like a child.

The queen frowned slightly, and winked at Xueli. Xueli stepped forward, took a hairpin off her head, and said softly, "This is for you, and I will answer your empress's question properly."

Liang Lishu saw the hairpin, held it in her hand for a while, but suddenly threw it on the ground with a slap, and said in disgust, "It's so ugly, so ugly, don't! Don't!"

What a madman!

Feng Yunzheng looked at her indifferently, but there was a faint murderous look in the eyes that were always warm——

Give him a charge of rebellion and abandonment?hehe.

"Give it to her." Princess An Guo took off the buggy from her head and handed it to her court lady Hexiang. Liang Lishu got the buggy and smiled on her face. She stood obediently and shook the buggy with her hands. shake.

The queen restrained the disgusted look in her eyes, and asked again, "Look again, there is someone you know here."

Liang Lishu held the step in her hands, shook her head, and looked over blankly, but when she saw Feng Yunzheng, her expression suddenly changed, and she ran over with a happy face, saying:
"Your Highness Nine, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Are you here to pick me up and go to the capital?"

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped, did this woman really have an affair with His Highness the Ninth Prince?Was it really because of His Highness the Ninth Prince that he went crazy?Otherwise, why did he recognize him at a glance and say such words.

Feng Yunzheng's face was calm, his eyes looked at the person in front of him indifferently, he wanted to see what she had to say, his unmoving appearance surprised the queen secretly——

Why is he not panicking at all?

Seeing his silent appearance, Liang Lishu suddenly lowered her head, wept sadly, sobbing like a child:
"Your Highness, I lost our child, you, are you angry, ignore Shu'er, my child, my child is gone, it has turned into blood, a lot of blood, he is so pitiful , Your Highness, please save our child."

Lian Siyue's eyes moved quickly on Liang Lishu, she tried to find some flaws to prove that she was pretending to be crazy, but it was obvious that this person was really crazy.

If His Highness Jiu used the prince's reputation to destroy the innocence of the magistrate's daughter, and spread the news that the woman was mad when she became pregnant, it would be a huge blow to His Highness's prestige. To impeach such a prince, the most important thing is that the emperor will no longer trust this son.

When the prince was abolished, one of them was obscene women.

How did this crazy woman go crazy?How did you find Kyoto?How could it be controlled by the queen?This must not be Dudu Liang's original intention, he must not have such courage as a local official!

As for the empress, she lived in the harem, if someone hadn't deliberately told her, she would not have known about the insanity of a magistrate's daughter.

Then, someone must have planned this series of events behind the scenes, who is it? ——

Lian Siyue's icy eyes fell on Feng Qianyue——

It's him!It must be him!His Royal Highness has been back from Nancheng for more than half a year. Only he has the ability and patience to unravel some subtle things, study and wait for many years, and then find a breakthrough to catch people's Achilles' heel. Use it to hit your opponent with one hit.

And among them, it must be inseparable from the collusion of Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao's father and son!

The first is the technique of witchcraft, and the second is to destroy people's innocence. If the two crimes are convicted, His Highness Ninth Prince will never recover!
In the previous life, Feng Qianyue and Xiao Zhenhai must have also deliberately suppressed him in this way. At that time, he was helpless and ended up in jail, where he died a miserable death.But now, no more, because of her, he used to protect her in every possible way, and now it's her turn!
Her gaze silently fell on Feng Yunzheng's face, revealing a smile, that smile was as warm as spring, just as Feng Yunzheng saw it——

He nodded slightly towards her, showing a smile that only each other could understand.

(End of this chapter)

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